Sun can't fill open positions

If a recruiter calls you and they say the word "Sun Pharma" hang up quickly. You will thank me later

Recruiter tried selling me on Sun today. What a joke. I know they have to do their job but thats like trying to shit to flies. Aint happening. Funny listening to her keep trying to put lipstick in the pig. NO THANKS!!!

Just look around -

Those that have recently joined the home office are retreads with shady histories at best and the DMs that are being hired are ...

Well let's just say FL and ST are having a hard time selling the job. They're not pulling talent from anywhere meaningful. What does that tell you ?

Being an Indian company is definitely a plus. Looking for a superior company, then Sun is the answer.
Welcome aboard folks, you'll love this place.

Yes we all get free curry, free F-Bombs from the US CEO, an arranged marriage, sweat slave labor salaries, a sticker for our forehead, how to training on selling off label, how to training on selling the spread, and a free guide on how to increase drug prices with no value.