Straumann...good or bad to work for?

I am interested in getting into the industry. Spoke to a few people and said work for straumann if you can. Can you give me a few ideas as to why straumann is so dominant? I’ve been reviewing things online and spoke to a dentist that said service is the difference. Any insight would be appreciated.

I am interested in getting into the industry. Spoke to a few people and said work for straumann if you can. Can you give me a few ideas as to why straumann is so dominant? I’ve been reviewing things online and spoke to a dentist that said service is the difference. Any insight would be appreciated.

First of all what planet do you live on. Straumann is the most expensive implant on the market. Doctors are beginning to
realize Ti is Ti. The only support they give is money for study clubs. The only people using this implant are those ready to retire. The new guys are much wiser and see cost effective implants work as well. Why pay 400 for something that works for 150. In the future there will be more GPs placing implants than a specialist . If you want job security stay out of dental.

First of all what planet do you live on. Straumann is the most expensive implant on the market. Doctors are beginning to
realize Ti is Ti. The only support they give is money for study clubs. The only people using this implant are those ready to retire. The new guys are much wiser and see cost effective implants work as well. Why pay 400 for something that works for 150. In the future there will be more GPs placing implants than a specialist . If you want job security stay out of dental.

First of all what planet do you live on. Straumann is the most expensive implant on the market. Doctors are beginning to
realize Ti is Ti. The only support they give is money for study clubs. The only people using this implant are those ready to retire. The new guys are much wiser and see cost effective implants work as well. Why pay 400 for something that works for 150. In the future there will be more GPs placing implants than a specialist . If you want job security stay out of dental.

Youre really confused, GP already placing more than specialists and have been for a few years. Premium implants sell bc the reps provide knowledge and support. Nobel beats Straumann in digital workflow but straumann has more ability to throw out free kits and products that nobel cannot. Both companies have a lot of research, but nobel seems to be coming out of corona lockdown stronger in the central US. Theyve gotten into a few accounts I have never seen them in before. Premium implants thrive in the specialist arena where there are more full arch cases and a need for a rep to handle referrals to take headaches away from the specialist allowing them to do what they want. You become a business asset and help them grow their buiness in return growning yours. You are a sales rep, but be prepared to be a service rep just as much

Youre really confused, GP already placing more than specialists and have been for a few years. Premium implants sell bc the reps provide knowledge and support. Nobel beats Straumann in digital workflow but straumann has more ability to throw out free kits and products that nobel cannot. Both companies have a lot of research, but nobel seems to be coming out of corona lockdown stronger in the central US. Theyve gotten into a few accounts I have never seen them in before. Premium implants thrive in the specialist arena where there are more full arch cases and a need for a rep to handle referrals to take headaches away from the specialist allowing them to do what they want. You become a business asset and help them grow their buiness in return growning yours. You are a sales rep, but be prepared to be a service rep just as much

Yes the person who is behind onhis montage, car payemnts and credit card payements is going to buy a full arch case. Damn your docs should be able to sell the London Bridge to patients.

Youre really confused, GP already placing more than specialists and have been for a few years. Premium implants sell bc the reps provide knowledge and support. Nobel beats Straumann in digital workflow but straumann has more ability to throw out free kits and products that nobel cannot. Both companies have a lot of research, but nobel seems to be coming out of corona lockdown stronger in the central US. Theyve gotten into a few accounts I have never seen them in before. Premium implants thrive in the specialist arena where there are more full arch cases and a need for a rep to handle referrals to take headaches away from the specialist allowing them to do what they want. You become a business asset and help them grow their buiness in return growning yours. You are a sales rep, but be prepared to be a service rep just as much

Yet more ignorant statements about Straumann. Nobel gives away more crap that Straumann is even allowed to blink at. And the digital comment? Hahahaha

I am interested in getting into the industry. Spoke to a few people and said work for straumann if you can. Can you give me a few ideas as to why straumann is so dominant? I’ve been reviewing things online and spoke to a dentist that said service is the difference. Any insight would be appreciated.
I’m late to the party but avoid this industry at all costs. It’s turned into a sleazy, cut throat environment. I’ll be getting out very, very soon but not soon enough.

Trying to get updates & information from this forum. Applied for a role and manager seems like a good guy and the team has been around for 5-10 years so not a lot of turnover.
I see lots of news and splashy articles about all the strategic partnerships Straumann has signed within the past few years. Anyone provide any insights whether Straumann is a good company to work for?

Trying to get updates & information from this forum. Applied for a role and manager seems like a good guy and the team has been around for 5-10 years so not a lot of turnover.
I see lots of news and splashy articles about all the strategic partnerships Straumann has signed within the past few years. Anyone provide any insights whether Straumann is a good company to work for?

Dental is dead meat, dude. There’s always going to be a few success stories but reps have been washing out of dental for almost 10 years now. It’s a tiny industry that relied on distributors like Schein and Patterson bullying manufacturers into exclusive relationships, so if you wanted a product you had to play ball with a rep. On the implant side, implants are old news. The technology is decades old and the specialists already know the players and the circles are closed. Outside sales reps in implants are like 15 years in each territory and you might be the 5th rep walking in their door from your company, and the 50th from an implant company.

On a personal note, at least the doctors are total losers. DMD stands for didn’t make doctor. I can go on and on but you would be better served finding another industry. You’re posting here, so you’re probably serious about your career and deserve much better.