T. Melendez

I lost 8 reps (granted they left because of me). But its a valid excuse, right? I mean i know some of them were really good but hey a managers gotta have an excuse, right? Oh well, have to get back to work , I mean scorching the earth.


Yes I did it. I got another one to quit. Number 9 bites the dust. And to show you I am even handed, this one's a female. Dam I may hit a baker's dozen by 2011 after all. Can't wait to hit doublew digits on employee turnover. 9 in 2 yrs, damn i am good. Cheers and kudos to you all.


This was posted up on 8/2006 on hus old enployers' board. Talk about seeing the future! He's certafiable! Guess history is doomed to repeat itself after all. Read below:

If you work for him now, one piece of
advice. Run away, run far and run fast.
He's not evil. He's kinda like a junkie, he
can't help himself, he can't help the way
he treats his reps. He's a total control
freak. Looks for the mistakes and then nails you for it again, and again and
again. If you don't fit his image of what a
rep should be, then you can kiss your job
goodbye. No matter what your numbers
look like. And if you have lagging sales
even for a short while, then you're really out. His reps left him at Medpointe, they
left him at ferndale and they'll leve him
at his current company. He'll never get it
and he'll never understand what it takes
to be a leader.

This was posted up on 8/2006 on hus old enployers' board. Talk about seeing the future! He's certafiable! Guess history is doomed to repeat itself after all. Read below:

If you work for him now, one piece of
advice. Run away, run far and run fast.
He's not evil. He's kinda like a junkie, he
can't help himself, he can't help the way
he treats his reps. He's a total control
freak. Looks for the mistakes and then nails you for it again, and again and
again. If you don't fit his image of what a
rep should be, then you can kiss your job
goodbye. No matter what your numbers
look like. And if you have lagging sales
even for a short while, then you're really out. His reps left him at Medpointe, they
left him at ferndale and they'll leve him
at his current company. He'll never get it
and he'll never understand what it takes
to be a leader.

I think its safe to say that this is what psychologists call serial and pathalogical behavior. The same cycle being repeated over and over again. Man is he screwed up.

Wow. 8 of 9 employees that were pushed out by this mental case were male....sounds like TM has some envy....glad to hear he followed at least one HR policy, he is an equal opportunity destroyer...Sad that no one in Upper Management sees (they see it, but amazing what alcohol blindness will do) what this head case does to his reps. It is obvious, and noted by all except for the people who can do something about it. Seeing so many talented reps forced to leave because of psychopathic treatment (and certainly not due to performance) and there being no questions asked says a whole lot about not only TM, but the company/environment as a whole. Hello...HR? Leadership Team? Anyone home???

This was posted up on 8/2006 on hus old enployers' board. Talk about seeing the future! He's certafiable! Guess history is doomed to repeat itself after all. Read below:

If you work for him now, one piece of
advice. Run away, run far and run fast.
He's not evil. He's kinda like a junkie, he
can't help himself, he can't help the way
he treats his reps. He's a total control
freak. Looks for the mistakes and then nails you for it again, and again and
again. If you don't fit his image of what a
rep should be, then you can kiss your job
goodbye. No matter what your numbers
look like. And if you have lagging sales
even for a short while, then you're really out. His reps left him at Medpointe, they
left him at ferndale and they'll leve him
at his current company. He'll never get it
and he'll never understand what it takes
to be a leader.

Well whomever posted this almost had it right.
He is evil.
He could not control a stick. He is like a bad cop with a badge, absolutely no power without it and very little with it.
Sales numbers are really irrelevant.
The first person that promoted psycho boy into mgt should be ...not to mention the people who hired him and kept him at PAH.

You obviously don't work for this maniac, so what do you know? It's the definition of hell on earth. The man has more run ins with HR than any other manager in CAD. When he's not sexually harassing a customer's wife, he's making up crap about his reps to cover up for his own screw ups. Most noteabally against the most decorated and tenured CAD rep in the company and the AE who he's now trying to get fired based on a vendetta from the afore mentioned sexual harassment case against T.M.. Jealous has nothing to do with what is outright unethical behavior on his part. Just ask yourself this, why does he only last less than three years at every company he's managed at? Now we know the answer. And the worst part of it all is that Pfizer CAD and HR do nothing about any of this. His whole district banded together and issued an e mail with 10 things he needed to improve on and that made its way back to HR. Again, they did nothing. His response was to chastise anyone that he felt was vocal in making that list. He conducted his own little witch hunt that he's still doing to this day. He accused some of us of being unprofessional and unethical; ironically thats exactly what he is. One of those 10 requests was to stop making things up and speaking factual inacuracies about everthing and everyone. He's essentially a compulsive liar. Like an earlier post mentioned, like a junkie, he just can't help himself. I heard that firing him would be an admission of guilt and open the flood gates of liability on the company. As usual HR does nothing each time he screws up. I have news for them, if the company keeps turning a blind eye to good old T.M., they're going to get the pants sued off of them for allowing all of this. There's certainly enough proof to go around. We've all worked along side quack reps, is it so hard to believe that there's such a thing as a quack manager? One that never should have been given this level of responsability because he can't help but screw up and act wreckless? That esentially sums him up. We're not jealous, it's just that we've had about enough of our manager selling us down the river to deflect attention away from his screw ups. This job should be about sales and results, not the reaccurent scandle and distraction that he brings upon us. You have no idea what its like to go to a National meeting and have reps and inside personel ask you who your manager is and when you tell them they remark, "Oh yeah, the most dysfunctional team in the company, what the hell is going on over there?" Or better yet, "Oh yeah, I've heard of your manager, I am so sorry." It's all a reflection of the environment he's created. If the economy weren't shot to hell, trust me, most would leave the toxic environment he's created.

Greatest hits Volume 2.

This is really funny to read all this. It explains a lot. I interviewed with this guy and he seemed really odd, something seemed strange but I figured maybe I was misreading him. Said he would call me to schedule a fourth interview because he liked what he saw and never did. He actually sought me out and dropped me after two in-person interviews and one phone whithout telling me I was out of the search. Didn't return my e-mails, didn't return phone calls. No professional curtosy what so ever to let me know I was out. He did seem to have an inflated opinion of himself and a major ego. Kept saying he was on the top of the ladder in terms of sales at Pfizer. Odd speech affect. Then I asked around in veterinary circles. Turns out he did me a favor no extending me an offer based on what I was told.

T. Melendez is a great manager.. that is if you actually do your job correctly. I have no complaints about him. He just wants you to sell and that is what we are here to do. For all of you to waste your time blogging about someone it is sad and pathetic. You must all be layed off to have this much free time on your hands. You should get a life or better of.. a JOB.

T. Melendez is a great manager.. that is if you actually do your job correctly. I have no complaints about him. He just wants you to sell and that is what we are here to do. For all of you to waste your time blogging about someone it is sad and pathetic. You must all be layed off to have this much free time on your hands. You should get a life or better of.. a JOB.

Thanks tom. You are not a manager. You are a con man that has scammed his way into a position that you were never qualified for. As for performance and doing your job, I have seen neither from you. You are a loser.

Thanks tom. You are not a manager. You are a con man that has scammed his way into a position that you were never qualified for. As for performance and doing your job, I have seen neither from you. You are a loser.

Wow, really?! Great manager huh? Well you must be right. Let's see,how many reps did he run out of town in the first three plus years. There was JC, BM, RB,GM, KA, AR, JB, JG, KS. He's been ranked at the bottom 1/4 of the company. Yes indeed, you're right...He's a great manager!