Systagenix/Wound Care

WTF First, we are told Hey guys great news we are now going to pay you for that old shit product that we didn't use to pay you for. But the bad news is that our 2 biggest sellers are scheduled to loose reimbursement. But don't worry we are working on it.

Now to ad to our shit sandwich they say. You know all that work you did building Epifix, MiMedx wants to thank you. You did a great job, but they are now going to be taking over. I know you thought you were going to make a ton of money on it but don't worry in 2014 when me might get Wound Check you'll be able to sell that 25 dollar crap to them to make sure the reps selling a shit load of 4 thousand dollar grafts get better results.

Again just so you know we are not going to leave you in the cold though.

Until recently I was always eager to drink the company Kool-Aid because I want to believe in Systagenix, but am currently finding it to taste more like a diarrhea milkshake (pretty shitty).

Does this diarrhea milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?!?!?

Do you think corp at some point will address the Medicare reimbursement change coming in June in regards to collagen dressings? It could be good, but could also cripple us depending on Medicare's decision. It would be nice to learn about this from our company rather than hearing from a DME rep who is threatening to swap P and P business.

When will you clowns figure out that it's not up to DME reps what product gets moved within clinic?! All they do is fill orders placed by nurses and signed by Docs. When DME reps think their day is going bad they read about how bad things are here and feel better. And now your only 2 products which sell aren't reimburseable through Medicare, and your corporate office claims it's going to "Get it's own code"? Cuz that happens all the time...

When will you clowns figure out that it's not up to DME reps what product gets moved within clinic?! All they do is fill orders placed by nurses and signed by Docs. When DME reps think their day is going bad they read about how bad things are here and feel better. And now your only 2 products which sell aren't reimburseable through Medicare, and your corporate office claims it's going to "Get it's own code"? Cuz that happens all the time...

DME reps most certainly can move product through a clinic. Yes, if an order is written for a specific product then they will fill it most of the time, but generic orders are up to them. That happens all the time. Also, DME's can provide data to other reps on where large amounts of a particular business is so they can better target the clinic and then let the clinic know their product is available through the DME. This backdoor selling happens all the time too. With the possibility of reibursement changes coming, DME's will be setting up some alternative vendors to step in. Actually, the DME company will make more money (profit) in most cases providing another collagen. This is their excuse to finally cut ties with arrogant monster formerly known as J&J. I think they are quite happy about this actually. Who doesn't want to make more money. The only reason they liked the current product is becasue it was written for all the time and they made good money off of daily change orders. Plus, it works well. If they made good money off the Systagenix product, they would make a killing of other products with equal reibursement. But, If they even tried subbing product the Systagenix rep would threaten to have another DME rep brought in. Now, there will be no threats, and no fault of a DME to bring in a more profitable product. Let the "Collagen Wars" begin.

DME reps most certainly can move product through a clinic. Yes, if an order is written for a specific product then they will fill it most of the time, but generic orders are up to them. That happens all the time. Also, DME's can provide data to other reps on where large amounts of a particular business is so they can better target the clinic and then let the clinic know their product is available through the DME. This backdoor selling happens all the time too. With the possibility of reibursement changes coming, DME's will be setting up some alternative vendors to step in. Actually, the DME company will make more money (profit) in most cases providing another collagen. This is their excuse to finally cut ties with arrogant monster formerly known as J&J. I think they are quite happy about this actually. Who doesn't want to make more money. The only reason they liked the current product is becasue it was written for all the time and they made good money off of daily change orders. Plus, it works well. If they made good money off the Systagenix product, they would make a killing of other products with equal reibursement. But, If they even tried subbing product the Systagenix rep would threaten to have another DME rep brought in. Now, there will be no threats, and no fault of a DME to bring in a more profitable product. Let the "Collagen Wars" begin.

Not a war moron, just sheer clinical differences that you obviously should learn more about. I wonder if you work for another manufacturer and are here to stir shit up. Scumbag!

Not a war moron, just sheer clinical differences that you obviously should learn more about. I wonder if you work for another manufacturer and are here to stir shit up. Scumbag!

Settle down. The poster makes sense. Dmes don't care about clinical, they care about cost. The clinical sell has to be to clinicians. Dmes would sub in a second if they could. Remember the no subs campaign? Wasn't that the point? You sound like corp trying to sound like a rep.

When will you clowns figure out that it's not up to DME reps what product gets moved within clinic?! All they do is fill orders placed by nurses and signed by Docs. When DME reps think their day is going bad they read about how bad things are here and feel better. And now your only 2 products which sell aren't reimburseable through Medicare, and your corporate office claims it's going to "Get it's own code"? Cuz that happens all the time...
Well it is March and still no code while other products are getting reclassified. We may lose our two best money makers.

If we lose reimbursement for P&P then it is only a matter of time that they cut the sales force. Outside of those products this company is dragging serious ass. Sorry but you should be looking for something else unless you have a shit resume and have to stay here as long as possible. Speaking of that there are quite a few still here that have almost 4 years at this dump. I realize you can do practically nothing all day and still collect your 70K base (unless you are a JNJ hold over and then you get 55k, yikes) but the longer you stay the worse it looks on your resume. But hey a job is a job in this market as long as you know this company is basically Dead Man Walking.

If we lose reimbursement for P&P then it is only a matter of time that they cut the sales force. Outside of those products this company is dragging serious ass. Sorry but you should be looking for something else unless you have a shit resume and have to stay here as long as possible. Speaking of that there are quite a few still here that have almost 4 years at this dump. I realize you can do practically nothing all day and still collect your 70K base (unless you are a JNJ hold over and then you get 55k, yikes) but the longer you stay the worse it looks on your resume. But hey a job is a job in this market as long as you know this company is basically Dead Man Walking.

Obviously, you don't work here anymore. Just go away loser! Stay off our board!

That's true! New leadership is showing the way!! Tielle in the hospital will restore our standing. We are on the warpath! Be positive or go away please! New leadership is keeping their promises!

That's true! New leadership is showing the way!! Tielle in the hospital will restore our standing. We are on the warpath! Be positive or go away please! New leadership is keeping their promises!

Keeping their promise? They must not have promised to provide sales data. We are a almost a quarter of the way thru 2013, and no one has a clue how they are doing. Could be at 50%...could be at 150%... hard to tell without a single sales report yet. It's awfully hard to react to your territory when you're a quarter behind.

Keeping their promise? They must not have promised to provide sales data. We are a almost a quarter of the way thru 2013, and no one has a clue how they are doing. Could be at 50%...could be at 150%... hard to tell without a single sales report yet. It's awfully hard to react to your territory when you're a quarter behind.

History shows we usually start getting Q1 data by late April/Early May. Sucks I know but its been that way for a few years. They have to wait for the tracings to come in and then sort them out.

I know what my customers are buying so I'm not worried about tracings. It's the nature of the beast. First quarter is always slow but catches up.

How in the world do you know what customers are buying? We may see some prisma being used, or know a new product has been ordered for the first time, but there is no way to know what the entire territory is ordering without sales reports. Nice try though corp.