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What have I got to do to make you love me
What have I got to do to make you care
What do I do when lightning strikes me
And I wake to find that you're not there?
What have I got to do to make you want me
What have I got to do to be heard
What do I say when it's all over?
And sorry seems to be the hardest word
It's sad, so sad (so sad)
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad (so sad)
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word
It's sad, so sad (so sad)
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad (so sad)...

The best part is that these amateurs have no clue
That is good news for them since they would not be able to handle the situation
They would definitely consider desperate actions

I love the confidence but then again desperate people do desperate things

The best world leaders were retired by their own
The most feared were chased by their own
I rest my case half pint
The people win all the time

The life time criminal is aware of what he did
He accepts his fate
White collar criminals did nothing but hurt the innocent
Remember it is never them
It is always the other guy
They are always to smart to get caught
They have all the angles covered

Except for one


Enjoy your weekend be ready for the test on monday

Loyalty is earned

Loyalty is never a given

Loyalty comes respect

Loyalty shows you care for one another

Loyalty is not about me

Loyalty is not about Green

When the loyalty is broken the trust is gone

Wherever the chips fall remember you were not loyal

Only 1 testicle needed to get the job done.
To continue the human race.
Everything else, is just filler.
We are insignificant specks of dust, strung together with some help from physics.

The human defenses take hold
Did you do it
We all make mistakes
Human imperfections is no excuse
It hurts

Expecting things to be
The way they once were
No apologies
Killing the future
Mourning the past

How quickly things became tangled
Within each of us
All lost in translation
Do you comprehend
The complexity of this
Flowing, crashing like waves
Now you have slipped
Pulled into the ocean

Hearts filled with malice
Lips opening
They were all lies
It doesn't need to
Be that way

How many tomorrows
Will you wish
That it was yesterday
Focus on the truth
Think of the future

You will never get
Where you need to be
If you don't push aside
The greed
Don't live for others
About yourself
Focus on what belongs to you

Its hard, I know
Dont blame yourself
Open your soul
For the greater good

The cracks have been uncovered
Falling, not being covered up
You try
The fire is massive
The silence is no more

Must take a deep breath
How long can you hold
Exhale, peace at last

We lose things to gain more
And sometimes when you lose
It isn't really a loss


Will there be a test on Monday?
Tuesday, Wednesday on my mind
Will we be questioned on Monday

Fuck You
That is what I say
Not even a nugget
Don't jump just yet
And say Hooray.


Rants - Ethanol Infused, Solitary Depression, at Elevation.
(brought to you, by Celexa)

The sun has long set
The dark is approaching
Let us pray

My veins filled with ethanol
My condition needs No GCMS
Let us pray

My legal lover is gone
My thoughts are alone
Let us pray

My keyboard is my besty
My bottle is my nexty
Let us pray

My thoughts are screaming
My condition is weak
Let us pray

Its a set up!!!!!
5-0 , 5-0
Quick, Quick, run downstairs.

xxxx ---
#### %%%
****** !!!!!

%%% ^^^^^
$$$$ &&&&&


What i find to be most interesting ,is that you are still so arrogant. Do you actually think that both H & L (washington) and The other group is standing idle?
So speak of people being on antidepressants, not even a nugget...
Do you actually think that people will follow your guidance when the real shit hits the fan?
I love the fact that you are so staunch. Stand tall, but only for now. You will be brought down soon. I know that you cant imagine this, but there are a few people who are smarter and tougher than yourself. Take that to the bank and depisit that LLC check!
And Murphy, slow down, dont assume. Nothing is official till the fat lady sings. And when she does, you will be out of work as well.
Remember, words are very important, ignorance is no excuse. Your free ride is coming to an end. I have already made sure of that!
There comes a point in everyone's life where one will say "No More"
That day has come for all who follow your lead.

The most important thing in life is for you to worry about yourself. You cannot control the situation.
Mr Nouri is brilliant and understands the situation.The mastermind is gone. To go around and truly believe that we are profitable and competitors want us was the same when JB had the company.When a real due diligence team studies, they will realize something does not add up.Sarah and her team will not be liable when they truly believe that everyone is lying to them and there will be no consequences.Most people do not understand how the system operates. It take years. The best thing someone can do is quit and move on. This management team is 100 % a fraud. If Quest diagnostic buys do you think you can never leave your house ,play with Mommy and me, golf and beach etc.You quit now you may get a job before the party really starts.Craig Carton it took 3 years.Wake up you lazy fool and try to move on.

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