South Florida Div is a joke

After another day of just going through the motions I have been on the fence about applying for the open specialty position. I mean I want to get promoted and move up but that seems impossible here. We have no chance at DM since the five they have here haven't left in forever. Their stale message is old and tired and our ABD is just as much to blame. Jeez if he or the idiot in Tampa can't see our number tumbling towards the abyss over the last years their either dumb or blind. Lexapro can't save us anymore!!!!!!!!!! As for the open spot I see only one problem. I have to work for that clueless kiss up. I mean the rep left not because he couldn't handle it but after a year of working for that clown he knew he was screwed. You don't step down to work a territory almost 45 minutes away unless your desperate. I did some checking on the competition and its the who's who of morons and suck ups. I mean baldy wants but hello ask the scarecrow for his brain back. I hear boca wants it...but he has a better shot at digging ditches and the big suckup in boynton wants it. He has the best shot being the clowns little pet! I hope he knows he reputation for being hated in most offices. So with these guys maybe I will apply and sit across from the mgrs and act like I am interested. All the time thinking your morons who nobody respects, get my increase in base for doing less work, and finally be safer( I think) after the layoffs happen!

South Florida is a joke. Hey, DMs, wake up!!! We have no respect for you! Why do you think the numbers are in the shitter? Quit micromanaging us and talking shit about us! Why don't you HELP us? Oh wait! Youre clueless! Keep up with your initiatives and tracker spreadsheets. Those don't help us, but I guess you guys need something to show the higher ups that you're trying to do something.

Whose taking Amy Adams position?

I am sure it will be someone like our tool specialty mgr. That guy is worthless and will fit in perfect. I realized that even more during the interview process for the specialty opening. All I can say he looks to blame everyone and always deflects blame. You are either one of his puppets or he makes you miserablel. If he becomes RM we are all screwed. Worst part will be when our money maker lexapro goes generic we will down to two reps per territory and at least two dms are gone. Husband and wife duo gone....shorty gone and well the guy down south can go back to selling stereo's. All will be left will be the photographer and the clown. Damn I need to get my rez out there....well its one and i am 10 deep time to go home!

Hope not either he is a huge tooooool! I mean come on, how did he even get down here. Not that witch is headed out who will protect him or put up with his stupidity. He has knowledge but anyone can memorize an anatomy book. This isn't commack and those guys were happy to see him go! He is miserable to work for and even though I was over qualified for the position I wouldn't even apply!

On a different note hey JS I'll call you an tell you who i am when you post why you were let go! You couldn't figure out who i am because so many people including your own team thought you were a moron! Keep selling your so called supplies since we all know your answering phone's at a call center!

South Florida needs new DMs. The bullshit needs to stop....the bullying and micromanaging. It's so out of control. I really don't see it changing unless we get GOOD DMs here. Were all here to make money. Leave us alone and HELP us do it! I'm sick of all the bs!

DM here: you people get to work and stop bashing the managers! If you suck, you will be micromanaged! because you deserve it! Stop complaining on cafe p about your DM or DM . Get to work! Turn complaint time to productive time and sell and you will not have us breathing down your back!!!!

Well, how about you do your job?! What is the definition of a DM?

Hope not either he is a huge tooooool! I mean come on, how did he even get down here. Not that witch is headed out who will protect him or put up with his stupidity. He has knowledge but anyone can memorize an anatomy book. This isn't commack and those guys were happy to see him go! He is miserable to work for and even though I was over qualified for the position I wouldn't even apply!

On a different note hey JS I'll call you an tell you who i am when you post why you were let go! You couldn't figure out who i am because so many people including your own team thought you were a moron! Keep selling your so called supplies since we all know your answering phone's at a call center!

JS= James

I resigned. That's how I was "let go" you r*****, to take a device job. Again, you're the pussy still hiding on here and holding on to your rapidly evaporating job at forest.

