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Stock Is Dropping Like A Rock!

You do not know what you are talking about, you offer no backup to support your falsehoods because there is none. Look at the Wikipedia post (about as basic a search as someone in 2015 can do).

The NIH grants medical research institutions who PUBLISH (that means share) their results with the scientific community. When there is a promising discovery, it gets commercialized which means everything is suddenly intellectual property: the opposite of academia.

The reason there are no blockbusters coming our way is that we have no idea about how this stuff (medicine) works. That's why there is so little discovery and so many recalls. The big discoveries are made by accident. We don't know how drugs work, we know some compounds have efficacy and they are tested for safety.
The mumblings of another liberal (talk alot and do nothing) that cannot support their argument to support the ongoing waste of tax dollars going to NIH and ultimately the pockets of academic researchers. How about the next big scandal that is coming when people begin to realize that Federal controlled student loans most of which will never be paid back are being used to drive up the costs of tuition and ultimately ending in the pockets of professors and administrators.
Colleges and the world of academics is one of the biggest government ripoffs of tax payers in this country. And the bubble is about to burst and expose the entire fraud. And now Obama is pushing free community college (translation tax payer funded) tuition or furthur translation, a windfall for professor's and salaries.

I was right. you are a complete idiot. You don't know anything about research and just want to espouse your moronic teabagger views without knowing anything about the subject. Move along, not worth reading anymore of your drivel.

I was right. you are a complete idiot. You don't know anything about research and just want to espouse your moronic teabagger views without knowing anything about the subject. Move along, not worth reading anymore of your drivel.

You are being retorted from more than one person, idiot. I am the first to talk about the NIH, and I have some personal knowledge about the system. Surely you do not and you reveal yourself with every word you type, including "tea bagger," a vile reference to a homosexual act. You called me a liberal above. I am very conservative, therefore, I support research. Every major corporation has a research function; I would not invest in one that does not. You've got to keep current or you become obsolete.

Interesting that pharma reps justify their high prices due to the benefits pharma companies bring the word through their R & D. Interesting that pharma companies are the only companies that refuse to ale clear exactly what their R & D expenditures are.

Run along now and tell your front desk receptionists to pass along that the reason drug prices are high is because that money goes to fund R & D. Don't mention that the majors are subcontracting the R & D function if they support it at all now. Don't mention that the reason they have done that is because it has been so fruitless, because nobody knows what makes things alive and no one understands the biological processes that are at work.

Get a siggie.

I was right. you are a complete idiot. You don't know anything about research and just want to espouse your moronic teabagger views without knowing anything about the subject. Move along, not worth reading anymore of your drivel.
Another liberal resorting to name calling instead of providing evidence to support their position. The question was, name two compounds that have resulted from the billions invested in NIH research thru our academic centers. Your point is that they share their science. The landfills will share their garbage too but nobody seems to want it.

Another liberal resorting to name calling instead of providing evidence to support their position. The question was, name two compounds that have resulted from the billions invested in NIH research thru our academic centers. Your point is that they share their science. The landfills will share their garbage too but nobody seems to want it.

At the risk of being confused for the type of person I am arguing with:


By the way what you got? What has AZ produced in the last decade? A combination product that the EU called 10 years ago "obvious" and failed to issue patent protection for? An XL of Seroquel?

I saw a commercial for the next biggest greatest: Another combination product of 2 LABAs!! Well done. Keep those results of the discovery leading to that advance private!

Another liberal resorting to name calling instead of providing evidence to support their position. The question was, name two compounds that have resulted from the billions invested in NIH research thru our academic centers. Your point is that they share their science. The landfills will share their garbage too but nobody seems to want it.

I remember asking a question that went unanswered, and then I read what the question was? What? Are you on Pluto? Are you a complete utter narcissist? No one's questions matter except yours?

Have a nice fall.

At the risk of being confused for the type of person I am arguing with:


By the way what you got? What has AZ produced in the last decade? A combination product that the EU called 10 years ago "obvious" and failed to issue patent protection for? An XL of Seroquel?

I saw a commercial for the next biggest greatest: Another combination product of 2 LABAs!! Well done. Keep those results of the discovery leading to that advance private!
The difference is that this is paid for by private money not tax dollars from the government. If people don't want to pay the high prices of commercial drugs then they can avoid them or purchase less expensive generics. If you don't pay your taxes which pay for the worthless NIH research grants then you go to jail. And if the NIH fails to produce anything of value they simply ask for more tax money which the liberals support because it goes to their holy grail academia buddies.
If AZ fails to produce anything of value then they will ultimately go out of business. See the difference. Now the Climate Change people who used to be the Global Warming people who used to be the Ice Age is coming people are spending money on research to suggest that the best way to fight global warming it to pump more pollution into the atmosphere. Duh???

AZ's profit loss of $349,000,000 for the 4th quarter 2014, is just the beginning. Wait until Nexium starts losing share to generic Nexium, and XR and Crestor go off patent in 2016. None of that has even happened, and we still have a loss of almost $350,000,000!

Hire more reps Frenchie! We need more overlay reps! Turn down $119 BILLION from Pfizer! Is there a bigger idiot in all of pharma management??

At the risk of being confused for the type of person I am arguing with:


By the way what you got? What has AZ produced in the last decade? A combination product that the EU called 10 years ago "obvious" and failed to issue patent protection for? An XL of Seroquel?

I saw a commercial for the next biggest greatest: Another combination product of 2 LABAs!! Well done. Keep those results of the discovery leading to that advance private!

