Seroflo= Generic Advair

WOW, I thought I would research alternatives, or cheaper prices, to advair when I found this site. All the back and forth. Most everyone, regardless of income, political afiliation or whatever, knows we have a healthcare/insurance crisis in the US. Not brought on by Bush or any other administration, but by frivolous lawsuits and massive layers of BS on every desk of every worker within every insurance company.
I will buy whatever meds I want from wherever I can get them,for the most reasonable cost. I will suffer whatever the consiquences of MY actions! I wonder how much of the price of any medication is indirectly set aside for lawsuits. The 1% or less of the users who have had an adverse reaction or die from a medication, while it has helped thousands, then to have some ------- attoney or law firm sue the pharm co. and win. Then the price of my medication goes up. What the hell! Does anyone see this as a BIG part of the problem? I say buy oversees at you OWN risk. I am.

Oh you arrogant GSK employees . I will be promoting Seroflo soon in South East.. Yes thats right ....a generic . I cant wait since I was displaced w/ GSK Watch me kick your ass So motivated You all are so arrogant what goes around comes around You losers (as Kyle calls you)

I'm honored to pay $190 bucks a Diskus for the right to suck a mouthful of nasty tasting shit. Probably why 80% of new patients stop therapy after first month. One of the lowest adherent drugs on the market. Don't worry, something better is coming and its going to kill ya GSK! You going down queen bitch!

Oh you arrogant GSK employees . I will be promoting Seroflo soon in South East.. Yes thats right ....a generic . I cant wait since I was displaced w/ GSK Watch me kick your ass So motivated You all are so arrogant what goes around comes around You losers (as Kyle calls you)

Hope your severance package was good because you will be waiting for a bit before a generic comes to market.

Look you are the same clown who posted this the other day. Seroflo is a generic form of Advair. I believe it is only in INDIA! Not the USA. It can not be sold legally in any country that adheres to patent laws.

You are not scaring anyone. No one really cares as you can see.

I must say that I find this old post funny. Obviously from a really scared advair rep who wasnt and probably isnt still meeting goals. Hmmm...nobody care eh? Only sold in India eh? Confirms that some of these clowns that post dont have a clue and are only relying on what their great company tells them. I bet your manager told you there wouldnt be anymore lay offs either. Thanks to all the truly "informed" people for addressing this original concern about a generic competitor.

I must say that I find this old post funny. Obviously from a really scared advair rep who wasnt and probably isnt still meeting goals. Hmmm...nobody care eh? Only sold in India eh? Confirms that some of these clowns that post dont have a clue and are only relying on what their great company tells them. I bet your manager told you there wouldnt be anymore lay offs either. Thanks to all the truly "informed" people for addressing this original concern about a generic competitor.


What a moronic post. I sell Advair and know that it isn't as black and white as this jackass is making it seem. Sure there are people that complain about their $25 co-pay because they think that they should be entitled to cheap meds. However, it is important to understand that we are in a desperate time and real people are making some difficult choices. I do not begrudge anyone that looks for a more cost effective way to access meds like Advair, but please, please, please ask your doctor to put their sales reps to work and find a way to help you or your loved ones get their meds for free or at a discounted rate. If you go to you can get a voucher for one free month of medication. Go to and there are at least five programs available to help patients get free or reduced cost medication. Also, ask your doc to pull their Up to $50 coupons out of the back of the sample closet and put them to good use.

In many ways big pharma is contributing to the problem, but there are solutions if you know where to look!

You assume we asthma medicine users have insurance and can go to a doctor. I haven't had insurance for 6 years. I get my Seroflo directly from India and it works better than Advair as far as delivery of the medicine into my lungs. Advair's claim to fame (and patents) is the Diskus - GSK better worry - I was willing to pay a decent co-pay for being able to continue breathing - but $360 per month is unaffordable. Now I've found a great alternative and even if/when I get onto a great Single Payer Program that damn well better happen soon, GSK can bite me. THEY WILL NEVER GET A DIME OF MY MONEY AGAIN, EVEN IF I COULD AFFORD IT, THE BASTARDS. And for the record, I'm not a lazy ass bum - I'm a PhD who works her ass off for crap money but at least I have my ethics & I don't pray on the hardships of others - more than I can say for a bunch of the pharma reps posting here.

The one thing all of you people who are upset with pharma companies and their prices are forgetting is the pharmacy you buy your medicine in sets the price. For example GSK does not sell Advair 500/50 for 300 or $360 a month your pharmacy does. GSK sells it to Walmart or Rite Aid for much less more like $200 a month. Your trusted pharmacist who slaps a label on it and tells you to sign gets $100 to $160. Thus, do the math GSK who invented the drug and incures all the costs associated with doing business (FDA demanded studies after drug approval) gets $200 and the drug store makes $160 for ordering the med and slapping a label on it. This is what is wrong with the price of meds for cash customers in this country. Your pharmacist buys many generic drugs for $5 bucks and turns around and sells it to his cash customers for $50 to $60 bucks. The cash customers gets hosed in our system, insurance companies do not pay $360 a month for Advair just you people who pay cash for it and their is nothing a drug company can do about it. Once they sell the product to a drug store they can charge whatever they want to a cash customer.

