
Best have high science & Neuro background or these doctors will eat you alive. Even PC docs are well educated in this realm so hit the books. This won't resemble a touchy feely diabetes call, expect big time pathophysiology obstacle handling. Appears to be a good compound, good luck. Let us know when approved as the current sleep meds stink.
I don't need luck. I've been out of PC for years and have sold specialty, hospitals and biologics. This sounded like a good opportunity so I agreed to go. I have never sold diabetes, so I don't know what you are talking about.

The reason they are giving it to contract reps is because they can't market it in its best dose and it will compete with generic ambien. MC isn't going to touch it! People won't pay for it and Merck will not recoup their investment. So Merck is trying it out on contract reps to see how it will do. If they can get the FDA to approve the original dosage, we will re-evaluate. If the contract reps do well, why pay a Merck rep.

I don't believe the Company Car and $80,000 salary. Check with your contract field reps and get the real story. Someone on here is dishing crap!

Nothing against contract reps, you were all of us. Just shows where Merck is heading. They will be doing that with Cardiovascular shortly! Still a good job, if you need one like this.

So what is that pipeline we were all so encouraged about in 2011 when Mark Timney told us we had a job until 2016. Just another corporate liar lining his pockets in another company.
You don't believe the company car and $80k salary? Bahahahahaha.

For a new launch product???????

WT &$&(#U!!

Where the heck do they think they'll get high end science and sales skilled people for that? Better set the objective on that new baby lower than low!! They're definitely aiming for a bubble gum chewing, just graduated college crowd!! They can live in mom's basement, drive a new car and have some jungle for the weekend!

Not a job for the all grown up crowd with things like mortgage and responsibilities looking them in the face!

Rev up for fun!

Curious as to why these jobs were not offered to those who lost their jobs. Nice gesture some might have taken, especially those already in the inventive contract and cut.

Anyone received an offer yet that made it to the final round last week?

Contract rep here, took an offer of 102k. 10 years sleep experience with psychs and neuros. #1 in country every year. Had to fight for the $ but the opening was in the top US market geo. I believe others are around 60-70 doe. No bs here, many variables.

I hope that's not accurate. That stinks.

Overpaid sales force is part of reason we have a dearth of new products. We should have been using resources to find new targets and find more research. If we had done that, we'd have a lot less layoffs and brighter future.

That's what happens when money people take over a science/discovery company. It happened to all the big pharma and now we are all paying the price.

Overpaid sales force is part of reason we have a dearth of new products. We should have been using resources to find new targets and find more research. If we had done that, we'd have a lot less layoffs and brighter future.

That's what happens when money people take over a science/discovery company. It happened to all the big pharma and now we are all paying the price.

Money has been pouring down the drain in MRL and we still have a dearth of targets and products. It is not a more money issue. It is a MRL leadership and talent issue. Throwing good money after bad would have made no difference.

Contract rep here, took an offer of 102k. 10 years sleep experience with psychs and neuros. #1 in country every year. Had to fight for the $ but the opening was in the top US market geo. I believe others are around 60-70 doe. No bs here, many variables.

Range of 48K to 102K?

Sounds very strange. Very strange and bogus.

My take is its probably in the 60K range with 12-15K bonus.

Overpaid sales force is part of reason we have a dearth of new products. We should have been using resources to find new targets and find more research. If we had done that, we'd have a lot less layoffs and brighter future.

That's what happens when money people take over a science/discovery company. It happened to all the big pharma and now we are all paying the price.

You sound like a typical leftist liberal who's solution is to always spend more money to fix a problem. More money is not the solution. Merck has a leadership and talent problem. Especially in MRL.

Contract rep here, took an offer of 102k. 10 years sleep experience with psychs and neuros. #1 in country every year. Had to fight for the $ but the opening was in the top US market geo. I believe others are around 60-70 doe. No bs here, many variables.

Sweetie, please don't spread BS. The maximum for the budget on this contract was $75K even for top US markets. They simply cannot surpass that threshold. I seriously don't understand what people get out of spreading untruths. Maybe makes them feel better about themselves. If so, you should solicit the help of some of your target physicians. Since you have such long withstanding rapport they should be able to pinpoint exactly what your problem is.

Best have high science & Neuro background or these doctors will eat you alive. Even PC docs are well educated in this realm so hit the books. This won't resemble a touchy feely diabetes call, expect big time pathophysiology obstacle handling. Appears to be a good compound, good luck. Let us know when approved as the current sleep meds stink.

Even years ago we knew in advance if a new drug would be a "blockbuster" because physicians would be asking about it years/months before approval and launch. Now with online information their access to information on new meds is even more immediate so the question is.......what's the buzz on Suvorexant? Is the market already interested? Excited? Can't wait? What's in your wallet?!!!

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