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Stock Is Dropping Like A Rock!

Of course the Pfizer premium is dropping our stock price, that is the only reason it went up. AZ has not done a thing to justify an 80 or even 60 share price.

On the diabetes side we have Twice the number of reps and 3 time the number of managers needed. This jackass Topher came along and just gave managers less reps to baby sit.
The easiest way to drive up our share would be big cutbacks in sales force.

It was stupid to split up the diabetes reps to begin with, and now they aren't going to fill all those jobs identified in the reallocation. BUT WE STILL HAVE THE SAME NUMBER OF MANAGERS WITH VERY FEW REPS EACH, some with only 5-8 reps in a smaller geography than they had before. Just what the bloody hell do they even do other than talk on the phone and listen to web casts and conference calls??

The French Fuck's answer to lower profits will be to hire MORE REPS! He is such an idiot! Wait until next year when Crestor and XR go generic. They you will see what a real profit loss looks like!

It was stupid to split up the diabetes reps to begin with, and now they aren't going to fill all those jobs identified in the reallocation. BUT WE STILL HAVE THE SAME NUMBER OF MANAGERS WITH VERY FEW REPS EACH, some with only 5-8 reps in a smaller geography than they had before. Just what the bloody hell do they even do other than talk on the phone and listen to web casts and conference calls??[/QUOTE

It may only be chump change but an easy place to cut and save money is in managed markets. Everything they do, which is very little, is made to make them look busy. Meetings are a joke. Their contributions on our teleconferences is a joke. "Hi, this is ......... your account director. I wish you could all be here where it is sunny and 75 degrees." That is usually the most intelligent thing she says.

Or, he is going to keep the ranks full to push sales UNTIL those drugs go off patent.
They lost 360 million in the 4th quarter 14. Every single number was down: sales revenue, profit, profit margins, market share. The only number that was up was costs. That my friend is unsustainable unless you are the U.S. Government.
Something has to give because we lose another two blockbusters next year.

The French Fuck's answer to lower profits will be to hire MORE REPS! He is such an idiot! Wait until next year when Crestor and XR go generic. They you will see what a real profit loss looks like!

Did you even pay attention to what I said.....they AREN'T filling the jobs. We just have enough managers to cover all those territories THAT WE AREN'T HIRING FOR.

Pull the bagel out of your ear and read again to be in the discussion.

You are an astute financial analyst. Please remind people though that it costs about, on average, $875 million to make and sell the first unit and yes, all subsequent units cost about $0.07. So if we can just find one insurer to pay for that first tablet off the presses we could charge $4 for a months supply. Oh wait that is what the generics companies do since they did not invest their money up front.

So go one whining about how it should not cost $875M to make the first one so go out there and fix the clinical trial quagmire that exists in the marketplace. Thanks for your insightful acumen JP Morgan.

You are sarcastic, arrogant and immature. I have never met a person that I truly respected who was arrogant. Arrogance goes together with many other very bad qualities.

AZ and other major pharma companies leech off of educational institutions like the NIH and University research and when they (the Rx companies) see something they like, they PATENT it (take control) and yes, they do the clinical trials. There are many examples of fudging in the clinical trials to the point of Pfizer running them in 3rd world countries and killing people who lack the resources to sue.

I could go on and on and on. You know you are part of a very corrupt system. You are part of it because you fake your 8 hour work day in the field, every day. Everyone knows it but the sailing is good. Niagara Falls is ahead.

You are sarcastic, arrogant and immature. I have never met a person that I truly respected who was arrogant. Arrogance goes together with many other very bad qualities.

AZ and other major pharma companies leech off of educational institutions like the NIH and University research and when they (the Rx companies) see something they like, they PATENT it (take control) and yes, they do the clinical trials. There are many examples of fudging in the clinical trials to the point of Pfizer running them in 3rd world countries and killing people who lack the resources to sue.

I could go on and on and on. You know you are part of a very corrupt system. You are part of it because you fake your 8 hour work day in the field, every day. Everyone knows it but the sailing is good. Niagara Falls is ahead.
Bullshiiiitttt! The NHI is the biggest waste of money outside of the EPA.
Nothing funded by the government generates shit. A bunch of academics sitting around discussing the value of aspirin and sponsoring each others grants and clinical papers. The medical research coming out of our universities is a total fucking joke paid for with tax dollars.

From Forbes 2012:

The average drug developed by a major pharmaceutical company costs at least $4 billion, and it can be as much as $11 billion...

...The range of money spent is stunning. AstraZeneca has spent $12 billion in research money for every new drug approved, as much as the top-selling medicine ever generated in annual sales; Amgen spent just $3.7 billion. At $12 billion per drug, inventing medicines is a pretty unsustainable business. At $3.7 billion, you might just be able to make money (a new medicine can probably keep generating revenue for ten years; invent one a year at that rate and you’ll do well).

Bullshiiiitttt! The NHI is the biggest waste of money outside of the EPA.
Nothing funded by the government generates shit. A bunch of academics sitting around discussing the value of aspirin and sponsoring each others grants and clinical papers. The medical research coming out of our universities is a total fucking joke paid for with tax dollars.