Additionally, I already know who you are. As much as you continue to try and say my old partners dogged me out, it's actually your same co-workers who identified who you are to me! So I'll give you the chance to admit it to me in any fashion that you know how... which is very little obviously. You haven't a clue what you're talking about and are also dumb enough to virtually identify yourself on here with your idiotic posts. I'm sure you're not intelligent enough to defend yourself professionally and definitely not physically as evident by your current physical shape of round, so you deserve no sympathy. You're probably not aware of forest's policy on posting on here and especially during your so called work hours, so here's what I'm gonna do for ya champ... I'll go ahead and forward your posts on here to your DM and to HR with information identifying who you are. Then you'll have a real reason to get your "rez" over to home depot after your fruitless attempts to defend yourself to corporate fall flat. Or you can show some guts and actually admit who you are and i'll spare your expedited departure from forest which I'm sure is probably not too far away already.

I'll give you until Monday. Your partners and your DM know how to get a hold of me so choose wisely. I'm sure you won't and you'll try and call my bluff. Please do that! After your terminated, I'll come down south and let you wash my boat for a blockbuster gift card. That way you can rent Anchorman again, go to your mom's trailer, practice all the lines, and feel like someone gives a shit about you while you feverishly recant the lines of the movie with the other dorks you surround yourself like you do at the POAs.

Good luck idiot.

Hope not either he is a huge tooooool! I mean come on, how did he even get down here. Not that witch is headed out who will protect him or put up with his stupidity. He has knowledge but anyone can memorize an anatomy book. This isn't commack and those guys were happy to see him go! He is miserable to work for and even though I was over qualified for the position I wouldn't even apply!

On a different note hey JS I'll call you an tell you who i am when you post why you were let go! You couldn't figure out who i am because so many people including your own team thought you were a moron! Keep selling your so called supplies since we all know your answering phone's at a call center!

JS= James

I resigned. That's how I was "let go" you r*****, to take a device job. Again, you're the pussy still hiding on here and holding on to your rapidly evaporating job at forest.

Additionally, I already know who you are. As much as you continue to try and say my old partners dogged me out, it's actually your same co-workers who identified who you are to me! So I'll give you the chance to admit it to me in any fashion that you know how... which is very little obviously. You haven't a clue what you're talking about and are also dumb enough to virtually identify yourself on here with your idiotic posts. I'm sure you're not intelligent enough to defend yourself professionally and definitely not physically as evident by your current physical shape of round, so you deserve no sympathy. You're probably not aware of forest's policy on posting on here and especially during your so called work hours, so here's what I'm gonna do for ya champ... I'll go ahead and forward your posts on here to your DM and to HR with information identifying who you are. Then you'll have a real reason to get your "rez" over to home depot after your fruitless attempts to defend yourself to corporate fall flat. Or you can show some guts and actually admit who you are and i'll spare your expedited departure from forest which I'm sure is probably not too far away already.

I'll give you until Monday. Your partners and your DM know how to get a hold of me so choose wisely. I'm sure you won't and you'll try and call my bluff. Please do that! After your terminated, I'll come down south and let you wash my boat for a blockbuster gift card. That way you can rent Anchorman again, go to your mom's trailer, practice all the lines, and feel like someone gives a shit about you while you feverishly recant the lines of the movie with the other dorks you surround yourself like you do at the POAs.

Good luck idiot.

JS= James

I resigned. That's how I was "let go" you r*****, to take a device job. Again, you're the pussy still hiding on here and holding on to your rapidly evaporating job at forest.

Additionally, I already know who you are. As much as you continue to try and say my old partners dogged me out, it's actually your same co-workers who identified who you are to me! So I'll give you the chance to admit it to me in any fashion that you know how... which is very little obviously. You haven't a clue what you're talking about and are also dumb enough to virtually identify yourself on here with your idiotic posts. I'm sure you're not intelligent enough to defend yourself professionally and definitely not physically as evident by your current physical shape of round, so you deserve no sympathy. You're probably not aware of forest's policy on posting on here and especially during your so called work hours, so here's what I'm gonna do for ya champ... I'll go ahead and forward your posts on here to your DM and to HR with information identifying who you are. Then you'll have a real reason to get your "rez" over to home depot after your fruitless attempts to defend yourself to corporate fall flat. Or you can show some guts and actually admit who you are and i'll spare your expedited departure from forest which I'm sure is probably not too far away already.

