T. Melendez

You're right. This its unhealthy. At some point you have to move on. If for any other reason than to make up for the lost time and agrivation of having worked under someone like this. Having said that, its kinda creepy that long list sounds just like him. So spot on that I had almost forgotten how insane he is.

Move on, not likely, not when reminders are there everyday. What would it take for you to move on if something of great importance was stolen from you. Don't trivialize what this piece of human excrement has done to several people, with the help of the criminals like Odis. Pussies like Odis and his gang have chosen not to move on and continue to defame people after the fact with fucking lie upon lie, I have witnessed them do it.

Is your issue with Tom or with Odis and his laughable colleagues in upper management? If OP is maneuvering the situation and TM is just a puppet in the game then you need to redirect your frustration and anger (justified) at the right target. Do you really think TM has the power to control this much and and impact so many people? You're barking up the wrong tree!
Ask the ASM's how much of their job is dictated and mandated by Odis and you will find the source of the problem.

Is your issue with Tom or with Odis and his laughable colleagues in upper management? If OP is maneuvering the situation and TM is just a puppet in the game then you need to redirect your frustration and anger (justified) at the right target. Do you really think TM has the power to control this much and and impact so many people? You're barking up the wrong tree!
Ask the ASM's how much of their job is dictated and mandated by Odis and you will find the source of the problem.

If it weren't for Odis and HR Tom would have been gone a long time ago and a lot of good people would still have there jobs. TM deserves every bit of backlash from his actions and I wouldn't be surprised if that little coward told people that Odis made him act the way he does. Odis deserves to burn in hell right beside him. Tom would be lucky if he could control a piece of wood, he is just a little bitch like his sweetheart Odis.

Yes! I did it! Number 8 is gone. I am the man! Seriously who else can get rid of 8 reps and make it look so good. Who's next?! How about I hit a baker's dozen by years end. Afterall, I have to keep claiming its the reps fault, right? No? Oh well, cheers and kudos to you all!

Forget that, cheers and kudos to me! 8 gone in 2 years!

Yes! I did it! Number 8 is gone. I am the man! Seriously who else can get rid of 8 reps and make it look so good. Who's next?! How about I hit a baker's dozen by years end. Afterall, I have to keep claiming its the reps fault, right? No? Oh well, cheers and kudos to you all!

Forget that, cheers and kudos to me! 8 gone in 2 years!

Who is his latest victim that obviously couldn't prosper under his leadership?

Oh he could cut it, his numbers were great. He just had to make up a bunch of stuff to pressure him out because he had witnessed to much. Like that incident with a customer's wife. Or how he ran his partner out of the company by fabricatong things. Funny how everyone who witnessed his drunkin indecent act is gone now? Isn't that ironic?

National meeting should be a great place for the newbies to know what kind of shit they got themselves into. This guy has the worst most disorganized breakouts, you want to shoot yourself by the end of the day. I dread spending a week near this loser. Someone steal his issued power point notes, he won't be able to speak without them. How about it Hotshot.

How did you pull off negative growth in Convenia???

Another clean slate...I guess three strikes and your out does not apply to pfizer fantasyland. Who are you going to blame 2010 on??

Pfizer created, encouraged, and enabled a new kind of criminal with the likes of Tom M. and Odis P.

Theft by deception comes to mind every time I here these idiots speak or make up some excuse for their own poor performance. Have either one of you ass clowns ever taking ownership or accountability for anything in your life?

The most damaging asms are those with real mental problems. They get into this position of power and authority, combined with whatever psychiatric illness they may have (most don't realize they have one) and it makes it an impossible work environment. Like serial killers, there's a level of intelligence that gives them the ability to hide their illness from the RSD's, while the reps suffer under the passive aggressive and narcissistic tactics used to manage.

For someone with true mental illness, the asm position is the perfect storm for someone perhaps marginalized in other aspects of their lives or not having a healthy family life or relationships outside of work (i.e no friends, etc) This causes problems in many ways, one of them being the asm taking out their frustrations or playing out their fantasies of control on the people they manage. Some asms in the company have slipped through the cracks and ascended to levels of authority while having these illnesses.

I think the company, if it truly wants 'transformation' needs to start screening and re-evaluating the the psychological profiles of asm's every few years. For the reps that work for these managers, work-life is truly hell. Lets have a great meeting

Wow what happened to the NY area?

Gee I don't know. Let's see, 8 reps gone, our manager's a nut job that keeps persacuting us because we hit him with a top 10 list of things we'd like him to do better which got leaked to HR and the RSM. He hit on a customer's wife in a drunken stupor at a program. Then did his best to get rid of every rep that knew anything about it. Pushed out a rep that worked here for 40 plus yrs dating back to pre-merger that reps looked up to. He alters facts, takes no personal accontability.. We can just go on and on. At least the meeting's over.

Another year of piss poor performance under your belt. 2010 should be another one for the record books. You will go down as the worst manager of all time at not only Pfizer Animal Health but Pfizer as a whole.