Systagenix/Wound Care

Anyone know what the hell’s going on with our numbers???? They say that last report was only missing 15% but everyone I have talked with is DOWN retarded amounts. If my business cuts in less than half I am pretty dam sure I would know about it. It’s the never ending game of "I'll get you the correct numbers next week" but the next week they say "I’ll get you the real numbers next week". Signed GETTING TIRED OF WORKING FOR FREE (SHOW ME THE MONEY)

Sales are in but not aligned. doesn't look like we will have 2009 numbers until May. The comp plan will pay high performers, but the number is too high and "no one" or should I say "an extreme few" will hit plan. Comp checks will be scarce in 2010. Let's hope for some changes, I'm not holding my breath. "Looking for a new position is not a commitment to move on, but is a recommended contingency plan...sitting back idly could wind up biting you in the backside" Cheers

I'm wondering if they'll ever comment on the NSM survey monkey results, or just sweep that under the rug along with everythng else? Anybody have thoughts on that meeting?

I'm wondering if they'll ever comment on the NSM survey monkey results, or just sweep that under the rug along with everythng else? Anybody have thoughts on that meeting?

This isnt the old J&J days when you had a present waiting for you on your pillow and got to go golfing. But all in all, I dont think it was to bad. I had fun and learned a little. I really think that some of the best things I took away with me I learned interacting with the other reps. Not durring managments powerpoints or stupid skits. So if I were to change anything I would ad more Free time and give options for fun activities to do with your peers. Like go golfing, fishing, a spa day for the gals and those few guys. Things that are fun and give you a chance to learn about and build relationships with your peers. This was missing. Other than that it was an ok meeting in a fairly boaring location. But it doesnt matter where they put the meeting if we have no free time to ever see anything. Might as well be in any rural town if all we are going to see is the inside of our meeting hall and 15 mins of town through the windows of a bus going to our dinner.

This isnt the old J&J days when you had a present waiting for you on your pillow and got to go golfing. But all in all, I dont think it was to bad. I had fun and learned a little. I really think that some of the best things I took away with me I learned interacting with the other reps. Not durring managments powerpoints or stupid skits. So if I were to change anything I would ad more Free time and give options for fun activities to do with your peers. Like go golfing, fishing, a spa day for the gals and those few guys. Things that are fun and give you a chance to learn about and build relationships with your peers. This was missing. Other than that it was an ok meeting in a fairly boaring location. But it doesnt matter where they put the meeting if we have no free time to ever see anything. Might as well be in any rural town if all we are going to see is the inside of our meeting hall and 15 mins of town through the windows of a bus going to our dinner.

Let's get excited about selling silver!! Remaining J&J leadership will pull us through!!!

Problem is: when numbers are posted sometime in the future, I'll have zero confidence that they are accurate or complete. Looks like another messy year, for sales reps anyways.

Does anybody know what really happened to the dictator? Did he leave on his own, get forced out the door, or downright shit-canned? Who hired this clown anyway? Didn't anybody check his past failures before hiring him? They should be let go too!

Scott did a great job in digging this company into a really deep hole in just over a year's time. Does this mean Todd Z. also gets the boot? Hope so!

Systagenix is a great company to be with!!!! Who else is going to pay you at 100% for the 1st quarter eventhough it was not earned. We will make it through the growing pains to be the top wound care company in the WORLD!!!

"The head hunter is telling me that this position is $130-150K at plan. How many reps are at plan? How is the culture, growth opportunties?"

There are ZERO reps currently at plan. No joke! New management here basically knows nothing about how this business model works.

This company SUCKS over promise under deliver!!! The only reason you should want to work for this company is if you are an unemployed pharma rep. If they do not have massive layoffs by the end of the year I will be shocked. You have been warned !!!!!!!!