Sotyktu floundering

Simply a smoke and mirrors move to push the inevitable down the road. 50% of us will be fired by Q2 '25.

Best part is the misery we will bring to the Amgen robots. I just talked to one this morning and they said the ONLY thing they focus on is us and "execution" which she said means they fake calls for their dashboard. We may be a failure, but it brings a swell of pride to make them miserable as well.

Don't they know the market is being taken over by Skyrizi and Bimzelx? The non steroidal topics only delay systemic treatment, they don't replace any.

Let them focus on us. Idiots.

We never learn. Why did they streamline other specialties but decide to increase the number in derm? Oh well.

We never learn. Why did they streamline other specialties but decide to increase the number in derm? Oh well.
We are increasing in derm because we are desperate to show the Street we still believe in our ability to make this molecule what it should be. The problem is the two years of futility we have had. We needed those to build volume, in turn improve access and steal from Otezla enough to entrench ourselves before better orals make it to market. Now we are faced with Lilly kicking our ass for a year then having Takeda whip us like a dog. This thing is a failure and we are going to further alienate derms all over town by adding 45 reps. Terrible leadership.

We are increasing in derm because we are desperate to show the Street we still believe in our ability to make this molecule what it should be. The problem is the two years of futility we have had. We needed those to build volume, in turn improve access and steal from Otezla enough to entrench ourselves before better orals make it to market. Now we are faced with Lilly kicking our ass for a year then having Takeda whip us like a dog. This thing is a failure and we are going to further alienate derms all over town by adding 45 reps. Terrible leadership.
I think you should be more concerned with JNJ putting the oral IL23 nail in Sotyktu's coffin in a couple of years...

I think you should be more concerned with JNJ putting the oral IL23 nail in Sotyktu's coffin in a couple of years...
IF that oral IL23 makes it to market, but yes I agree with the argument.

Takeda’s TYK is already looking better in Phase 2 trials. Still a few years off, but someone posted above that BMS pissed away these past two years to try and overtake Otezla and lead the oral market and they failed. Very difficult now to turn it around and do what should have been done in this year and the next year.

IF that oral IL23 makes it to market, but yes I agree with the argument.

Takeda’s TYK is already looking better in Phase 2 trials. Still a few years off, but someone posted above that BMS pissed away these past two years to try and overtake Otezla and lead the oral market and they failed. Very difficult now to turn it around and do what should have been done in this year and the next year.
TAK 279 is not fucking with us

BMS dermatology is being run as a glorified primary care sales force. You’re welcome, I said it and you know it’s true. Your leadership has 0 clue of what’s going on. Carlos, Steven, Pete???? Clueless.

BMS dermatology is being run as a glorified primary care sales force. You’re welcome, I said it and you know it’s true. Your leadership has 0 clue of what’s going on. Carlos, Steven, Pete???? Clueless.
Amgen dermatology is being run as an entry level PCP contract sales force. First we taught them home to synch their computers. Next we taught them how to pre call plan. Next we taught them how to ask high impact questions. Next we taught them how to hit their execution numbers. Finally, we will teach them how to close HARD.

How long can we go on pushing charity cases to the HUB before Wall Street realizes we don't know what we are doing?

Look around. Who is leading? The "best" rep out there has 3 revenue generating scripts?

This is swirling down the tubes fast.
This was the first Sotyktu Floundering post..and now the average is 2 revenue generating scripts…flush this turd down Karen’s throat

The drug is a turd, our managers are turds and now they are adding 8 more. Oh I’m sure some reps will get to be managers and definitely pretty boy, ass kissing, I’ll do whatever you tell me AS will get a role. Nothing is going to change. We can bring on 100 more people, the fact is this drug is not worth it and we should have kept Otezla.

The drug is a turd, our managers are turds and now they are adding 8 more. Oh I’m sure some reps will get to be managers and definitely pretty boy, ass kissing, I’ll do whatever you tell me AS will get a role. Nothing is going to change. We can bring on 100 more people, the fact is this drug is not worth it and we should have kept Otezla.
Had we kept Otezla, we would have done the same thing Amgen is doing to it: milking its 99.999% profit. Amgen is a clueless PCP organization living on the laurels of its past via Enbrel. But make no mistake, they don't know dermatology one bit. They probably have assigned their internal mafia of Thousand Oak rotaters onto the brand and they are tightening up the only thing they know: "execution". They will measure everything they can imagine - calls, types of calls, time of calls, samples(always too many), RTE, speaker programs, miles driven, digital aid use, everything possible but nothing to do with anything that will drive new sales. I know people there and they say the only thing that matters to their pink wearing poser of a DM is making their call numbers look right for their drunken RSD and their kill everything she touches ED. Culture is broken. They tell people to lie about calls and then target the Celgene reps to fire them for falsifying calls. We would be just as bad. Look at our last 3 launches. Tells you everything you need to know about measuring what matters. When will leadership get it that ZS sold them a scam with NBRX. It's fake. A projection, based on 3 other projections.

