Seroflo= Generic Advair

Some of you may be interested in a news release from "MarketWatch London" on Thursday, September 10, 2009

MarketWatch Pulse
LONDON -- Societe Generale cut its rating on U.K. drugs company GlaxoSmithKline to sell from hold, citing the looming threat of generics to its best-selling respiratory distress drug Advair. The broker told clients that the market is underestimating the likelihood of a fully substitutable generic in the U.S. from 2011.

Also I just order Seroflo from Canada yo replace the Advair I have been taking. Advair just went to $200.11 with insurance for me.

Just switch to Spiriva or Symbicort.

You mean to switch to the ADC generic for Spiriva or Symbicort, dontcha?

The Spiriva generic is ~$10.22 for a month supply

The Symbicort Generic is ~$8.84 for a month supply.

Sure beats the $206.97 at Costco for a one month supply.

Hey numnutz GSK erps, ... one can get a real substitute for your price gouging product for about 5% of your price gouge.

Comment please????

Lets not get defensive here. I am a GSK employee and understand the importance of R&D etc but there is also a reality here which was stated by the previous post and will continue to be a problem as the baby boomers age- and that is cost of medications. This person ,like many, have to choose between rent or food and thier medications. Not everyone has behaviours that contribute to their poor health. My mother who takes very few medications yet needs to take some and is on a fixed income struggles with this very issue. Thankfully she has children that can help. lets work to help find solutions to this very important and real situation. I value what use to be the core value of Pharma and that was to provide innovated medicines, however i do resent the high salaried executives who continue to keep thier high pay/bonus/stock options etc.. while making some very poor decisions driving this company into the ground and then blame the workers (sales people) for their inability to be effective sale people. The result is drive the sales people out with pressure tatics or selectivly choose the reps who haven't succomb to the pressure and fire them. I don't have the answers but I am surely not for big management of GSK or any other big pharma. Get them and thier big salaries out of the way and get back to progress. I would love to see JP give back a little of what he has taken from this company. Wouldnt that be bold and humble to say since my people are only getting 1-3% raises I will by pass mine. My how Noble!!!! How much does the man need!!!!!!!!!! Saving lives?????? Right! Put your money where your mouth is!! I digressed sorry!

I am a medication drug broker and have been in business for eight years getting medications for my customers, cheaply, safely and without the fear tactics you and every other major drug company spews on the American public. I can get Cipla's Seraflo (generic Advair) for so cheap, it would make any GSK employee cry. For the past eight years the medication my customers have been getting from manufactures like Cipla have been happy with no problems whatsoever! So anybody want to contact me further for information on how I can help you save $$$$, contact me. Don't let the like of these major pharmaceutical companies scare you.....Randy

Those defending GSK make me sick. Thank the company that developed it and is now gouging us to stay healthy? The companies that have a tight grip on our healthcare system in bed with the insurance companies?

My father worked for Wyeth for several years developing drugs for renal failure and thats the closest I want to get to these people.

People cannot breathe - I cannot believe you are being so selfish and stubborn.

Thank god the generic is coming out/out already.

Yeah GSK is going to go under.. they're really struggling in this economy.... Jesus - open your eyes.

Spiriva is the one that works for my Mom

I'm sitting here wading through all of this crying because I have asthma. I have had it for years and felt a great relief with Advair. One of the conditions of my insurance company was not to cover my asthma. I now pay $230 for every Advair script.
I AM SITTING HERE OFF ADVAIR FOR A WEEK NOW....unable to breath and unable to pay. We are not poor enough to qualify for program help. WE WORK AND PAY OUR BILLS without excepting unemployment or other gov help. WHERE is the the truth?! Is that Australia stuff true?? Can I go to jail if I purchase my asthma drugs from Canada?

I'M REAL!!! A PERSON SUFFERING!!! I work out, eat right, am not overweight, and don't smoke.....

Atlanta, GA

I'm sitting here wading through all of this crying because I have asthma. I have had it for years and felt a great relief with Advair. One of the conditions of my insurance company was not to cover my asthma. I now pay $230 for every Advair script.
I AM SITTING HERE OFF ADVAIR FOR A WEEK NOW....unable to breath and unable to pay. We are not poor enough to qualify for program help. WE WORK AND PAY OUR BILLS without excepting unemployment or other gov help. WHERE is the the truth?! Is that Australia stuff true?? Can I go to jail if I purchase my asthma drugs from Canada?

I'M REAL!!! A PERSON SUFFERING!!! I work out, eat right, am not overweight, and don't smoke.....

Atlanta, GA

Ask you doc for a generic inhaled steroid and Combivent. You'll be running 440's in less than a month.


