Sotyktu floundering

Karen, the sales force was not doubled- you added a handful of reps to cover the new huge territories that nobody signed up for. It is a last ditch effort to turn this dog into a unicorn,but the numbers do not lie,BMS is bleeding large amounts of $$$ with Slowtyktu. It also makes it easier to lay us off. The layoff plan has already been finalized-new geographies actually make it easier- whack 50% of the sales force(mirrors) and you have the minimal amount of reps to beg for scripts for the 10th in line PSO product-- wake the f up, love your only cool DM
Listen Richard, the sales force increased by more than a "handful". But you would know that if you weren't well...a Richard. Keep trolling. It's the only really successful thing you got going.....then again...maybe not....there's always that "success side hustle" you have out of your mommas basement.

Listen Richard, the sales force increased by more than a "handful". But you would know that if you weren't well...a Richard. Keep trolling. It's the only really successful thing you got going.....then again...maybe not....there's always that "success side hustle" you have out of your mommas basement.
retention rate at 40% let's gooooooooooooo!!!

Sell the molecule, disband the dermatology division and reallocate assets in areas that will generate profits. This is the only way forward with Sotyktu. If you haven't left yet, you will be escorted out soon. There is no other viable option.

Sell the molecule, disband the dermatology division and reallocate assets in areas that will generate profits. This is the only way forward with Sotyktu. If you haven't left yet, you will be escorted out soon. There is no other viable option.
THIS and one more thing: fire everyone on the ELT that got rid of the money-maker Otezla to be able to get soJAKtu.

THIS and one more thing: fire everyone on the ELT that got rid of the money-maker Otezla to be able to get soJAKtu.
I know people at Amgen and they've tried everything in their power to screw up Otezla.

Fired all their good reps.
Fired all their good leaders.
Kept their "yes ma'am" RSDs.
Destroyed their lucrative IC
Destroyed their culture
Instilled a primary care, reach and frequency model that would make 1988 proud (Merck still runs deep in TO)

yet Otezla cranks along at $2B a year.

We should fire everyone who passed on it for a JaK derivative

Based on today's news regarding Abbvie BMY would we wise to dismantle the Sotyktu franchise immediately, sell off the assets and use the proceeds to promote Cobenfy. No use in good money chasing bad. Even a community college grad from New Jersey could figure out money spent promoting Sotyktu is money wasted.

Based on today's news regarding Abbvie BMY would we wise to dismantle the Sotyktu franchise immediately, sell off the assets and use the proceeds to promote Cobenfy. No use in good money chasing bad. Even a community college grad from New Jersey could figure out money spent promoting Sotyktu is money wasted.
What was today’s news regarding AbbVie?

Based on today's news regarding Abbvie BMY would we wise to dismantle the Sotyktu franchise immediately, sell off the assets and use the proceeds to promote Cobenfy. No use in good money chasing bad. Even a community college grad from New Jersey could figure out money spent promoting Sotyktu is money wasted.
This may be the most intelligent post of the month!

THIS and one more thing: fire everyone on the ELT that got rid of the money-maker Otezla to be able to get soJAKtu.
The ELT made fortunes on that unreal incompetence. We all sat there throughout most of 2019 in the atrium listening to our CEO and his General Counsel tell us all over and over again how this was the greatest acquisition in pharmaceutical history, how we will have leadership positions in multiple therapeutic areas and, don’t forget, how there are absolutely no antitrust issues. That was the big story over and over again. Until it wasn’t. All of a sudden we learn that not only is there an issue, there is actually a huge antitrust issue and the government is going to force BMS to sell off Otezla. So the deucravacitininb team that had been building a strategy that would involve both products suddenly found out that they would be launching not with Otezla but competing with Otezla. These were not strategic decisions. These were changes forced by the government that our so-called leaders with all of their highly paid consultants and lawyers did not see coming and had to respond to urgently in order to close the deal. It was sheer incompetence but our CEO’s comp was over $20 million and the General Counsel made over $7.5 million in 2019, and that does not include a host of other LTI awards. And yet the average BMS employee who makes a small mistake is out on his/her butt over night. The incompetence at the top of the company is epic and the culture is sickening.

The ELT made fortunes on that unreal incompetence. We all sat there throughout most of 2019 in the atrium listening to our CEO and his General Counsel tell us all over and over again how this was the greatest acquisition in pharmaceutical history, how we will have leadership positions in multiple therapeutic areas and, don’t forget, how there are absolutely no antitrust issues. That was the big story over and over again. Until it wasn’t. All of a sudden we learn that not only is there an issue, there is actually a huge antitrust issue and the government is going to force BMS to sell off Otezla. So the deucravacitininb team that had been building a strategy that would involve both products suddenly found out that they would be launching not with Otezla but competing with Otezla. These were not strategic decisions. These were changes forced by the government that our so-called leaders with all of their highly paid consultants and lawyers did not see coming and had to respond to urgently in order to close the deal. It was sheer incompetence but our CEO’s comp was over $20 million and the General Counsel made over $7.5 million in 2019, and that does not include a host of other LTI awards. And yet the average BMS employee who makes a small mistake is out on his/her butt over night. The incompetence at the top of the company is epic and the culture is sickening.
The fact is that our ELT made the decision to sell apremilast. We could have sold deucra and we didn't. Don't believe the liars who say we had to keep it. Our top people ran the numbers and made a bet on our ability to launch and we lost.

I remember meeting with Alles and his team. They couldn't believe we would spin it out since it made $2B a year in revenue and $1.99B a year in profit.

Amgen in turn over bid by about $4 billion. Pfizer and JNJ made serious $7 billon bids and Gilead made the best bid of $8.5 billion. Then Agmen came out of nowhere and bid $13.4. Ridiculous and they have never made that bet pay off. In fact, they haven't grown it a bit in the 5+ years they've had it. They only know how to sell products where they clearly have the market leader. We just couldn't believe they would pay that, but that tilted the ELT's decision in favor of keeping deucra.