Still can't believe we all got vaccinated and we are still sitting at home

If I were an employee under 45 yr old with less than 5 years in I’d prob be looking. There is nothing tying them down like the old days of a pension and medical. If you are near 50 with anything over 10 years It’s prob worth riding it out. The easy one is anyone near the rule of 90.
If they give you points to take a package I’d run! Anyone who didn’t take they offer last time was a fool.

We got the fucking shots. We flooded LinkedIn with the stupid bullshit and played along. We are all immortalized on the internet forever wearing rubber gloves and a face mask holding a stupid sign, looking like complete idiots. Many of us will never recover from being locked up over something so fucking stupid. Let us go back to work and let us do the goddamn job we were hired to do. Our kids are back in school, our spouses are doing their regular jobs, my goddamn grandma is back in the bingo hall and going out to breakfast every morning for christ's sake. Everyone is asking us why the fuck we are still staying home. Enough of this shit!

They all are. Took a situation like the pandemic and twisted it into a complete fallacy where they think that doctors are just going hit us up when they have a question, like they order a movie on Netflix. Did anyone bother to ask just how many unsolicited requests people have gotten since they kept us home? Jack shit, that's how many. Put enough of these idiots in a room together and you end up with unicorns shitting rainbows. Sociopath is too forgiving of a word to use for the complete fucking idiots running this show. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would see just how stupid this is. Out competitors are laughing their asses off while we sit here on the fucking phone.

They all are. Took a situation like the pandemic and twisted it into a complete fallacy where they think that doctors are just going hit us up when they have a question, like they order a movie on Netflix. Did anyone bother to ask just how many unsolicited requests people have gotten since they kept us home? Jack shit, that's how many. Put enough of these idiots in a room together and you end up with unicorns shitting rainbows. Sociopath is too forgiving of a word to use for the complete fucking idiots running this show. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would see just how stupid this is. Out competitors are laughing their asses off while we sit here on the fucking phone.