Stay far away from this place

Everyone be warned if your manager has previous Daiichi experience, he is in the circle jerk club. A group of managers sit around and joke about controlling peoples careers and actually grab about firing experiences. I can't wait until it comes back to bite em.

Mines a real piece of shit! He's bragging about riding people out so he can hire a fun group, oh yeah and he mentioned young and hot! Disgusting

So funny we're hiring DSI dms as Rms and even promoting them to ad. Right skill set for ZOLL? It's like no one in corporate even knows the market. They launched an anti coagulant to a resounding 1% market share and are laying off 50% of the company. Yep, they've got what it takes to help us grow

This is place is a disaster. The company has an incredible device, but a horrible upper mgmt in every level of this company. They are churning through people faster and faster every day. Rules are made up as they go along, benefits are horrible and you only get promoted if you are buddies with upper mgmt. Quotes are unreasonable on a 2 week cycle and go up $800 every new segment not matter what...lose a physician, pay me, lose insurance or have lousy insurance in your territory, pay me. Its like the mafia and a pyramid all rolled into one. You've been warned.

OMG I've been here just a few months. WHY didn't I come on this site first?? THIS PLACE IS A NIGHTMARE. Everything said above is true. All of it. I am interviewing already, but have no idea how to explain why. No one could possibly believe how awful this place is.

Everyone be warned if your manager has previous Daiichi experience, he is in the circle jerk club. A group of managers sit around and joke about controlling peoples careers and actually grab about firing experiences. I can't wait until it comes back to bite em.
They don't have to be a DS RM to have a clueless mentality, how about the AD who was Drunk during the entire ASM, yes, DS hire, and the VP who knows that a TM has violated HIPPA guideline, they send him to another division, or the AD who told the sales team to use CME for a lunch and learn? Sorry, but you can't make up, HR must be really busy!

dont come here. Don't listen to the recruiters. They get paid huge money to get you here. There is a huge turn over problem here. The problem is they don't care. Until there is a competition they will continue to burn through sales people. I could explain the hundreds of things that as wrong here, but just read through the posts. They are accurate.

imagine a company that set your goal and it goes up every 2 weeks and it never stops. At some point you fall behind. Even though you've grown the business tremendously over the past two years, you fall behind. You lose half your income. From 160 down to 75k. You're still having 10 times the success you had your first year, but not making any bonus. You quit or get fired. Someone new picks up the business you just built, gets a super low quota, and makes 160-170k growing the business from where you left off until the quota line passes them. Off they go, in comes someone new. That is the story of ZOLL. Don't believe me, ask a IV cardiologist how many ZOLL reps he's had. ZOLL would rather turn you over and hire someone new. They don't care what you've built. I heard it from a high places exec's lips "we don't lose ground we when have turnover."

The AD's quota is quarter over quarter, the want to run off the TM who is behind their goal, so next quarter their goal is lower! The system is flawed, their quota should never change, just like the TM and RM quota, then they would not force pips and firings. Let's put a few AD's on plan, yes, especially the ones who are and have been under plan. Why are they allowed to keep their job. It's called Illegal and that is a lawsuit waiting to happen! How can a AD miss plan and keep their job for over 2 years Jason?

I am so sad reading this. I am being recruited for a manager position in the west (I don't know if the manager is still there?) I do not come from any of the companies above, I do not treat reps like dirt. I admire what reps go through every day. I cannot believe upper management allows this horrible treatment. and changing goals every two weeks? seriously?

And I was so impressed by a guy I met at a major hospital. I could swear he was with Zoll. Do you guys wear scrubs? He told me how much he loved the money and I should take the job. Is he even with the company? Oh Lord.

imagine a company that set your goal and it goes up every 2 weeks and it never stops. At some point you fall behind. Even though you've grown the business tremendously over the past two years, you fall behind. You lose half your income. From 160 down to 75k. You're still having 10 times the success you had your first year, but not making any bonus. You quit or get fired. Someone new picks up the business you just built, gets a super low quota, and makes 160-170k growing the business from where you left off until the quota line passes them. Off they go, in comes someone new. That is the story of ZOLL. Don't believe me, ask a IV cardiologist how many ZOLL reps he's had. ZOLL would rather turn you over and hire someone new. They don't care what you've built. I heard it from a high places exec's lips "we don't lose ground we when have turnover."

What you forgot to add is that Zoll doesn't have to pay commission on a lot of the sales when they have turn over. When you leave they don't pay you for your sales and the new person coming in doesn't get sales commission on anything that you sold, so for months they are getting away with paying zero dollars in commissions to anyone. Of course, all of those negative adjustments and 0 dollar payments for insurance that "didn't cover LV" well they "magically" get paid for after you leave and the new rep doesn't get credit for that either. Zoll makes out well by having turn over.

What you forgot to add is that Zoll doesn't have to pay commission on a lot of the sales when they have turn over. When you leave they don't pay you for your sales and the new person coming in doesn't get sales commission on anything that you sold, so for months they are getting away with paying zero dollars in commissions to anyone. Of course, all of those negative adjustments and 0 dollar payments for insurance that "didn't cover LV" well they "magically" get paid for after you leave and the new rep doesn't get credit for that either. Zoll makes out well by having turn over.
This is the absolute truth. The only reason to come to ZOLL is if you're unemployed and want to look for your perfect job while you're employed by ZOLL. They will be perfectly happy with your short stay. It works to their financial advantage in their opinion.

This place has become a complete joke!! The ASM was a joke!! What a craphole to have a meeting! This place has never been great but the last 2 1/2 years have been deplorable. Ironically that coincides with BG's hire. Guy doesn't know his tail from a hole in the ground. Horrible decisions, hirings, promotions, etc. He's set the company back 3 years if not more. Is it any wonder why a true VP of Sales would not stick around? It truly is a shame that a life saving product can be ruined by inept management. I hope to be out soon and I warn you STAY AWAY!!!