Straumann...good or bad to work for?

"Gordon Christensen called out the big implant companies for over charging."

Do you have his phone number ? I'd like to get his opinion on which snow tires to buy for my truck. Maybe he has a pair down in the basement he can sell me?

"Gordon Christensen called out the big implant companies for over charging."

Do you have his phone number ? I'd like to get his opinion on which snow tires to buy for my truck. Maybe he has a pair down in the basement he can sell me?

jus sayin...he took some heat for saying it, but it's true. he's like the Donald Trump of dentistry. his number is 800-i'm-rich. Straumann has great implants that osseointegrate into bone....problem do 20 other companies at half the price. whatever floats your boat buddy.

You're a GP. That's the key here. I don't work for Straumann but Straumann could care less that you buy 50 implants from ID a year. They focus on huge volume specialists who are willing to pay the extra money for quality service and education and coverage of their referral base. That is what they care about, not saving $200/implant. Losing 1 A referral will cost them a hell of a lot more than that if they get mad about restoring a knock off implant like Swish and switch specialists.

that's the problem...why would they lose a referral? Does their referral like paying outrageous pricing for restoring a Straumann implant? Does it work any better? Are the Straumann reps any smarter? To each their own. Specialists should be the thought leader in the area they work....and instead of being leaders and placing the best implant for the money, they just are sheep and place the most expensive one, thinking they will be thought of as a great surgeon. It's all about perception. And that is not reality.

"jus sayin...he took some heat for saying it, but it's true. he's like the Donald Trump of dentistry. his number is 800-i'm-rich. Straumann has great implants that osseointegrate into bone....problem do 20 other companies at half the price. whatever floats your boat buddy."

Gordon, while you're here, I also need help choosing roofing materials for my cabin. Since you know so much and are so wise, how about helping a brother out ?

1. Snow tires
2. Roofing material


"jus sayin...he took some heat for saying it, but it's true. he's like the Donald Trump of dentistry. his number is 800-i'm-rich. Straumann has great implants that osseointegrate into bone....problem do 20 other companies at half the price. whatever floats your boat buddy."

Gordon, while you're here, I also need help choosing roofing materials for my cabin. Since you know so much and are so wise, how about helping a brother out ?

1. Snow tires
2. Roofing material


You live in a cabin?
Damn that sucks
Sorry bro

that's the problem...why would they lose a referral? Does their referral like paying outrageous pricing for restoring a Straumann implant? Does it work any better? Are the Straumann reps any smarter? To each their own. Specialists should be the thought leader in the area they work....and instead of being leaders and placing the best implant for the money, they just are sheep and place the most expensive one, thinking they will be thought of as a great surgeon. It's all about perception. And that is not reality.

You clearly aren't understanding what is going on in the industry and why Straumann and Nobel still dominate the market. Surgeons place what they are comfortable placing and what their referral base is comfortable restoring. They put their reputation on the line every time they place an implant. They don't want to risk their reputation and their livelihood (their referral base) on testing some other company's implant NO MATTER HOW GOOD IT IS. If they are getting 98% success rate now, there is ZERO reason for them to switch to your implant to save $200/implant. Let's say they place 1,500 implants/year. You saving them $30k sounds great to you, but to them, if they have 2 all on 4 cases fail on your system, they already lost more than the $30k they were supposed to save.

How the hell do you not understand this? Oh wait, you're a clueless ID rep drinking from Niznick's koolaid.

You clearly aren't understanding what is going on in the industry and why Straumann and Nobel still dominate the market. Surgeons place what they are comfortable placing and what their referral base is comfortable restoring. They put their reputation on the line every time they place an implant. They don't want to risk their reputation and their livelihood (their referral base) on testing some other company's implant NO MATTER HOW GOOD IT IS. If they are getting 98% success rate now, there is ZERO reason for them to switch to your implant to save $200/implant. Let's say they place 1,500 implants/year. You saving them $30k sounds great to you, but to them, if they have 2 all on 4 cases fail on your system, they already lost more than the $30k they were supposed to save.

How the hell do you not understand this? Oh wait, you're a clueless ID rep drinking from Niznick's koolaid.
And you live in a cabin?