Spot on!!!

Bullshiiiitttt! The NHI is the biggest waste of money outside of the EPA.
Nothing funded by the government generates shit. A bunch of academics sitting around discussing the value of aspirin and sponsoring each others grants and clinical papers. The medical research coming out of our universities is a total fucking joke paid for with tax dollars.

You don't know what you are talking about.


They lost 360 million in the 4th quarter 14. Every single number was down: sales revenue, profit, profit margins, market share. The only number that was up was costs. That my friend is unsustainable unless you are the U.S. Government.
Something has to give because we lose another two blockbusters next year.

How does a cash machine like AZ lose money? Similar to how the USA is going to be 20 trillion in debt. Same thing: same church, different pew.

You are sarcastic, arrogant and immature. I have never met a person that I truly respected who was arrogant. Arrogance goes together with many other very bad qualities.

AZ and other major pharma companies leech off of educational institutions like the NIH and University research and when they (the Rx companies) see something they like, they PATENT it (take control) and yes, they do the clinical trials. There are many examples of fudging in the clinical trials to the point of Pfizer running them in 3rd world countries and killing people who lack the resources to sue.

I could go on and on and on. You know you are part of a very corrupt system. You are part of it because you fake your 8 hour work day in the field, every day. Everyone knows it but the sailing is good. Niagara Falls is ahead.

Rubbish. There wouldn't be any research at government institutions without pharma resources.

Rubbish. There wouldn't be any research at government institutions without pharma resources.
What keeps the reseach and shameful bloated salaries of academic researcher going is the entire NIH and grant process. These academics write their own grants and then their own reviews. They travel to exotic locations on expense accounts all funded by government grants = tax dollars. They stay in luxury resorts, eat in 5 star restaurants ordering $100 bottles of wine. They sponsor and then approve each others grants and then use these meetings as excuses to discuss research and outcomes. There is no greater center of arrogance and waste than within our academic centers. What used to be primarily funded by pharma is now paid for with tax dollars and inflated college tuitions.

It is clear that none of these politically opinionated dummies know anything about real medical research. Fundamental research does not work anything like the bloated pharma clinical trial research you see in big pharma. If you knew anything, which you clearly don't, you would know that NIH and academic researchers are not fat cats at tropical resorts but regular hard working people who are interested in actual science. I know that concept is hard for a dumda$$ like you to understand, but that is how it is. Try getting your facts from real sources sometimes, you might not look so stupid!!

It is clear that none of these politically opinionated dummies know anything about real medical research. Fundamental research does not work anything like the bloated pharma clinical trial research you see in big pharma. If you knew anything, which you clearly don't, you would know that NIH and academic researchers are not fat cats at tropical resorts but regular hard working people who are interested in actual science. I know that concept is hard for a dumda$$ like you to understand, but that is how it is. Try getting your facts from real sources sometimes, you might not look so stupid!!

Really? Do you know how much the NIH pays out in research grants every year?
Can you name two new compounds that have come out of academia in the last 10 years? They sit around most of the day searching the net and drinking their Starbucks. There are professors making $200K+ and teach 3 to 4 hours per week. Then they add their names to a few et.al research papers written by someone else. They live in a bubble socializing only with people from academia. They become so isolated from the real world that they can't even talk with someone outside of their circle. They are the most boring fucking people at parties to be avoided at all costs.

Really? Do you know how much the NIH pays out in research grants every year?
Can you name two new compounds that have come out of academia in the last 10 years? They sit around most of the day searching the net and drinking their Starbucks. There are professors making $200K+ and teach 3 to 4 hours per week. Then they add their names to a few et.al research papers written by someone else. They live in a bubble socializing only with people from academia. They become so isolated from the real world that they can't even talk with someone outside of their circle. They are the most boring fucking people at parties to be avoided at all costs.
90% of these leeches voted for Obama. End of story.

Really? Do you know how much the NIH pays out in research grants every year?
Can you name two new compounds that have come out of academia in the last 10 years? They sit around most of the day searching the net and drinking their Starbucks. There are professors making $200K+ and teach 3 to 4 hours per week. Then they add their names to a few et.al research papers written by someone else. They live in a bubble socializing only with people from academia. They become so isolated from the real world that they can't even talk with someone outside of their circle. They are the most boring fucking people at parties to be avoided at all costs.

You do not know what you are talking about, you offer no backup to support your falsehoods because there is none. Look at the Wikipedia post (about as basic a search as someone in 2015 can do).

The NIH grants medical research institutions who PUBLISH (that means share) their results with the scientific community. When there is a promising discovery, it gets commercialized which means everything is suddenly intellectual property: the opposite of academia.

The reason there are no blockbusters coming our way is that we have no idea about how this stuff (medicine) works. That's why there is so little discovery and so many recalls. The big discoveries are made by accident. We don't know how drugs work, we know some compounds have efficacy and they are tested for safety.

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