So They're Finally Realizing That The Hospital Team Isn't Needed?

Hindsight is 20/20 but we all hopefully made concious decisions to come to Regeneron. As an optimist at heart, I am hopeful that whether or not there is a hospital division, the employees will be able to be placed in appropriate positions within the company. For most of us this was a leap of faith and many left great roles at other companies (even the competitor) to be part of the culture at Regeneron and to launch a 1st-in-class blockbuster. Finally, those who want to deem the hospital team as incompetent or not needed, truly have no understanding of the capabilities of that team and what they have brought to the table. Many are the most respected representatives in their geography, and by virtue of their experience, have differentiated relationships at key institutions and satellite offices which has resulted in successful pull-through of enrollments. There is no question about this as the proof is in our weekly enrollment reports. My hope is that all of us who took a chance and bet our careers on the potential growth and opportunities at this company will be given the opportunity to see that to its fullest potential.

Hindsight is 20/20 but we all hopefully made concious decisions to come to Regeneron. As an optimist at heart, I am hopeful that whether or not there is a hospital division, the employees will be able to be placed in appropriate positions within the company. For most of us this was a leap of faith and many left great roles at other companies (even the competitor) to be part of the culture at Regeneron and to launch a 1st-in-class blockbuster. Finally, those who want to deem the hospital team as incompetent or not needed, truly have no understanding of the capabilities of that team and what they have brought to the table. Many are the most respected representatives in their geography, and by virtue of their experience, have differentiated relationships at key institutions and satellite offices which has resulted in successful pull-through of enrollments. There is no question about this as the proof is in our weekly enrollment reports. My hope is that all of us who took a chance and bet our careers on the potential growth and opportunities at this company will be given the opportunity to see that to its fullest potential.

There are definitely some very good hospital reps by skill set and background but there is simply no need for a hospital team. My strong guess is that the company will do the right thing and redeploy hospital reps to new products.

That is funny. I have seen the hospital team and they are old pharma approach.

They should not get credit for any sales numbers at all.

Gee, Mr call and frequency rep.. we are all quite sure you've contributed significantly to the pull through and growth of this launch with all of your infinite wisdom.. please share with us all of your secrets to success??? Cricket.. cricket.. cricket..

Hospital reps are looking for things to do. You are right they have sold nothing or next to nothing.

Reality check from the Eylea team hotshot, your entire team has sold next to nothing. We're carrying your pompous ass. So while you're slamming your hospital team and calling for people to lose their jobs, how about checking the earnings report. #livinginaglasshouse

Reality check from the Eylea team hotshot, your entire team has sold next to nothing. We're carrying your pompous ass. So while you're slamming your hospital team and calling for people to lose their jobs, how about checking the earnings report. #livinginaglasshouse

Funny. All shit talking has stopped.

The hospital reps are the main reason why we got off to a good start. The relationships and clinical knowledge we have is why we got the jobs and get the bigger paycheck. I know my biggest writers are switching tover repatha once gone simply because they don't want to deal with the dumb ass Sanofi reps that are constantly in there annoying them. None of my Sanofi reps bring any value to the table whatsoever and cause more problems than creating business. As far as our MS reps, good luck. Don't be surprised to see your business drop once we're doing something else

Hospital reps are doing next to and everyone knows it period.
Please give them something to do. Giving them " sales " numbers is funny.

I'm sorry you have a bad hospital rep but I can tell you I'm responsible for the 4 biggest writers in our area, and when I'm not part of the picture any more they are switching to repatha so they don't have to deal with out MS reps that know know about this disease state.

That is funny. I have seen the hospital team and they are old pharma approach.

They should not get credit for any sales numbers at all.