So They're Finally Realizing That The Hospital Team Isn't Needed?

My hospital rep is getting paid on doctors he has never met. He would never be missed if he left. With that team gone, the MS team can make the money we deserve in the enrollments WE generate. Good job on the IC plan D.R. Pay them on the dirt? Wow!. If they were paid on what they generate they would have all left by now because their bonus would be nithing

My hospital rep is getting paid on doctors he has never met. He would never be missed if he left. With that team gone, the MS team can make the money we deserve in the enrollments WE generate. Good job on the IC plan D.R. Pay them on the dirt? Wow!. If they were paid on what they generate they would have all left by now because their bonus would be nithing

Please. You couldn't even survive without the hospital reps. You are a glorified primary care rep. Period.

Please. You couldn't even survive without the hospital reps. You are a glorified primary care rep. Period.

Great news people! You are all getting what you asked for! MS reps, you'll get to prove that the Hospital Reps have not done "anything" to help you achieve things in your territory. You'll get to prove that "every" enrollment is the result of your hard work and relationships. You'll get to prove that you have been the sole reason that "everyone" in your territory has used this drug. Since all of this is true, there should not be a "dip" in enrollments at all! In fact, with your "useless" hospital team out of the way, business should boom and enrollments should actually increase, right?!

Hospital team, you will finally get to stop bragging about the 5-10 customers that you are responsible for. Even if they are the top producers in your territory, there is no way that you have been "responsible" for "all" or even "most" of the business in your territory. They're too big!

Face it, you've all benefited from one another. Oh, but I guess that's what happens in a POD sales environment!!! What's great though is that you'll all get your way very soon.

With a lot of the hospital reps out of the picture it will all be left on the shoulders of a group of idiots that don't have two years of cardiovascular experience between the entire sales force.

My hospital rep is getting paid on doctors he has never met. He would never be missed if he left. With that team gone, the MS team can make the money we deserve in the enrollments WE generate. Good job on the IC plan D.R. Pay them on the dirt? Wow!. If they were paid on what they generate they would have all left by now because their bonus would be nithing