You assume we asthma medicine users have insurance and can go to a doctor. I haven't had insurance for 6 years. I get my Seroflo directly from India and it works better than Advair as far as delivery of the medicine into my lungs. Advair's claim to fame (and patents) is the Diskus - GSK better worry - I was willing to pay a decent co-pay for being able to continue breathing - but $360 per month is unaffordable. Now I've found a great alternative and even if/when I get onto a great Single Payer Program that damn well better happen soon, GSK can bite me. THEY WILL NEVER GET A DIME OF MY MONEY AGAIN, EVEN IF I COULD AFFORD IT, THE BASTARDS. And for the record, I'm not a lazy ass bum - I'm a PhD who works her ass off for crap money but at least I have my ethics & I don't pray on the hardships of others - more than I can say for a bunch of the pharma reps posting here.

So if you dont pray on the hardship of others, then I have to assume you work for a free clinic? or better yet---you volunteer on the weekend to help the poor and elderly who doesnt have insurance? Do you still accept medicaid patients? Dont preach to us you lousy piece of shit. My grandfather cant get an appointment with a Rheumatologists because he is on Medicaid and noone will take new patients! We are just trying to survive just like you are you hypocrite! Don't you dare talk to us about your ethics. We are in your office every day and hear how you discuss patients behind their backs, how you turn people away who have no money. If you dont want to be looped into one category with all Docs--then dont do it to us either! Our companies are the ones who spend the money to develop the drugs that save lives. Go ahead and raise enough hell to get that stopped and risk people dying because drug companies no longer have the funds for research. We dont want to take money from people who cant afford it you dumb ass. We target people who DO have insurance and CAN afford their copays. We offer programs and free meds for people who cant afford our drugs and need them. Do You still see patients who cant afford to pay their bills? Hell no you dont! Dont even go there. Who knows how close we are to finding a cure for cancer, or alzheimers or aids. You keep giving us a bad rep and we will do just as you suggest. STop researching new cures and Stop making drugs. Then who will? There will be no Generics because there will be no new branded products. Keep it up and you may just get what you want.

So if you dont pray on the hardship of others, then I have to assume you work for a free clinic? or better yet---you volunteer on the weekend to help the poor and elderly who doesnt have insurance? Do you still accept medicaid patients? Dont preach to us you lousy piece of shit. My grandfather cant get an appointment with a Rheumatologists because he is on Medicaid and noone will take new patients! We are just trying to survive just like you are you hypocrite! Don't you dare talk to us about your ethics. We are in your office every day and hear how you discuss patients behind their backs, how you turn people away who have no money. If you dont want to be looped into one category with all Docs--then dont do it to us either! Our companies are the ones who spend the money to develop the drugs that save lives. Go ahead and raise enough hell to get that stopped and risk people dying because drug companies no longer have the funds for research. We dont want to take money from people who cant afford it you dumb ass. We target people who DO have insurance and CAN afford their copays. We offer programs and free meds for people who cant afford our drugs and need them. Do You still see patients who cant afford to pay their bills? Hell no you dont! Dont even go there. Who knows how close we are to finding a cure for cancer, or alzheimers or aids. You keep giving us a bad rep and we will do just as you suggest. STop researching new cures and Stop making drugs. Then who will? There will be no Generics because there will be no new branded products. Keep it up and you may just get what you want.


So if you dont pray on the hardship of others, then I have to assume you work for a free clinic? or better yet---you volunteer on the weekend to help the poor and elderly who doesnt have insurance? Do you still accept medicaid patients? Dont preach to us you lousy piece of shit. My grandfather cant get an appointment with a Rheumatologists because he is on Medicaid and noone will take new patients! We are just trying to survive just like you are you hypocrite! Don't you dare talk to us about your ethics. We are in your office every day and hear how you discuss patients behind their backs, how you turn people away who have no money. If you dont want to be looped into one category with all Docs--then dont do it to us either! Our companies are the ones who spend the money to develop the drugs that save lives. Go ahead and raise enough hell to get that stopped and risk people dying because drug companies no longer have the funds for research. We dont want to take money from people who cant afford it you dumb ass. We target people who DO have insurance and CAN afford their copays. We offer programs and free meds for people who cant afford our drugs and need them. Do You still see patients who cant afford to pay their bills? Hell no you dont! Dont even go there. Who knows how close we are to finding a cure for cancer, or alzheimers or aids. You keep giving us a bad rep and we will do just as you suggest. STop researching new cures and Stop making drugs. Then who will? There will be no Generics because there will be no new branded products. Keep it up and you may just get what you want.
You developed Advair not to "save lives" but because Ventolin and Beclovent went off patent. Advair has killed more patients than any other asthma drug, is detailed even for the mild patient and you know it . Liars and thieves --worthless in COPD yet the lies have the placebo effect. Albuterol for the mild asthmatic and beclomethasone added for the more severe. Better than Advair which is not a new innovation-just a tweaked molecule of both drugs -albuterol=salmeterol........ beclomethasone=fluticasone----you are worthless bastards ripping off the public and detailing this shit drug for hundreds of billions of off label patients over the years. You are scum and need to have someone shut your ass down. PhD. here--I know what is going on with this drug and has been over the years. Turning America purple huh, because they can't breathe with it and can't pay for the shit. Give me a break. This country does not need ADVAIR--or the sham marketing tactics of GSK. Go to hell.

