stand up and protest our mandatory vaccine

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FDA approved does not mean scientifically proven. It means business deal made. This has never been about health and safety. It is about power and control. Wake up sheeple!

Or leave! I am tired of finding out that I was exposed to Covid from an unvaccinated fool and now it is my problem. That's why you cannot decide for yourself if you should get vaccinated. Your stupidity impacts me and my family. Simple as that.

"We have to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated".

Strange. I thought that was the vaccine's job.

The Covid vaccines are the only products in the world whose failures are blamed on those who have not taken them.

the vaccines kill more people than they save?

due WTF are you talking about?! I can understand some uneducated hick having this “opinion” but you work for a Pharma company for crying out loud.

leave, please, we don’t need people of your caliber around here bringing down the average IQ of the whole company.

You chose to work in healthcare. You can't go in to practices spreading a highly contagious virus that you might not know you have if you are asymptomatic. You can't put HCPs at risk of spreading it to their immunocompromised patients. That is not a right. If you want to pass on the vaccine you are free to sit in your own home and get a telemarketer job. This is absurd.

I do believe in freedom of choice especially and I mean especially when it’s from an experimental vaccine. We must all stick together. Fight for your right and say no to mandatory vaccine.

Im from a diff Company checking out with other company wraps are saying and there's a lot of us who aren't willing to take the job based on science despite what other people are saying and it's rude quite frankly.
It's astounding to me that we study clinical trials for a living and all these reps are willing to take the jab before anything is even studied long term. You arent alone. There are a lot of us.

*voice text is awful*
Im from a diff Company checking out what other company reps are saying and there's a lot of us who aren't willing to take the jab, based on science, despite what other people/reps are saying and it's rude quite frankly.
It's astounding to me that we study clinical trials for a living and all these reps are willing to take the jab before anything is even studied long term. You arent alone. There are a lot of us.
And hello? I have doctors and nurses telling me not to! Anyone else?

My body my choice. Right? This is a complete mishandle of freedom and it being pushed out through a fake video smile in the evening is shameful. This will be fought hard and Attorney Generals in over half the states are fighting this. If you trust the mandated vaccine so much why are you all still wearing masks? If you’re vaccinated shouldn’t you be good even from those who don’t want to wear masks. You put so much faith in your vaccine and then you don’t trust it at all! I’d prefer get natural immunity or die than be forced to have this mandated. My freedom is worth more than being a pawn. Back off Galderma.

How about this: you make virtual calls from home and the company ups your insurance premium. The rest of us don't want to pay for your hospital visit and monoclonal antibody treatment. The docs at the hospitals treating Covid are pissed at people like you and don't even want to treat people that are not vaxxed. The nurses will resent you, too. The vaccine does not make you bulletproof. It prevents you from having to go to the hospital or dying. The longer you antivaxxers protest the more this virus can mutate to another strain. Is that what you want? I'm guessing you don't care about anyone but yourself. I hope that's not true. The mask prevents you from spreading the virus in the event that you get the variant and have no symptoms. You can still spread it to others and no one knows how severe the impact will be because it is unpredictable. And what are you not free to do with a mask and a vaccine?

Or leave! I am tired of finding out that I was exposed to Covid from an unvaccinated fool and now it is my problem. That's why you cannot decide for yourself if you should get vaccinated. Your stupidity impacts me and my family. Simple as that.
Sorry you are living in so much fear. We all get to think and do our own research and make an educated decision. With no long term safety data we can say no.

So my choice, but now I’m forced to get vaccinated. No thanks guys. This is personal choice and attorneys are lining up to fight for those that decide a vaccine does not fit for them.

the vaccines kill more people than they save?

due WTF are you talking about?! I can understand some uneducated hick having this “opinion” but you work for a Pharma company for crying out loud.

leave, please, we don’t need people of your caliber around here bringing down the average IQ of the whole company.
You are one that needs to leave! Do your research! Scary how stupid and brainwashed you are to even make that comment! Check your IQ! Please!

We have to wear our masks because the unvaccinated could spread a variant that is resistant to the vaccine. If we could get herd immunity the risk would be minimized.

The truth is the unvaccinated are just selfish assholes who don't care about their fellow man. Pfizer is now approved. Do the right thing and get it!
You are so stupid! If your jab works why are you so worried about the unvaccinated! Because it doesn’t work you loser! And you are the one causing mutations! It’s been proven that spike protein causes variances! Let’s see what your life looks like in a few years! Keep getting your boosters!

*voice text is awful*
Im from a diff Company checking out what other company reps are saying and there's a lot of us who aren't willing to take the jab, based on science, despite what other people/reps are saying and it's rude quite frankly.
It's astounding to me that we study clinical trials for a living and all these reps are willing to take the jab before anything is even studied long term. You arent alone. There are a lot of us.
And hello? I have doctors and nurses telling me not to! Anyone else?

Same here! Also, when people are willing to put their career/livelihood on the line instead of taking the jab, that should tell you something is NOT right! Do not comply!