To #69 and #70:

He/She didn't state that they were a MD or even a Psychologist of any sort. There are plenty of people out there with PHD's in many fields!! You idiots! Many fields where in you would not see patients!

I am in their boat, and need a cheaper way to get Advair!

I'm so happy to have found this thread...

I've had asthma for 35 years, diagnosed when I was five years old. I've used Advair for many years and thankfully right now I have insurance but that may change in the near future as the company I work for has been bought out. I will no doubt be laid off and lose my insurance or try to pay about $650 a month in Cobra + scripts. That would be more than my unemployment money. There is absolutely no way I will be able to afford $220 a month for Advair. I do enjoy breathing as it is necessary to LIVE. I didn't ask for asthma, I was more or less born with it.

So GSK would rather us not breath than allow legal generics in the US. Greedy bastages as you are I'm thankful to have found generics available and am greatly relieved that when and if I do lose my job I will still be able to live a healthy life so that I can quickly find another job.

Thank you to the people that have posted information on where to find these generics. It is a real lifesaver for many people.

The moral of the story is Advair is raising their prices by leaps and bounds because of government regulation and also because they have a competitors like asthmanex and symbicort that are eating their marketshare.

GSK is bleeding to death and shareholders need more or at least the same money. Due to this process, they raise the prices to where you have to decide between food and breathing. It's a shame. GSK claims to offer assistance but any medical office will tell you it's a hassle.

I'd suggest getting seroflo or asking about alternatives like inhaled steroids. Asthmanex is usually a good low copay price. If you need a dual control asthma med, symbicort will save you significantly more than advair. They have discount cards that bring your cash price at least down to around 75 a month. Do some research and ask your doc for help w/ samples and discount cards/vouchers. They are out there and can make a difference.

Yep. Ciplo Rotohaler is working great for me, too. $15.00 for one month supply. Works better than Advair diskus for me.

I just ordered it through Canada as well shipped from India and I was very scared as well but now that I know there are other people in the same boat it eases my mind. I cannot afford the price I dont have insurance either and it is much cheaper this way. Thank you for your comment.

Re: the great invalid analogy

I am not a frequent visitor on this site, but I just wanted to question some assumptions and give my own story. I am currently living in the midwest united states and my wife has asthma and has had it for her entire life. She has seen specialists and done any test that you can fathom. She also has been on nearly every asthma medicine on the market and Advair 250/50 is the only one that has made her feel not like death and be able to function. Without it she literally cannot walk any distance and forget about stairs. I see this every month or two, as without fail she will run out of Advair and not have enough money (I believe it is between $150-$200) to fill the prescription she has been taking in a limited manner to attempt to conserve.

As suggested by some previous comments, my search has brought me here on the discussion of Seroflo not out of wanting to save money or being cheap, but rather out of necessity. The thought of ordering a non-FDA approved product manufactured half a world away handled by some middleman is not my idea of a rational decision, but the price is so high on the combination of two medications that have existed for years that I am seriously considering it. It is at this point that the previous post's logic completely unravels.

The pharmaceutical industry is nothing like the automobile industry. The demand of the market dictates what prices should be and there are alternatives to transportation. If an individual cannot afford a car she or he can take a bus, walk, ride a bike, or even wait an buy a used vehicle. In the case of Advair, there is no alternative. Either pay the fee or die. This is the same logic for regulating the prices on utilities.

In the end we probably won't order Seroflo, I am an empirical guy and I need to some data to convince me that the diskus I order will contain the active ingredients and function in the same manner, but it is absurd that I have to consider such drastic action to ensure that my wife can breathe.

i appreciate the post. do you have any insurance at all that may help? Have you asked your doctor for samples and tried the gsk access program? Please try the website and look for assistance help as well that you can print off and use. All the best to you and your wife.we also currently have 50 dollar coupons at the offices and some pharmacies as well.

I've posted here before - I'm starting my third year on Seroflo Rotacaps from India. They are fantastic. I used to be on Advair Diskus - got priced out several years ago - and I get a full years supply of Seroflo Rotocaps for $180, and since I'm a return customer, I'm getting $10 off of this order. I also get 2 albuterol inhalers for $13 each, some stuff for my acne for $20, and some generic flomax for my hubby for 26.00 - a year's worth of medications for $250 after the discount - with $7.50 shipping for the whole thing. Even if we had health insurance - what a misnomer, we need Health Care, not insurance "just in case" something goes wrong with a person - we need CARE - I would still buy my drugs online because I won't give these bastard vultures my money. Seroflo is made by a company that has been around for 75 years; I have not died a grisly death from my use of Rotacaps and actually, their simple little inhaler works better for me than the diskus - I manage my asthma better than ever - I hardly use my rescue inhalers - I just keep them around for really bad allergy reactions. Remember - the drugs in the Advair Diskus are generic drugs that have treated asthma for decades; their money comes from the design of the diskus and renewals in the design that don't allow the diskus to go genuinely generic.