Had we kept Otezla, we would have done the same thing Amgen is doing to it: milking its 99.999% profit. Amgen is a clueless PCP organization living on the laurels of its past via Enbrel. But make no mistake, they don't know dermatology one bit. They probably have assigned their internal mafia of Thousand Oak rotaters onto the brand and they are tightening up the only thing they know: "execution". They will measure everything they can imagine - calls, types of calls, time of calls, samples(always too many), RTE, speaker programs, miles driven, digital aid use, everything possible but nothing to do with anything that will drive new sales. I know people there and they say the only thing that matters to their pink wearing poser of a DM is making their call numbers look right for their drunken RSD and their kill everything she touches ED. Culture is broken. They tell people to lie about calls and then target the Celgene reps to fire them for falsifying calls. We would be just as bad. Look at our last 3 launches. Tells you everything you need to know about measuring what matters. When will leadership get it that ZS sold them a scam with NBRX. It's fake. A projection, based on 3 other projections.
Pussies never stop whining

Don’t you all think that this mirrored territory is going to work? I think it’s a perfect idea. I love the thought of hiring more people in dermatology and sending others home in other divisions. There are much better ways to handle this.

Most of our managers are waiting for their beloved incompetent RBD to land a job with Bimzelx. Then he will bring them over for their HS sales force. Just wait. He and that VP go back to the good old Galderma days. He can go over there and create his all white leadership team. It won’t bother them that he was fired here or that he literally accomplished nothing. So what if he beat out one other person for RBD? Hopefully he lands the position and takes the rest of the garbage with him. They know they can no longer hide their incompetence.

Most of our managers are waiting for their beloved incompetent RBD to land a job with Bimzelx. Then he will bring them over for their HS sales force. Just wait. He and that VP go back to the good old Galderma days. He can go over there and create his all white leadership team. It won’t bother them that he was fired here or that he literally accomplished nothing. So what if he beat out one other person for RBD? Hopefully he lands the position and takes the rest of the garbage with him. They know they can no longer hide their incompetence.
Why would they hire someone that just got fired? It has spread like wildfire. All the derm companies talk. They have to know.

Why would they hire someone that just got fired? It has spread like wildfire. All the derm companies talk. They have to know.
Oh they do have to know Andy got fired and that’s what’s hilarious and so good for us. These morons will hire Andy knowing he’s a do nothing lazy useless narcissist who was just fired for a Doozy. And I have been praying exactly for this, for a dumb dumb company to hire him so he can take some of his do nothing clones with him. So another company‘s foolishness is our gain, our great fortune. An unintentionally brilliant move by Carlos getting rid of Andy knowing he’d take some of the clones who botched this launch with him. I am looking forward to the exodus of dead weight so we can work on trying to turn this thing around.

Oh they do have to know Andy got fired and that’s what’s hilarious and so good for us. These morons will hire Andy knowing he’s a do nothing lazy useless narcissist who was just fired for a Doozy. And I have been praying exactly for this, for a dumb dumb company to hire him so he can take some of his do nothing clones with him. So another company‘s foolishness is our gain, our great fortune. An unintentionally brilliant move by Carlos getting rid of Andy knowing he’d take some of the clones who botched this launch with him. I am looking forward to the exodus of dead weight so we can work on trying to turn this thing around.

how reliable is this that Andy is being hired by another company ?

Oh they do have to know Andy got fired and that’s what’s hilarious and so good for us. These morons will hire Andy knowing he’s a do nothing lazy useless narcissist who was just fired for a Doozy. And I have been praying exactly for this, for a dumb dumb company to hire him so he can take some of his do nothing clones with him. So another company‘s foolishness is our gain, our great fortune. An unintentionally brilliant move by Carlos getting rid of Andy knowing he’d take some of the clones who botched this launch with him. I am looking forward to the exodus of dead weight so we can work on trying to turn this thing around.
Knowing Andy my opinion is he would lie to other companies, wouldn’t even tell them he got fired !