He has no idea at all how research is prosecuted. He is only concerned with commercial products that end up in his bag. Academics and research organizations, like the NIH, fund and pursue basic research that identifies novel receptors, targets and tool compounds. Pharma companies like AZ then take this wealth of information and try to develop a commercial product. That function, commercialization, is outside the purview of research organizations. Big pharma doesn't even want to do their part of the research anymore, true pharma discovery R&D has been cut to the bone. They want everything handed to them for free.

The difference is that this is paid for by private money not tax dollars from the government. If people don't want to pay the high prices of commercial drugs then they can avoid them or purchase less expensive generics. If you don't pay your taxes which pay for the worthless NIH research grants then you go to jail. And if the NIH fails to produce anything of value they simply ask for more tax money which the liberals support because it goes to their holy grail academia buddies.
If AZ fails to produce anything of value then they will ultimately go out of business. See the difference. Now the Climate Change people who used to be the Global Warming people who used to be the Ice Age is coming people are spending money on research to suggest that the best way to fight global warming it to pump more pollution into the atmosphere. Duh???

You should go to jail for stupidity!!! Do you really believe this uninformed nonsense? The truly stupid don't know that they don't know anything. You apparently are one of them. Look up the Dunning-Kruger effect if you want to know where your so called knowledge ranks!!

You should go to jail for stupidity!!! Do you really believe this uninformed nonsense? The truly stupid don't know that they don't know anything. You apparently are one of them. Look up the Dunning-Kruger effect if you want to know where your so called knowledge ranks!!
Comments of an obvious pencil necked liberal. If you want to know the difference between academia and the real world just look at how Obama handles being the same room with Putin. Who do you think is winning that battle of strategy and courage to make the tough calls. Putin is a thug and Obama is a pussy so guess who comes out on top? The contrast is stunning. I think Hillary has bigger balls than Obama.

You should go to jail for stupidity!!! Do you really believe this uninformed nonsense? The truly stupid don't know that they don't know anything. You apparently are one of them. Look up the Dunning-Kruger effect if you want to know where your so called knowledge ranks!!

Thanks for sharing your unsupported personal opinion. I wonder if you have any skin in this game, or if you should recuse yourself.

Thanks for sharing your unsupported personal opinion. I wonder if you have any skin in this game, or if you should recuse yourself.

Look if you want to know the real truth about OJ Simpson and Nicole, then you should ask OJ. I mean, he was the only person there! What are you, stupid? A redneck jackass?? How in the world are you to deduce things that trump the factual testimony of someone who actually was there to see it, and told everyone what he saw??!

(Wait, OJ claimed he was somewhere else. Sorry my bad.)

Look up the Dunning Kruger effect. It applies to you. You are the one who brought politics into the conversation, which is quite irrelevant to the subject of academic research. You are plainly anti-science, because the results don't always match the preconceived notions of your very, very narrow uninformed "mind". Seriously, you don't believe the scientists about climate change, but you are happy to use the computer and internet that science has provided to you. How about gravity, electromagnetism, evolution? Do you know more about those topics than the scientists too? Your disbelief is based on what evidence that would overturn 200 years of scientific study on climate change from all over the world? Never mind, you obviously can provide none. Classic Dunning Kruger!!

Jesus Christ, no wonder the company is in the shit and the stock is dropping like a rock, we have fucking idiotic climate change deniers and bigoted anti Obama racists all over the organization. Holy fuck.

Look up the Dunning Kruger effect. It applies to you. You are the one who brought politics into the conversation, which is quite irrelevant to the subject of academic research. You are plainly anti-science, because the results don't always match the preconceived notions of your very, very narrow uninformed "mind". Seriously, you don't believe the scientists about climate change, but you are happy to use the computer and internet that science has provided to you. How about gravity, electromagnetism, evolution? Do you know more about those topics than the scientists too? Your disbelief is based on what evidence that would overturn 200 years of scientific study on climate change from all over the world? Never mind, you obviously can provide none. Classic Dunning Kruger!!

Hard to tell if you are male or female, hetero or non, but it is clear that you have issues that you project.

Valentines Day approaches. I'm sorry, honey / sir / non -- it will pass. You are safe. Remember that always, you are safe here.

Look up the Dunning Kruger effect. It applies to you. You are the one who brought politics into the conversation, which is quite irrelevant to the subject of academic research. You are plainly anti-science, because the results don't always match the preconceived notions of your very, very narrow uninformed "mind". Seriously, you don't believe the scientists about climate change, but you are happy to use the computer and internet that science has provided to you. How about gravity, electromagnetism, evolution? Do you know more about those topics than the scientists too? Your disbelief is based on what evidence that would overturn 200 years of scientific study on climate change from all over the world? Never mind, you obviously can provide none. Classic Dunning Kruger!!
Here is how academic research works and another example of millions of tax dollars wasted. Academia spent 40 years providing scientific evidence that eating eggs and other high choleseral foods would kill you. And then they spent more millions of tax dollars proving that their original science was flawed and now it is ok to eat as many eggs as you want. Wow, now that is a good investment.

Hard to tell if you are male or female, hetero or non, but it is clear that you have issues that you project.

Valentines Day approaches. I'm sorry, honey / sir / non -- it will pass. You are safe. Remember that always, you are safe here.

Not that any of that is relevant to the argument in any way. I think you just might be projecting!! As for me, I'm just fine, and all set for Valentines Day.

When you have finished reading all about the Dunning-Kruger effect, that clearly applies to you, perhaps you should next read up on Ad Hominem attacks. Here is a link just for you!!


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