Sotyktu floundering

Maybe Cory had dirt on someone at top but I don’t think he would think he needed to have that to be so comfortable talking trash instead of doing his work.

Cory and Andy and Pete and the others from Novartis feel empowered by having their tentacles so deeply entrenched in the company

The fish rotted from top to bottom

even though the first layer of rot was removed they left the next layer of rot, incompetent poor work ethic Pete and Andy, in place.

just as Pete and Andy weren’t picked for skill and hard work, the district managers were picked by Andy and Pete for their loyalty to them and not because of any skill and work ethic. ( everyone at the company can see this)

and then the district managers picked reps who would be loyal to the rot and not based on skill and work ethic

The cancer spread throughout derm

Cory and Andy think it’s funny to mock Carlos’ height and talk a whole lot of shit about so many others, while smiling to Carlos’ face, because they know no own will hold them accountable. They are entitled and empowered.

These people are so unprofessional I find it sickening

No lies detected

Hahah. I will be honest and tell everyone that I work at Novartis and I worked for CH. The moment he left was the best day of my career. Yes he leaves you alone in the field, yes he is not smart, and yes he is creepy as shit with some of his relationships. You will all thank your lucky stars if he ever resigns. Does he still sport that dumb ass chin hair. Either grow the entire beard or shave that shit. You are not 25.

Hahah. I will be honest and tell everyone that I work at Novartis and I worked for CH. The moment he left was the best day of my career. Yes he leaves you alone in the field, yes he is not smart, and yes he is creepy as shit with some of his relationships. You will all thank your lucky stars if he ever resigns. Does he still sport that dumb ass chin hair. Either grow the entire beard or shave that shit. You are not 25.

Cory and Andy and Pete and Ammon and Jen and Erin and the rest of their Novartis galderma mafia will not resign no matter how much they get exposed for their poor work ethic, lack of professionalism, lack of loyalty to bms, back stabbing, trash talking incompetence

nor will any of them be let go until bms makes the first move of the two step process pulling the plug on the drug, and letting half of us go later this year

Until that happens expect more of the same stupid commentary from Andy and the others, as they continue to put on a show with their fake work performance, knowing they are untouchable and can say or do (or not do) whatever they want and suffer zero consequences for it

it is people like this who give big pharma a bad name

Cory and Andy and Pete and Ammon and Jen and Erin and the rest of their Novartis galderma mafia will not resign no matter how much they get exposed for their poor work ethic, lack of professionalism, lack of loyalty to bms, back stabbing, trash talking incompetence

nor will any of them be let go until bms makes the first move of the two step process pulling the plug on the drug, and letting half of us go later this year

Until that happens expect more of the same stupid commentary from Andy and the others, as they continue to put on a show with their fake work performance, knowing they are untouchable and can say or do (or not do) whatever they want and suffer zero consequences for it

it is people like this who give big pharma a bad name

Spot on

there will be no surgical restructure and a reset, we are past the point of no return now

a sledgehammer will be taken to the staff this year, massive layoffs coming soon

Zeposia was a FLOP. Sotyktu was a FLOP. The blame is squarely on commercial. The science is fine. The marketing, the sales and the market access are dismal failures.

We should sell off everything to do with Inflammation. You suck.

Zeposia launched DURING A PANDEMIC. Also, BMS messed up everything that Celgene had done to prepare both MS and UC. Facts!

Zeposia launched DURING A PANDEMIC. Also, BMS messed up everything that Celgene had done to prepare both MS and UC. Facts!

Celgene has an awesome gameplay with Zeposia until Todd came on board and he ruined it. He also hired a bunch of tools like that Zambonia Kevin and they instilled a culture of fear. BMY just bought it and crippled it further with their activity culture.


Cory and Andy and Pete and Ammon and Jen and Erin and the rest of their Novartis galderma mafia will not resign no matter how much they get exposed for their poor work ethic, lack of professionalism, lack of loyalty to bms, back stabbing, trash talking incompetence

nor will any of them be let go until bms makes the first move of the two step process pulling the plug on the drug, and letting half of us go later this year

Until that happens expect more of the same stupid commentary from Andy and the others, as they continue to put on a show with their fake work performance, knowing they are untouchable and can say or do (or not do) whatever they want and suffer zero consequences for it

it is people like this who give big pharma a bad name

Okay, that's enough. it's time to lay off on managers and staff from Novartis. The drug is not doing as poorly as the negative people posting on here would have you believe. Sure, there have been challenges with this launch including poor access. But Andy and Pete are brilliant leaders who were hired based on skill level and performance, and they in turn hired rock star managers, who in turn hired rock star reps based on their skill and performance. This was not a matter of people bringing over others just because they were friends. Everyone hired from Novartis deserved to be hired. And they have been working their butts off, and have been crushing it within the limitations with access and the outside obstacles that we have faced. Great job everybody!

So, everyone needs to chill out, stop posting negative personal attacks, and get back to work. You were hired to sell. Now get out there and sell! LFG!!!

Pretty close to what I am hearing. I'm also hearing there will be a fundamental change to the dermatology commercial footprint. We are keeping it off course, but scaled back significantly. Also hearing that despite the earnings slides, that some future trails outside of PSA are being slow played.

