Sotyktu floundering

arrogance tanked the launch....we thought because we had some marginal, albeit not statistically different efficacy scores, and once a day dosing, that we could go out and repeatedly bad mouth the placebo product dermatologist love....we simply don't know derm.....we can blame it on mean old Amgen, blame it on the PBMs, blame it on all the Novartins doing nothing, any manner of things, but deep down we all know we had a flawed launch strategy, poor tactics and even worse execution.
Fair. But don’t let Andy Rodman off the book. A lot of these guys came over here thinking it was going to be easy street, just sit back and let the drug sell itself. His best defense is to say it’s not JUST his fault. A lot of them had their hands in this mess.

Fair. But don’t let Andy Rodman off the book. A lot of these guys came over here thinking it was going to be easy street, just sit back and let the drug sell itself. His best defense is to say it’s not JUST his fault. A lot of them had their hands in this mess.
What I don’t get is this story by him and his peeps that he just lost his job because Steven Jackson and Carlos didn’t like him

1) no they don’t fire you just because they think you’re a dick
2) why is people thinking you are a dick a much better explanation for why you got fired than it was due to being caught ? I mean while your employer won’t fire you just for being a dick, why would you hire someone with that red flag of being a dick ?

I knew in Texas pre-launch we were in trouble. Too many big Pharma types that only wanted to measure "execution", but paid no mind to messaging.

When your VP and ED levels only know execution, you are in trouble.

What I don’t get is this story by him and his peeps that he just lost his job because Steven Jackson and Carlos didn’t like him

1) no they don’t fire you just because they think you’re a dick
2) why is people thinking you are a dick a much better explanation for why you got fired than it was due to being caught ? I mean while your employer won’t fire you just for being a dick, why would you hire someone with that red flag of being a dick ?
I actually get why Andy and his crew are thinking he was signaled out because whether Andy was fired due to incompetence or corruption or for just being an ass, much of his crew suffer from the same symptoms. So they are thinking well we’re still here, what’s different about Andy ? I do agree their story that Andy was fired simply because Steven Jackson and Carlos didn’t like him. But I get their confusion.

I actually get why Andy and his crew are thinking he was signaled out because whether Andy was fired due to incompetence or corruption or for just being an ass, much of his crew suffer from the same symptoms. So they are thinking well we’re still here, what’s different about Andy ? I do agree their story that Andy was fired simply because Steven Jackson and Carlos didn’t like him. But I get their confusion.
This confusion is why Steven Jackson and Carlos should do a one time post on cafe pharma and tell us exactly Andy Rodman got fired

Things have been really close lipped about this at home office !

You’re right

I guess I’m still wanting to know because I’m rooting for some other company being dumb enough to hire him and take some of his do nothing buddies with him. We Could use a cleansing over here, would be great to dump some of our garbage on someone else.
Yes let it go bro, just be thankful Andy rodman is gone

Alex Robert’s is a great hire. He doesn’t know shit about dermatology, he probably never sold in a specialty space and please don’t defend and cardio is specialty. Nice controlling move by Steven and Carlos. Another BMS yes man to do their biddings.

Is anyone really, truly happy here at BMS selling Sotyktu?
Sadly yes. The empty headed reps with large PSO clinics love it. Especially if their manager is a bumbling fool. They send lunches to offices and never show up. Thanks to E Roster making life better for them. The smarts have left or are planning to leave.

Sadly yes. The empty headed reps with large PSO clinics love it. Especially if their manager is a bumbling fool. They send lunches to offices and never show up. Thanks to E Roster making life better for them. The smarts have left or are planning to leave.
E roster is the best invention is a long time. I can appear to do lunches all over town yet I have time for my real estate business while expensing the company car/gas to appear like I'm working. I am working on a 40% share (of new closings at are agency). You see at my real job, I only get paid if I sell. With Sotyktu, as long as I hit the KPI dashboard, I get paid. Love this place.