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I know you are scared but you cannot be confused.

Everyone and I mean everyone was doing the paper work

To think it was 1 individual is wrong

DENY make work with Sarah but it will not work forever

The team you are facing NEVER LOSES TO ANYONE.

Open your eyes, does anyone really think that PH left on his own? No chance! A person who has bee working for an organization for as long as he has gets more than 1 sentence.

Obviously he was asked to leave. This thing is advancing.

I bought gorgeous Mums at a place not to far from Rockleigh. What a beautiful time of year. How blessed are we?

Family, friends...

What the hell, let me throw in work environment.

The most important thing in life is for you to worry about yourself. You cannot control the situation.
Mr Nouri is brilliant and understands the situation.The mastermind is gone. To go around and truly believe that we are profitable and competitors want us was the same when JB had the company.When a real due diligence team studies, they will realize something does not add up.Sarah and her team will not be liable when they truly believe that everyone is lying to them and there will be no consequences.Most people do not understand how the system operates. It take years. The best thing someone can do is quit and move on. This management team is 100 % a fraud. If Quest diagnostic buys do you think you can never leave your house ,play with Mommy and me, golf and beach etc.You quit now you may get a job before the party really starts.Craig Carton it took 3 years.Wake up you lazy fool and try to move on.

The most precise post of the last 4 months !

If Nouri is so brilliant, why did he not save the day with Manhattan Physicians?


Mr. Nouri is brilliant since he never will allow you to see his cards but he knows what he has to do

JB and the Chef prior to sale closing made certain that all the columns look great

GK made sure everyone did compliance training

Not one word ever mention about the writing everyone was doing

Revenue would never come in if nobody did the paperwork. Correct?

Today is the opposite, But someone is still liable for the 6 plus years of fraud !

Sarah and her team are not going to be liable. Wake up you fools

P.S. They will never tell you a thing since they will cooperate with the government

The life time criminal is aware of what he did
He accepts his fate
White collar criminals did nothing but hurt the innocent
Remember it is never them
It is always the other guy
They are always to smart to get caught
They have all the angles covered

Except for one


Enjoy your weekend be ready for the test on monday

This was the Rim Shot of the weekend

The most important thing in life is for you to worry about yourself. You cannot control the situation.
Mr Nouri is brilliant and understands the situation.The mastermind is gone. To go around and truly believe that we are profitable and competitors want us was the same when JB had the company.When a real due diligence team studies, they will realize something does not add up.Sarah and her team will not be liable when they truly believe that everyone is lying to them and there will be no consequences.Most people do not understand how the system operates. It take years. The best thing someone can do is quit and move on. This management team is 100 % a fraud. If Quest diagnostic buys do you think you can never leave your house ,play with Mommy and me, golf and beach etc.You quit now you may get a job before the party really starts.Craig Carton it took 3 years.Wake up you lazy fool and try to move on.

I love this paragraph since it is all facts especially the last couple of sentences
Time for the gym !

Mr. Nouri is brilliant since he never will allow you to see his cards but he knows what he has to do

JB and the Chef prior to sale closing made certain that all the columns look great

GK made sure everyone did compliance training

Not one word ever mention about the writing everyone was doing

Revenue would never come in if nobody did the paperwork. Correct?

Today is the opposite, But someone is still liable for the 6 plus years of fraud !

Sarah and her team are not going to be liable. Wake up you fools

P.S. They will never tell you a thing since they will cooperate with the government

What does this have to do with Manhattan Labs????

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