Don’t need to be in corporate to know the data shows spikes in MS after every POA. Are you suggesting we as a company decide to forgo that growth twice a year because you can’t share a hotel room? Sounds like you really care about our long term success.
Some people keep eluding to entitlement in these complaint posts. I think it’s more selfishness and an unwillingness to sacrifice for a greater good. Look if you don’t care about the greater good (building a healthy successful industry leading company) then that’s cool, no judgement. But do us a favor and jump ship now rather than sticking around trying to poison the pot.
I would like to focus on the industry leading portion of this comment. When have we ever been “industry leading?” Is it the leading corporate greed to to show how much money can be made off 30 year old drugs? Is it the price point of our medications being the exact same proce point if not more expensive than other branded agents? Maybe our industry leading is in the disease state right, oh nope never mind we could give a rats ass about epilepsy.
The leaders here are selling us on half truths and I’m tired of it. Bumps in business after POAs??? LOL so one would think all other specialty companies would do the same, NOPE! That data like our molecules is 30+ years old. Nobody does quarterly POAs anymore.
this organization is a shining example of what is wrong with the pharmaceutical industry, not a leader as to what it could and should be.