You clearly aren't understanding what is going on in the industry and why Straumann and Nobel still dominate the market. Surgeons place what they are comfortable placing and what their referral base is comfortable restoring. They put their reputation on the line every time they place an implant. They don't want to risk their reputation and their livelihood (their referral base) on testing some other company's implant NO MATTER HOW GOOD IT IS. If they are getting 98% success rate now, there is ZERO reason for them to switch to your implant to save $200/implant. Let's say they place 1,500 implants/year. You saving them $30k sounds great to you, but to them, if they have 2 all on 4 cases fail on your system, they already lost more than the $30k they were supposed to save.

How the hell do you not understand this? Oh wait, you're a clueless ID rep drinking from Niznick's koolaid.

No...i get it. I just don't agree with it. There are successful surgeons all over the country and world placing Implant Direct and other "value" implants. What are the putting at risk?? Implant Direct implants have been osseointegrating for over 30 years since Paragon and Core-Vent days....same surface treatment. If you think Straumann and Nobel have better success rates than Implant Direct, MIS, BioH, or any other system out there....then it is you drinking the koolaid my friend. :) It's called marketing and brand recognition...and it was the first subject I took in Business 101. I get it. I just think people need to wake up and stop overpaying for things because they "think" it's a "quality" implant. Give me a break. You ask people why they think Nobel is a quality implant.....and they literally have no clue what to say...."'s been around a while...and i've heard them name around." who gives a shit.

...and to add to my post above...someone the other day told me thought Gerry Niznick worked at Zimmer before.....people in dental offices are just clueless.....and so are the doctors.

No...i get it. I just don't agree with it. There are successful surgeons all over the country and world placing Implant Direct and other "value" implants. What are the putting at risk?? Implant Direct implants have been osseointegrating for over 30 years since Paragon and Core-Vent days....same surface treatment. If you think Straumann and Nobel have better success rates than Implant Direct, MIS, BioH, or any other system out there....then it is you drinking the koolaid my friend. :) It's called marketing and brand recognition...and it was the first subject I took in Business 101. I get it. I just think people need to wake up and stop overpaying for things because they "think" it's a "quality" implant. Give me a break. You ask people why they think Nobel is a quality implant.....and they literally have no clue what to say...."'s been around a while...and i've heard them name around." who gives a shit.

Since when did strictly osseointegration define the quality of an implant?

Since when did strictly osseointegration define the quality of an implant?

and what else is there swamy? What else defines quality? Tolerances of manufacturing. How precise everything is milled? Customer service? Diverse product line? Unfortunately for Straumann, other companies have all that. And I actually enjoy taking Straumann business.

You clearly aren't understanding what is going on in the industry and why Straumann and Nobel still dominate the market. Surgeons place what they are comfortable placing and what their referral base is comfortable restoring. They put their reputation on the line every time they place an implant. They don't want to risk their reputation and their livelihood (their referral base) on testing some other company's implant NO MATTER HOW GOOD IT IS. If they are getting 98% success rate now, there is ZERO reason for them to switch to your implant to save $200/implant. Let's say they place 1,500 implants/year. You saving them $30k sounds great to you, but to them, if they have 2 all on 4 cases fail on your system, they already lost more than the $30k they were supposed to save.

How the hell do you not understand this? Oh wait, you're a clueless ID rep drinking from Niznick's koolaid.

This is an old comment, but I just can't not say something. 1500 implants at 200$ is a $300,000 dollars. Embarrassed to work here.

So now I have to force my accounts who want in on BLX to buy 40-50 implants?!? Um, no, sorry doctor, gotta buy 50 as close to list as I can get you. What's that? Yeah, I know you've been good to me, but hey, stay where you are. Wait, you don't want to stay, I can show you Neodent. Get the vibe here? It's going to be an issue as more time goes by.

So now I have to force my accounts who want in on BLX to buy 40-50 implants?!? Um, no, sorry doctor, gotta buy 50 as close to list as I can get you. What's that? Yeah, I know you've been good to me, but hey, stay where you are. Wait, you don't want to stay, I can show you Neodent. Get the vibe here? It's going to be an issue as more time goes by.