Someone else in HR quit?

If K is still in charge peeps will continue to leave she leads w fear and has a prison atmosphere. Are they still checking when employees come and go? Outsourcing has begun. Turnover is ridiculously high. Incompetent people put in positions to lead. It's a joke.
yes you have to use your access card whenever you leave
look I get it that some people can't be trusted but then those people should be dealt with separately but instead HR paints all of us with a broad brush
So it turns out there are more people who have left HR recently.

Take a walk over there and look at the latest vacant cubicle.
you walk over there you big doody fart brain. you think you know everything but you don't. you think you are better than HR people, but you're not. you think you're a good rep, but you're not. But you are just a big jerk doody fart brain man. hahahaha.i got you.