Okay, that's enough. it's time to lay off on managers and staff from Novartis. The drug is not doing as poorly as the negative people posting on here would have you believe. Sure, there have been challenges with this launch including poor access. But Andy and Pete are brilliant leaders who were hired based on skill level and performance, and they in turn hired rock star managers, who in turn hired rock star reps based on their skill and performance. This was not a matter of people bringing over others just because they were friends. Everyone hired from Novartis deserved to be hired. And they have been working their butts off, and have been crushing it within the limitations with access and the outside obstacles that we have faced. Great job everybody!

So, everyone needs to chill out, stop posting negative personal attacks, and get back to work. You were hired to sell. Now get out there and sell! LFG!!!

This is must laughable post on this thread! I hope this is sarcasm because it’s sure not the truth!

Celgene has an awesome gameplay with Zeposia until Todd came on board and he ruined it. He also hired a bunch of tools like that Zambonia Kevin and they instilled a culture of fear. BMY just bought it and crippled it further with their activity culture.


todd was a tool for sure. I don’t recall a “Zambonia Kevin.” Provide a better hint.

Pretty close to what I am hearing. I'm also hearing there will be a fundamental change to the dermatology commercial footprint. We are keeping it off course, but scaled back significantly. Also hearing that despite the earnings slides, that some future trails outside of PSA are being slow played.

so basically half of us will lose our jobs this year

Okay, that's enough. it's time to lay off on managers and staff from Novartis. The drug is not doing as poorly as the negative people posting on here would have you believe. Sure, there have been challenges with this launch including poor access. But Andy and Pete are brilliant leaders who were hired based on skill level and performance, and they in turn hired rock star managers, who in turn hired rock star reps based on their skill and performance. This was not a matter of people bringing over others just because they were friends. Everyone hired from Novartis deserved to be hired. And they have been working their butts off, and have been crushing it within the limitations with access and the outside obstacles that we have faced. Great job everybody!

So, everyone needs to chill out, stop posting negative personal attacks, and get back to work. You were hired to sell. Now get out there and sell! LFG!!!


Maybe Cory had dirt on someone at top but I don’t think he would think he needed to have that to be so comfortable talking trash instead of doing his work.

Cory and Andy and Pete and the others from Novartis feel empowered by having their tentacles so deeply entrenched in the company

The fish rotted from top to bottom

even though the first layer of rot was removed they left the next layer of rot, incompetent poor work ethic Pete and Andy, in place.

just as Pete and Andy weren’t picked for skill and hard work, the district managers were picked by Andy and Pete for their loyalty to them and not because of any skill and work ethic. ( everyone at the company can see this)

and then the district managers picked reps who would be loyal to the rot and not based on skill and work ethic

The cancer spread throughout derm

Cory and Andy think it’s funny to mock Carlos’ height and talk a whole lot of shit about so many others, while smiling to Carlos’ face, because they know no own will hold them accountable. They are entitled and empowered.

These people are so unprofessional I find it sickening

but the Novartis folks say they are crushing it

Okay, that's enough. it's time to lay off on managers and staff from Novartis. The drug is not doing as poorly as the negative people posting on here would have you believe. Sure, there have been challenges with this launch including poor access. But Andy and Pete are brilliant leaders who were hired based on skill level and performance, and they in turn hired rock star managers, who in turn hired rock star reps based on their skill and performance. This was not a matter of people bringing over others just because they were friends. Everyone hired from Novartis deserved to be hired. And they have been working their butts off, and have been crushing it within the limitations with access and the outside obstacles that we have faced. Great job everybody!

So, everyone needs to chill out, stop posting negative personal attacks, and get back to work. You were hired to sell. Now get out there and sell! LFG!!!

Okay, Andy.

Best solution is to sell derm division…. Bunch of dead weight!! Sucking other divisions dry

Your bitter comment and comments from others in divisions other than derm add up to quite a sad commentary on human beings. Wishing ill will on others to make you feel better is not a good look.

Many staff in other divisions have been sadly envious of the salaries paid in derm. The envious comments on salaries paid in derm have been nonstop.

Instead of worrying about your own selves, you take delight in seeing derm struggling and take a perverse joy in the prospect of other human beings losing their jobs. No need to be so selfish and sick.

Staff losing their jobs in derm does not help other divisions in any way whatsoever.

Derm is not sucking other divisions dry. Derm is struggling on its own and may go under, and that is not a good thing for anybody.

Derm is sucking revenue from the BMS teet. Only way to get the stock to pop higher is to sell off dermatology. Sotyktu is a dog with mange. Nobody wants to prescribe it. Patients don't want to take it. It was a bad bet. Good money chasing bad is no way to run a pharma company. Take it in the shorts, realize it was a bad bet to not keep Otezla and sell off Sotyktu. Guaranteed way to make BMY pop upwards. Anyone who joined BMY dermatology was a fool for not reading the entire PI of the product.

Derm is sucking revenue from the BMS teet. Only way to get the stock to pop higher is to sell off dermatology. Sotyktu is a dog with mange. Nobody wants to prescribe it. Patients don't want to take it. It was a bad bet. Good money chasing bad is no way to run a pharma company. Take it in the shorts, realize it was a bad bet to not keep Otezla and sell off Sotyktu. Guaranteed way to make BMY pop upwards. Anyone who joined BMY dermatology was a fool for not reading the entire PI of the product.

100%. Cut losses and detach from a botched launch with horrific results. It's weighing everything else down. Even the celebrity spokesperson won't take the drug!