I'll give you until Monday. Your partners and your DM know how to get a hold of me so choose wisely. I'm sure you won't and you'll try and call my bluff. Please do that! After your terminated, I'll come down south and let you wash my boat for a blockbuster gift card. That way you can rent Anchorman again, go to your mom's trailer, practice all the lines, and feel like someone gives a shit about you while you feverishly recant the lines of the movie with the other dorks you surround yourself like you do at the POAs.

Good luck idiot.

Oh I am so scared!!! Fuck you!! Who the hell are you tough guy. Go back to your device job if you are so good. If you went to such a much better job, why would you post on cafe pharma

Im surprised you could even see over your little girlfriends shadow at the poa meetings to know what else was going on short stack. Oh yeah, shes not your girlfriend.... you just liked following her around like her little puppy dog to try to get some. And as far as anyone being afraid of you physically??? My dog weighs more than you and is probably taller too. Anyone can be a tough guy fighter when they are in a 90 pound weight class r*****!! Now stop worrying about whats going on with Forest and start worrying about your new job that is so great, before you get shit canned from there too!!

Ha!!!!!!!!!!whoever JS is it sounds like he's a little b***h. If you don't work for forest then why would you even been on this board. Move on! Sounds like you need a hug or a separation letter from hr. Oh and as for being on here during the day...newsflash everyone can access this site from a cell phone during work hours. If I am the rep your trying to call out I wouldn't even respond. Your out regardelss of what happened and its not illegal to access a blog site on a personal computer moron. Get over yourself and what he stated as a napeleon complex. Your looking like a whiny little girl!!!!!! Over on the west coast we have our issues like this but people leave without issue! If you have a device job then be happy and stick to that. As for the POA and your issues related to following someone around like a puppy dog well...that's just funny!

Let's talk about morale. Why is it there are so many being bullied down here? Why are so many on LOC and probation? Why is there no clear leadership or direction for us to get better? I'm ready for change. I'm ready for a business minded individual/individuals help me achieve my career goals. I'm tired of seeing good reps leave because the DMs in Florida have nothing else to do. I am really looking forward to seeing what Chris Adams can do to get the morale and FUN back in our jobs here.......and MAKE THE MONEY we all strive for. It's definitely time to get back on track down here and it all starts with our DMs.

Watch how you speak about us DMs. Remember, we control your evaluations!!

Winning too much:
The need to win at all costs and in every situation.
Adding too much value:
The overwhelming desire to add our own two cents to every discussion.
Passing judgment:
The need to rate others an impose our standards on them.
Making destructive comments:
The needless sarcasms and cutting remarks that we think make us sound sharp and witty.
Starting with “No”, “But” or “However”:
The overuse of theses negative qualifiers which secretly say to everyone, “I’m right. You’re wrong.”
Telling the world how smart we are:
The need to show people we’re smarter that they think we are.
Speaking when angry:
Using emotional volativity as a management tool.
The need to share our negative thoughts even when we aren’t asked.
Withholding information:
The refusal to share information in order to maintain an advantage over others.
Failing to give proper recognition:
The inability to praise and reward
Claiming credit we don’t deserve:
The most annoying way to overestimate our contribution to any success.
Making excuses:
The need to reposition our annoying behavior as a permanent fixture so people excuse us for it.
Clinging to the past:
The need to deflect blame away from ourselves and onto events and people from our past: a subset of blaming everyone else.
Playing favorites:
Failing to see that we are treating someone unfairly.
Refusing to express regret:
The inability to take responsibility for our actions, admit we’re wrong, or recognize how our actions affect others.
Not listening:
The most passive-aggressive form of disrespect for colleagues.
Failing to express gratitude:
The most basic form of bad manners.
Punishing the messenger:
The misguided need to attack the innocent who are usually only trying to help us.
Passing the buck:
The need to blame everyone but ourselves.
An excessive need to be “me”:
Exalting our faults as virtues simply because they’re who we are.
Goal obsession:
When we get so wrapped up in the goal that we lose sight of the mission.

These are all characteristics of INEFFECTIVE leaders...need I say more?

You can make our day or break our day. Your choice. No kidding. Other than the decisions individuals make on their own about liking their work, you are the most powerful factor in employee motivation and morale.