TAKEDA Sidelining VAX Exempted Employees!

1. I have the right to make my own healthcare decisions with input from my doctor, not from my employer!
2. My body, My choice!
3. You do not have the right to force somebody else to take a vaccine to "theoretically" protect you!
4. You go take care of yourself, let others do the same. Don't tread on me!!!
5. If your OK giving in to vaccine mandates, get ready for all kinds of new incoming shit you may not like!

This is exactly right, especially #3! If the vaccine is so protective, then why are you vaxers so forceful?
Before you smart off, I'm well aware your so called scientific rebuttal and the facts don't help you. Save your breath and read #4. Cheers!

Really? Is that what you believe? What a baseless sack of shit. Should we let all the terminally ill die from cancer because they load up hospital beds? How about the obese sacks of shit that are a drain on society? The problem with you people is that you have no principles. You never had principles or fought for them because it's easier to bend over and give in. This is about sovereignty over one's body. Not about a vax. I feel bad for how f'ing stupid you are.

The huge price to pay is by the taxpayers when all the un-vaxxed demand the monoclonal antibodies once you get Covid. And how about those ICU costs? There’s a reason the ICUs are mostly filled with the un-vaxxed.

Does takeda realize people are at home saying that mom or dad might not have a job because of a bunch of fauci wannabes are telling their employees to jam something in their body. It's sick. Put yourself in that role or that home. You are deplorable and disgusting

Does takeda realize people are at home saying that mom or dad might not have a job because of a bunch of fauci wannabes are telling their employees to jam something in their body. It's sick. Put yourself in that role or that home. You are deplorable and disgusting

you are the deplorable. look, I am a Republican and I detest liberals, but there are no scientific, data driven or religious reasons not to get vaccinated against Covid for most people. the ONLY reasons are political.

This company is the joke of the industry. Management speaks in cliches all the time and they spew their progressive political views to their employees. I am sick of them. I’m not getting the jab and hope they show me the door. I have videos from the forced conversations about white privileged during the George Floyd bullshit and recordings after the Jan 6 event at the capital. Let me GO! I feel good about my chances with you in court. Commy Bastards!

you are the deplorable. look, I am a Republican and I detest liberals, but there are no scientific, data driven or religious reasons not to get vaccinated against Covid for most people. the ONLY reasons are political.

This is not about republican or democrat. Stop trying to align concerns with a political party. There are dems, independents, republicans who are opposed to the mandates with not getting answers to questions.
Perfect example is if you have had Covid and recovered, why do you need a vaccine? That’s virtue signaling and companies forcing employees to do things that leadership agrees with (likely for financial gain). That makes no sense.

you are the deplorable. look, I am a Republican and I detest liberals, but there are no scientific, data driven or religious reasons not to get vaccinated against Covid for most people. the ONLY reasons are political.
Politics have nothing to do with it. You are showing your complete ignorance. Open your eyes and watch as your rights and liberties are taken away. The Fed has no authority over what i put in my body.

Politics have nothing to do with it. You are showing your complete ignorance. Open your eyes and watch as your rights and liberties are taken away. The Fed has no authority over what i put in my body.

I bet you weren't so tough when your kids got vaccinated to be able to attend school. My guess is that you are vaccinated against things. Why is this one different if not politics.

Bottom line, idiots like you are the control group and you don't even know it.


You guys are lucky you don't work for Lundbeck! The only thing we have going for us is that they don't seem to mind that we only work a couple of hours a day. I guess that's something.