Sick & tired of being disrespected

Japan reporting massive reorganization this afternoon. RVP's will be notified in a few days. Get ready for some ugly days ahead people.
They are actually cutting RVP pay this time.

Japan reporting massive reorganization this afternoon. RVP's will be notified in a few days. Get ready for some ugly days ahead people.
They are actually cutting RVP pay this time.

I'm sure the RVP's ultimatum is to get the results from the Reps or else. The reason they've been abusively working the reps since they cannot successfully lead or add value in any way. Stage 2 hopefully focuses on them. People are not just leaving bc of the pay and unrealistic pressure but bc of the RVPs. Statistically the primary reason most leave.

Japan reporting massive reorganization this afternoon. RVP's will be notified in a few days. Get ready for some ugly days ahead people.
They are actually cutting RVP pay this time.

Source? Proof? Nothing has come out and thought would have happened by now. Maybe at the mid-year next week?

If this is true, then all the rumors of Olympus being broke and in serious financial trouble will be validated. In the year 2030, Olympus will be a case study in college on how to truly fuck up a company with the commanding products. What a complete shit-show this place is. RUN NOW!!!

Olympus is reverting to paying employees to post positive blogs on because they are in complete and utter desperation mode. Cafepharma is filled with 25,000 negative posts from current and past employees. OCA is having a really hard time attracting talent when the bone chilling truth is out on the street, about what its like to work for them. Most of the posters are sales reps who were totally railroaded and extorted from over the years by management and sales ops dickhead and his crew of cronies.

Karma is coming....

Olympus is reverting to paying employees to post positive blogs on because they are in complete and utter desperation mode. Cafepharma is filled with 25,000 negative posts from current and past employees. OCA is having a really hard time attracting talent when the bone chilling truth is out on the street, about what its like to work for them. Most of the posters are sales reps who were totally railroaded and extorted from over the years by management and sales ops dickhead and his crew of cronies.

Karma is coming....

"Post a review on Glassdoor and email us proof of your review to be eligible for a raffled prize". They've been doing this for quite a while. Pretty slick until it's called out on #CafePharma

#desperation #unethical

One BIG P.R. strategy. You see it every day, "Olympus looked high and low for generators (only 6 in the picture btw) for the ppl in Puerto Rico." Every. Single. Day. It's a spin. For the DOJ? For the Public? Who in the world wants to stay for these horrible conditions (money, culture, future, etc.)? "Fired", what a joke OCA.

Another fired fool who pulling their hair out whilst bumming all day in mommys basement broke and lonely.
Pleeeease Pleeease go to glassdoor I'll beg like a bitch !

Wonder what office view you have at OCA? Or, which RVP you are? No firing here but justice may be coming to the RVPs. Glassdoor's a joke btw and OCA's attempt to create positive online content is a joke and speaks further to their credibility, ethics, and tactics.

Olympus is a truly bottom feeding and pathetic organization. You can just get a general feel of douchebagness from their responses to honest and straightforward posts from employees. Every post is met with defensiveness and hostility. Not to mention outright lies to cover their asses. Thats all OCA is. One big CYA studio full of management nerds that got their asses kicked when they were little.

Then QUIT or shut that trap. No balls to man up and leave. Rather whine on here like a bitch ?

Really? You're going to talk that shit on here? OCA is fucking people left and right. And for what? To save a few extra profit $$ so Nacho and Pierre can be the only benefactors by sending more hard-earned (by the reps) $$ back to Japan? Screw that. And fuck you for putting your little 2 bitch cents in. Why don't you quit. Obviously you're in cahoots with these shitards. What are you actually doing to bring in revenue!? Not a damn thing...(corporate leech)
We're the ones keeping customers for Olympus even though the best efforts of the company is to screw them all!! Piss off incompetent turd.
Every rep has the right to an opinion and the consensus is just a few pieces of shit in management are ruining it for everyone, including the customers. Way to go. Way to be the worst run company in medical.

I find it interesting that Olympus treats its sales reps like shit.
When the company needs help with forecasting, whom do they need help from?
When the company wants feedback on new products, whom do they need help from?
When the conpany needs to hit its sales goals $, whom do they turn to?
When things aren't working internally, whom do they turn to, regarding what's wrong?
When the company shifts their focus from capital to disposables, on a dime,
Who is in charge of bailing them out?
Don't you find it interesting that as a sales team, we bail management out of every
Hole, and yet we still get our commissions stolen and we still get treated like shit.
New comp plan is a pile of shit!

Feel ya, bro.

Look, you are see it now, clearly. And this is the way it is in Corporate America, across the board.

Do yourself a favor, and get out. Look for a MANAGER that you can work with. The company and products are a distant second.

In the meantime, stay patient and positive, the best you can.

Things will work out.