stand up and protest our mandatory vaccine

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People have a right to refuse an unapproved medicine. The pharma companies have immunity from the government on these drugs and there is no recourse if you have a major side effect or who knows what long-term data and safety issues these drugs will have. Stop telling people how to live their lives and focus on your own.

People have a right to refuse an unapproved medicine. The pharma companies have immunity from the government on these drugs and there is no recourse if you have a major side effect or who knows what long-term data and safety issues these drugs will have. Stop telling people how to live their lives and focus on your own.

^ Another bozo. Probably a QAnon or Trumptard too.

You chose to work in healthcare. You can't go in to practices spreading a highly contagious virus that you might not know you have if you are asymptomatic. You can't put HCPs at risk of spreading it to their immunocompromised patients. That is not a right. If you want to pass on the vaccine you are free to sit in your own home and get a telemarketer job. This is absurd.

How do you explain the spike in Israel, a nation that is over 80% vaccinated?

Insurance should stop covering medical bills for those people that go to the ER because they aren't vaccinated. Insurance premiums should be much higher for those that chose to be unvaccinated. Were all in this mess because of bats. Blame the guy who ate a bat. But seriously- just get your damn shot and move on. We all get our MMR vaccines and nobody complains. This will just be one more. This is a community thing- stop being so selfish and get the damn shot. If 100% of the earth had this shot covid would be over already and we could get back to rioting, looting, and all that other pre-covid stuff that our wonderful citizens usually do for entertainment.

Insurance should stop covering medical bills for those people that go to the ER because they aren't vaccinated. Insurance premiums should be much higher for those that chose to be unvaccinated. Were all in this mess because of bats. Blame the guy who ate a bat. But seriously- just get your damn shot and move on. We all get our MMR vaccines and nobody complains. This will just be one more. This is a community thing- stop being so selfish and get the damn shot. If 100% of the earth had this shot covid would be over already and we could get back to rioting, looting, and all that other pre-covid stuff that our wonderful citizens usually do for entertainment.

Amen! There’s at least ONE other sane person on this forum.

Bunch of cry babies and selfish assholes. Get damn shot!!!

For those that say “it’s my body” companies can’t tell me what to do and needle rape and all that stuff then just leave. We are a free society so go find a job that doesn’t require a vaccine. Companies actually do tell you what you can and can’t do with your body. If you get a tattoo on your face you’ll probably get fired. Wear a short short inappropriate mini skirt and you’ll probably get fired. Come to work and don’t shower and you smell bad you’ll probably get fired. Can I use my body and punch another employee - I’ll probably get fired. But it’s my body so they can’t tell me what to do. Society has rules to keep the smart ones safe. It’s Darwinism. Go get raped by the needle and move on. We all know 99% of the people here get needles shoved in their faces on a weekly basis. You’ll throw botulinum toxin in your body but a vaccine is unsafe? Get your fake vaccine card and move on.

Insurance should stop covering medical bills for those people that go to the ER because they aren't vaccinated. Insurance premiums should be much higher for those that chose to be unvaccinated. Were all in this mess because of bats. Blame the guy who ate a bat. But seriously- just get your damn shot and move on. We all get our MMR vaccines and nobody complains. This will just be one more. This is a community thing- stop being so selfish and get the damn shot. If 100% of the earth had this shot covid would be over already and we could get back to rioting, looting, and all that other pre-covid stuff that our wonderful citizens usually do for entertainment.

No, covid wouldn't be over if 100% of the earth had the shot. People can still carry the virus and spread it WITH the shot. Like the FLU. And viruses mutate to so they can stay alive and spread LIKE THE FLU. Stop buying in to this garbage you are being fed. This biological warfare is with us for good, and the shot is just a bandaid. Find ways to protect yourself that are being suppressed and you, like the virus, might live to fight another day.

Um. The Pfizer vaccine was officially FDA approved a few months ago. Of course it will never 100% go away. You can still get polio, measels, mumps and a bunch of other nasty diseases. You just don’t see it much anymore because decades ago society was smart and people got vaccinated. Social media didn’t exist back then and people followed the guidance of doctors and smart people. Imagine if all these anti Vaxers existed back then. Now everyone is an expert because you can do your Google research and get your medial degree in 5 minutes. But the reality is covid is fake and the vaccines have microchips so the government can monitor your bowel movements. I’m not getting the vaccine unless my mommy says I can because I’m an American and I have rights and I have a binder of lawyers and I’m just trying to be a difficult deuchbag because I don’t want to be told what to do.

Um. The Pfizer vaccine was officially FDA approved a few months ago. Of course it will never 100% go away. You can still get polio, measels, mumps and a bunch of other nasty diseases. You just don’t see it much anymore because decades ago society was smart and people got vaccinated. Social media didn’t exist back then and people followed the guidance of doctors and smart people. Imagine if all these anti Vaxers existed back then. Now everyone is an expert because you can do your Google research and get your medial degree in 5 minutes. But the reality is covid is fake and the vaccines have microchips so the government can monitor your bowel movements. I’m not getting the vaccine unless my mommy says I can because I’m an American and I have rights and I have a binder of lawyers and I’m just trying to be a difficult deuchbag because I don’t want to be told what to do.

WHAT? Covid is fake and the vaccine has microchips?!

oh boy…. Please leave Galderma. We don’t need morons like you as employees.

GOOD GOD…. I’m actually speechless.

The science is speaking of vaccinated transmitting and getting sick with COVID. No vaccine for me.
Posters like you all over cafepharma. Sent perhaps by Russian operative seeking to sew distrust and collusion. Either that or right wingers hell bent on Biden failing even though it involves killing a few people.