Again your intelligence astounds me
You must be a member of the senior management team
Again your intelligence astounds me
You must be a member of the senior management team
No I am not but I would like to be because home office people are smart. Not like you stupid head silly bird.Wow
Again your intelligence astounds me
You must be a member of the senior management team
look, you just can't go around banging the help in back office spaces and not get caught eventually. They had to do something to both of them...I mean he was Ballz deep in her when they were caught
you are funny. I get it. Andy is short so he can't bang so easily. so he needs a step ladder. hehehehe, hahahaha. now what about you silly doody head can eliminate Scoular, they don't have any step ladders at the home office, besides the finished all the Hobbit series movies
you are funny. I get it. Andy is short so he can't bang so easily. so he needs a step ladder. hehehehe, hahahaha. now what about you silly doody head man.
she might have been ok if she was just schlurping on the sausage, but a full on stuffing like a thanksgiving turkey with feet flying up in the air... That's just hard to pretend you didn't see. Clearly neither party gave one phuck ... Well, you know what I mean
Oh, we have to know who this was. Just have to.
she might have been ok if she was just schlurping on the sausage, but a full on stuffing like a thanksgiving turkey with feet flying up in the air... That's just hard to pretend you didn't see. Clearly neither party gave one phuck ... Well, you know what I mean
these home office love birds have been around long enough to know where the off-camera, out of the way hump in spots are at. They've been at it for a while and finally, their luck ran out. I heard someone actually collected some wet panties from the area after they leftDid they get caught under the new statue? Maybe in the kitchen? I hear the food is 5 star, maybe the raw oysters were too much for them to take?
these home office love birds have been around long enough to know where the off-camera, out of the way hump in spots are at. They've been at it for a while and finally, their luck ran out. I heard someone actually collected some wet panties from the area after they left
Was just in home office in Parsippany recently and heard they laid off the entire PV group. Hasn't HR always bragged that they have never laid anyone off?
Strange. ET transfers to Europe and they eliminate one of the departments that reported to him?