
Names? Try West manager, NY rep, Miami rep and Birmingham rep. Run run run from any position on breast or heme side of this circus. Competitive serd is on the way as is a bpdcn therapy. RUN

Interviewed there to be in Medical Affairs. Was so turned off by management I turned off my last interview and didn’t bother. I don’t blame the company, but rather the individual involved.

Just over 1 year in and it's the worst company I've ever been with. Upper management are hired due to them being Muslim, nothing else matters. Their resumes read like a joke, small roles and then a huge promotion over at Stemline/Menarini. Their understanding of the US marketplace rivals that of a five year old but they can't be told anything as they know it all. ALL upper management are foreign nationals.

Can you say lawsuits?

Sales reps selling the oral serd were given starting packages all over the board. I've found out signing bonuses had 20-30k differences, four weeks vacation or some got three weeks, salaries 50k apart. Sales force are talking and finding out. Long term incentives promised then not given after signing on. Goals adjusted after each quarter with no real data to support them. I'm saying just bad or very bad forecasting.

I've heard from many colleagues Hem side is even worse, managers and reps fired over nothing. MSLs leaving after six months. Their director is more of a dictator and the salesforce hate him. Newly hired reps are already looking to bounce.

In fighting and backstabbing at every home office meeting. HR over run with complaints and cases.

I'm days away from getting a new sales position and moving on. You have been warned.

Horrible company. Would not recommend working on the heme side. New TMs are arrogant and sexist making derogatory comments to some colleagues. Management has given many ptsd and anxiety. HR is completely useless. Many are drastically under appreciated but as soon as they leave its a different tune. Walking HR nightmare and lots of lawsuits for toxic/ hostile work environments have been filed. You have been warned.

RUN RUN RUN FAR AWAY. I am on solid tumor side and it's turning into a disaster. Our goals tripled. Commissions cut. Micromanagers. Horribel data you don't get credit for what you actually sell. I should have headed warnings.

The Heme side is an absolute dumpster fire! I think the heme side has maybe 1 or 2 reps left? Everyone else fired or ran. VP John Meckfessel so in over his head, at ASH bragging to other industry folks that he was hired to "clean house". He is toxic and the toxicity seeping down. All other reps new in past couple months. Tenured managers fired. New manager in the West is Michelle Tjan who bounces from company to company as a lackluster manager.

M Tjan is a original gossip girl who sends motivational quotes to her team to cover over her complete lacking of anything that resembles intelligence. A manager described her lack of disease state knowledge as "pityful" an "embarrassment" to the company. Heard she's a regular caller to HR.

About the 'leader' John McWeasel, he is a tiny man with a big ego that doesn't match his skills. No idea how to run a division, sales just keep a downward trend. He just points fingers at sales people, marketing, medical
teams. His time is nearing an end. However, the damage is done. Division is a dumper fire that is covered
in dog doo and toxic waste.

The solid tumor side here at Stemline is better than Hem. At least from what I've seen and heard.

Did hear J Mc the Hem sales director was an complete douche with hands the size of a ken doll. KC on
Orserdu side is way better.

My two cents is this company is poorly run overall. Sales forecasting for 24 is foul after the blow out in Q1-Q2-23.

No one is going to make a bonus worth a crap in 24. Kinda sad really. The drug is good but higher ups just seem confused and lack the ability to steer the ship in the right direction.

2024 should prove to be an interesting year if this company wants to be a series player in Onc arena.

Glaring weakness here is top leadership doesn't go into the field or interact with HCPs. It's just looking numbers and marketing and new sales aids. Stemline is not successful due to great leadership, it's the middle managers driving all success. The foreign nationals add zero value.

I am still employed here but will be resigning soon. I would not work for Stemline even if it was the last company on Earth - rotten from the top down. Vindictive and childish leadership. They are facing numerous lawsuits from past employees.

There is a common thread here and it's poor leadership driven by a man who spent an entire career in marketing at big pharma and was handed the reins at Stemline. He's at a complete loss as how to proceed forward, so he throws money into or at marketing, what else does he know? NOTHING.

Then those in marketing have all the say. Whipkey is so stupid it hurts my ears when she speaks. Her team are lazy and add zero value.
Orserdu and Tag marketing just let their ad agency run with ideas as mostly theirs are lame and dull. I'm amazed the launch was successful based on a leadership model where the CCO spends all his time in the middle east instead of the US and let's Ahmed #2 run the business in a kind of daily panic.

Teams like the NADs and DLs and MSLs are not valued, not used correctly and consequently are leaving the company or looking around.

Menarini Stemline is not a vibrant workplace. It band aids over open wounds and some amazing talent here is wasted under pitiful upper management.

I'm certainly not staying here.

Einstein … what would you do different if you are in charge? Besides push a hate agenda toward people for their ethnic backgrounds ? Dazzle us with your brilliance
Yeah right! Everyone in industry knows the company is a sh*t show. They had NOTHING at ASCO, nothing to show in between at meetings to ASH, so SIT DOWN and SHUT UP!

Yeah right! Everyone in industry knows the company is a sh*t show. They had NOTHING at ASCO, nothing to show in between at meetings to ASH, so SIT DOWN and SHUT UP!
You did not answer the question. What would you do differently if you were not a bottom feeder that had no responsibility for anything that is important to the company ?

Looks like upper leadership read cafepharma. When your employees say the product is good, but you aren't retaining employees, the answer is always leadership.
All employees that leave are poor performers and could not keep up with the super speed pace of the company. Complainers like YOU. Go away and find a job somewhere else. You can not hack it and are misery.

All employees that leave are poor performers and could not keep up with the super speed pace of the company. Complainers like YOU. Go away and find a job somewhere else. You can not hack it and are misery.

Poor Performers? Many went to inner circle! Truth hurts doesn't it? Responding to employee posts just shows weakness. You are right about one thing, working under inferior leadership does make employees "misery".

You might say some comments here are bigoted targeting 'foreign nationals' but it's about a resume that doesn't qualify a single one
of you for a major leadership role. Again, a blind, deaf, mute could clearly see that. You got those positions based purely on your
religious ideology, not a track record of increased reasonability in high level roles.

Lastly, you are on here asking what one thing a 'bottom feeder' would do differently, wow you just showed what you think of co-workers here. They are 'bottom-feeders'.

BTW, I am looking to jump and no I won't be suing Stemline like everyone else for, let's see, sexual discrimination, sexual
harassment, racism, employee targeting or whatever else is bogging down the legal department. Hell, the new HR VP lasted a whole 3 months before he bounced!