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Stock Is Dropping Like A Rock!

I'm guessing you either didn't read the email today or you know absolutely nothing about stocks. AZ just agreed to a 600million dollar deal to purchase actavis respiratory portfolio. That means we will have to pay them, which will lower the share price in the short run.

Great insight though OP. Glad to know there are brainiacs like you representing the company.

The Pfizer very recent purchase of Hospira has laid to final rest any merger possibilities with them for a good while, so the Pfizer buyout premium, that the AZ stock has enjoyed for quite some time now, will begin to erode away. Earnings miss and the big payout for the two marginal COPD drugs also weighs on the stock price. The earnings call also gave a stark reminder that Nexium sales are about to be going south very quickly now and that Crestor sales will be doing the exact same thing the following year also surely are weighing heavily on the stock price. Newer products are not yet contributing enough sales to even nearly make up for these predictable sales losses. Will they ever? There are many factors that are all pointing in the same direction right now. Is this just a one day dip, or is this the beginning of a trend? Only time will tell. In this bubble market, nothing seems to matter with changes in the fundamentals, so who knows?

The Pfizer very recent purchase of Hospira has laid to final rest any merger possibilities with them for a good while, so the Pfizer buyout premium, that the AZ stock has enjoyed for quite some time now, will begin to erode away. Earnings miss and the big payout for the two marginal COPD drugs also weighs on the stock price. The earnings call also gave a stark reminder that Nexium sales are about to be going south very quickly now and that Crestor sales will be doing the exact same thing the following year also surely are weighing heavily on the stock price. Newer products are not yet contributing enough sales to even nearly make up for these predictable sales losses. Will they ever? There are many factors that are all pointing in the same direction right now. Is this just a one day dip, or is this the beginning of a trend? Only time will tell. In this bubble market, nothing seems to matter with changes in the fundamentals, so who knows?
Read the financials results for Q4. AZ profit down 49%, revenue down, operating margins down, and bottom line, AZ lost 330 million in the 4th quarter for a loss of .25 per share of stock. The biggest cost in the company is sales support so guess where the cuts need to come from. We all knew that this was unsustainable but now the fat lady is beginning to sing. There is no way Frenchie can talk his way out of this bubble. Heads are going to roll as AZ stock price plummets in an up market.

I'm guessing you either didn't read the email today or you know absolutely nothing about stocks. AZ just agreed to a 600million dollar deal to purchase actavis respiratory portfolio. That means we will have to pay them, which will lower the share price in the short run.

Great insight though OP. Glad to know there are brainiacs like you representing the company.
You are so full of shit I can smell you from here. You are the one that knows shit zero about what is driving down AZ stock price. Read the above post for an education dumbass.

After reading Pascal and Paul's emails, I thought AZ was on fire and had record sales for 2014.
Well what the fuck do you expect them to say. Their jobs are on the line so they lie like a cheap rug. Just like, there are no planned layoffs. Or, the pipeline is rich and our best years are ahead of us not in the past. Or, our future has never looked brighter and the Pfizer offer was far below the actual value of the company.
Everything they tell you is tainted with lies to keep us from jumping overboard until they are ready to walk us off the plank.

Well what the fuck do you expect them to say. Their jobs are on the line so they lie like a cheap rug. Just like, there are no planned layoffs. Or, the pipeline is rich and our best years are ahead of us not in the past. Or, our future has never looked brighter and the Pfizer offer was far below the actual value of the company.
Everything they tell you is tainted with lies to keep us from jumping overboard until they are ready to walk us off the plank.
How many of the lazy ass delusional among our peers do you think have any fucking clue what the financials say and mean? I would guess maybe 1 out of 60. The rest are just blind sheep willing to put up with anything for one more paycheck.

AZ is losing money.

AZ sells products that literally cost .001 cent per pill to manufacture and sell for $4.00 + each, and AZ is losing money.

There's a hole in daddy's arm, where all the money goes...

Wow, I was expecting to look and see the stock price in the 40's and it is 69 1/4 !!!

Really falling like a rock! I'll check back next year and see if you are still at it, loser.
It has dropped from $84 to $67 and will continue to slide now that Pfizer took their money somewhere else. So if you own 2000 shares, Frenchie lost you $34,000 in less than 6 months while the rest of the stock market has continued to go up. I would say that is a bad return on your investment.

Of course the Pfizer premium is dropping our stock price, that is the only reason it went up. AZ has not done a thing to justify an 80 or even 60 share price.

On the diabetes side we have Twice the number of reps and 3 time the number of managers needed. This jackass Topher came along and just gave managers less reps to baby sit.
The easiest way to drive up our share would be big cutbacks in sales force.

AZ is losing money.

AZ sells products that literally cost .001 cent per pill to manufacture and sell for $4.00 + each, and AZ is losing money.

There's a hole in daddy's arm, where all the money goes...

You are an astute financial analyst. Please remind people though that it costs about, on average, $875 million to make and sell the first unit and yes, all subsequent units cost about $0.07. So if we can just find one insurer to pay for that first tablet off the presses we could charge $4 for a months supply. Oh wait that is what the generics companies do since they did not invest their money up front.

So go one whining about how it should not cost $875M to make the first one so go out there and fix the clinical trial quagmire that exists in the marketplace. Thanks for your insightful acumen JP Morgan.

Then, we use copay cards that can be used to cover the entire cost of the drugs we spent 875 million developing. Rising market share with no net sales, I don't get it. And, we have reps telling docs to process all patients as cash. Not good.

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