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I put down Scotts winter guard today. Last step of the year. First step for a great lawn next year.
Also went to Costco, they had a sale on Preparation H, my Hemorrhoid is acting up.
I must admit, i love sticking it up my ass, it really takes the fire away.

A day for all to think
What can I do if I sink
Get up and try
Maybe it is time to walk away and say Good By
I will struggle for a few
But my life will become new
If i think iI will be okay
It is just a lie for another day

I put down Scotts winter guard today. Last step of the year. First step for a great lawn next year.
Also went to Costco, they had a sale on Preparation H, my Hemorrhoid is acting up.
I must admit, i love sticking it up my ass, it really takes the fire away.

Get the cabbage and mums planted before the frost begins

What about purchasing lab equipment from a doctors office that no longer wants in house lab. Purchase the eqiupment or give them money to buy out the lease.
Then they start using Shiel. I wonder if anyone has EVER done that.

Oh no, did i just print that?

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