
Well now. I am trolling through to get a idea of what you gentlemen are worried about in relation to your careers and well being and I find a disgusting playground level chest thumping, scat flinging, territorial bitch fest.

Do you guys play pranks and sabotage you competitor at the expense of the patients to win business as well.

What I read in this is you are a bunch of self absorbed blowhards comparing penis length. No grown up, reputable sales professional would waste their time responding like this.

Sad example of generational dynamics.

Well now. I am trolling through to get a idea of what you gentlemen are worried about in relation to your careers and well being and I find a disgusting playground level chest thumping, scat flinging, territorial bitch fest.

Do you guys play pranks and sabotage you competitor at the expense of the patients to win business as well.

What I read in this is you are a bunch of self absorbed blowhards comparing penis length. No grown up, reputable sales professional would waste their time responding like this.

Sad example of generational dynamics.

Nice try, skip.

Sorry not Skip, just someone who thinks this is a joke that you waste so much time with this nonsense.

Welcome to the interweb ol'timer... You are from an ere when sonosite was not a commodity
and Mindray did not exist and KG. did not piss off Omar @ GE to bring them into the market.
SonoSite has seen its best days behind us. Time to move on.

Have had them for 9 months it must be immediately --if not sooner!
Word is first customers will be delivery in early August , and we will have our demo units prior to end of month, X-Porte been awesome during roadshow!

In a controlled environment you can make anything look good. The test is when you drop it off with the customer. That's where we have shit the bed with new products in the past.
i don't want the first one in my territory, i will wait until it's really ready.

In a controlled environment you can make anything look good. The test is when you drop it off with the customer. That's where we have shit the bed with new products in the past.
i don't want the first one in my territory, i will wait until it's really ready.

Boo fucking hoo. Go work somewhere else you fucking baby.

In a controlled environment you can make anything look good. The test is when you drop it off with the customer. That's where we have shit the bed with new products in the past.
i don't want the first one in my territory, i will wait until it's really ready.

Rainman did not make anything look good, but made certain he got to spew his politics all over the place.