We are very nice strenuously selling to promote for new growth in all parameters. For those of you using cars to achieve your mission commit to continue driving until final WORD, but those who choose to sell at home from your computers, beware of TC and their dangerous impulses. For now, achieve a steady state of continuous cycling of calls. Guys lets really do it this time. All joking aside, if you are enjoying your pleasures of this weeks end, you need to STOP!! Get out there to your weekend clinics and sell more if you want to maintain. If you are reading this and not selling in front of physicians for why we must continue... you've got issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You serve Publicis. Your family needs to understand that this contract comes before you and them, much less the thirst of your first born child.
"Whoa baby child !My lord it is a demon!!"
Stress the future outcomes. Weigh in for stronger balance for Publicis only. Maintain your integrity and honor of being censored an owned! Go out an sell! Don't let the end of the contract stop you. If you receive a call that it's over, don't take that for an answer. Continue to sell for our client even if they stop paying you. We need to train our minds to stop expecting pay for our services. Look deeper and stop being ShEllfISH!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has lost their minds! That's what proper brainwashing will do.