And then you pay your money, only to realize it doesn't work for you. Further analysis will most likely reveal that is is lactose and baking soda , or some other non-pharmaceutical substance. SUCKA' !!!!!!

Seriously, most of this crap cannot be traced. The origin of manufacturing is totally unknown. Counterfeit pharmaceuticals that are routed through numerous countries to trying to make them more anonymous are proliferating.

If you want to risk it, then go for it, dude. But I'm not THAT big of a gambler.

I live in the USA and think it's BULL that drug companies are ripping people off. I used to pay $215.00 for Advair and now I can get Seraflo...clearly labled upon entry into this counrty and passing through customs, for $34.95. I have no insurance and GSK doesn't care to release a generic of their drug!! Way to CARE about your patients!! SERAFLO WORKS I'm asthmatic!!!

I live in the USA and think it's BULL that drug companies are ripping people off. I used to pay $215.00 for Advair and now I can get Seraflo...clearly labled upon entry into this counrty and passing through customs, for $34.95. I have no insurance and GSK doesn't care to release a generic of their drug!! Way to CARE about your patients!! SERAFLO WORKS I'm asthmatic!!!

Good for you. Glad it works. Stick it to them. Tell all your friends. Post it on as many of the asthma blogs as you can find. I am sure others deserve to benefit from your good fortune.

I just ordered it through Canada as well shipped from India and I was very scared as well but now that I know there are other people in the same boat it eases my mind. I cannot afford the price I dont have insurance either and it is much cheaper this way. Thank you for your comment.

hey have found rat shit in the product form India. Be careful!

hey have found rat shit in the product form India. Be careful!

Your comment is full of rat shit. My Seroflo is made in India and ships from New Zealand, along with 3 other drugs produced in the UNITED STATES or at least from a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson and GSK - in clean sealed containers and sealed boxes. If it came directly from India, I suspect it would, you know, come in clean sealed containers and sealed boxes. Just how phobic of brown-skinned people are some people on this blog?

Oh - and BTW - just what was that product anyway? You don't say that it is a drug, just a "product" - maybe something you purchased from a rat-ridden warehouse? Ya know, there's rat shit in the US too - it comes from rats, American rats, not Indian rats, that are running around factories, buildings, the river front - of any city or town. So, your point again?

Wow ......

As a former employee of MCI / Worldcom .. after losing my
entire 401k etc due to the greed of some folks......

And suffering without insurance and advair since .... with COPD.

Instead I've been using generic Ventolin which skyrocketed in price,
with the HFA mandate.

Thanks for OBAMA CARE..... Your Greed Caused That Bill To Pass.

Further more, Drug Research and development would be much better off with out the greed and profit motive at the University level...
The money would much better spend funding an honorable institution, and include classes on ethic's.

For the greedy bastard's who believe CASH IS KING, and F the rest,
they're saving a cell for you next to Bernie Ebbers (Worldcom's Former CEO)...he'll be there for the next 23 years..

And afterward there is a special place in Hell...

Wow ......

As a former employee of MCI / Worldcom .. after losing my
entire 401k etc due to the greed of some folks......

And suffering without insurance and advair since .... with COPD.

Instead I've been using generic Ventolin which skyrocketed in price,
with the HFA mandate.

Thanks for OBAMA CARE..... Your Greed Caused That Bill To Pass.

Further more, Drug Research and development would be much better off with out the greed and profit motive at the University level...
The money would much better spend funding an honorable institution, and include classes on ethic's.

For the greedy bastard's who believe CASH IS KING, and F the rest,
they're saving a cell for you next to Bernie Ebbers (Worldcom's Former CEO)...he'll be there for the next 23 years..

And afterward there is a special place in Hell...

First of all, I sympathize with you for what happened at worldcom----I was a shareholder and lost a lot of money but nowhere near what you did.

But for your conclusions re: pharma and obamacare I have a few points......

I hope you aren't planning on a medicine upgrade anytime soon----We greedy bastards
(pharma) are the ones who do 90% of new med research and discovery----and with this new climate there will be a major generic push----so sure, you'll be getting your meds cheap for now. Don't plan on our government or universities fitting the bill down the road----they don't know how to run a business, nor do they have the money to see a product through from start to finish-----

Be careful what you wish for....................

You that are concerned about when a generic Advair becomes available are a perfect example of the continuous greed of the medical companies and suppliers like SKG and all the corporate pharmacies that sell their overpriced medications. You ARE the reason we have a health care disaster happening.