You developed Advair not to "save lives" but because Ventolin and Beclovent went off patent. Advair has killed more patients than any other asthma drug, is detailed even for the mild patient and you know it . Liars and thieves --worthless in COPD yet the lies have the placebo effect. Albuterol for the mild asthmatic and beclomethasone added for the more severe. Better than Advair which is not a new innovation-just a tweaked molecule of both drugs -albuterol=salmeterol........ beclomethasone=fluticasone----you are worthless bastards ripping off the public and detailing this shit drug for hundreds of billions of off label patients over the years. You are scum and need to have someone shut your ass down. PhD. here--I know what is going on with this drug and has been over the years. Turning America purple huh, because they can't breathe with it and can't pay for the shit. Give me a break. This country does not need ADVAIR--or the sham marketing tactics of GSK. Go to hell.

As an asthmatic patient I have to disagree with whoever posted this and I dont really believe a physician had anything to do with it. If a physician did post it, I would steer clear of him because he is highly unprofessional. I have tried everything on the market. Visited this post to learn about seroflo because Advair is too expensive. In all fairness, my life changed dramatically when Advair came to market. I could barely walk to the mail box. I am praying for a generic Advair soon though. I think GSK has made enough money over the years on this product. I dont care if it is a combination or not. The fact is, it works great for me. Now...can someone tell me the best way to apply for some assistance? I understand there is some programs available to help when people have become unemployed which I have.

As an asthmatic patient I have to disagree with whoever posted this and I dont really believe a physician had anything to do with it. If a physician did post it, I would steer clear of him because he is highly unprofessional. I have tried everything on the market. Visited this post to learn about seroflo because Advair is too expensive. In all fairness, my life changed dramatically when Advair came to market. I could barely walk to the mail box. I am praying for a generic Advair soon though. I think GSK has made enough money over the years on this product. I dont care if it is a combination or not. The fact is, it works great for me. Now...can someone tell me the best way to apply for some assistance? I understand there is some programs available to help when people have become unemployed which I have.
You arer a lying idiot from marketing, duh....go put a pillow over your head-that is what it feels like if you take Advair for an acute attack - which is what GSK recommended in the past and killed people. Ventolin isn't as long acting, so what ? Killers. Thieves. Monsters.

I have had asthma for 25 years. I had been prescribed every new asthma medicine that came on the market and my asthma just kept getting worse. At one point I literally made a trip to the emergency room by ambulance every week due to an asthma attack. The last one was 5 years ago. Luckily the paramedics knew me so well they just came right into my house when I made the 911 call. They found me unconscious and in full respiratory arrest. I was technically dead! I had to be intubated and at the hospital was put on a respirator. I was in a coma for 5 days. When I was finally released from rehab where I had to go to regain my strength and learn to walk again, my doctor suggested Advair. I have been taking it since and I swear by it. I have not had a serious episode since I started using Advair. My doctor has also added Spiriva, and I take Combivent as a rescue inhaler. I lost my job last year (and my benefits) and have been getting my prescriptions through a government funded program called MIA (medically indigent adults). The problem is I will soon start receiving Social Security Widow's benefits, and while it's not that much, it puts me over the minimum income requirement to continue with this program. And my income will not be enough to be able to afford the high cost of these meds. Which brought me to this site. I would really like to try one of these generics. If I go to one of these recommended websites, do I have to have a doctors prescription to order? Do I just tell them what I want and give them a credit card and they just send it? I would really like some advice. Thanks, C

I have had asthma for 25 years. I had been prescribed every new asthma medicine that came on the market and my asthma just kept getting worse. At one point I literally made a trip to the emergency room by ambulance every week due to an asthma attack. The last one was 5 years ago. Luckily the paramedics knew me so well they just came right into my house when I made the 911 call. They found me unconscious and in full respiratory arrest. I was technically dead! I had to be intubated and at the hospital was put on a respirator. I was in a coma for 5 days. When I was finally released from rehab where I had to go to regain my strength and learn to walk again, my doctor suggested Advair. I have been taking it since and I swear by it. I have not had a serious episode since I started using Advair. My doctor has also added Spiriva, and I take Combivent as a rescue inhaler. I lost my job last year (and my benefits) and have been getting my prescriptions through a government funded program called MIA (medically indigent adults). The problem is I will soon start receiving Social Security Widow's benefits, and while it's not that much, it puts me over the minimum income requirement to continue with this program. And my income will not be enough to be able to afford the high cost of these meds. Which brought me to this site. I would really like to try one of these generics. If I go to one of these recommended websites, do I have to have a doctors prescription to order? Do I just tell them what I want and give them a credit card and they just send it? I would really like some advice. Thanks, C

I am in the same position. Advair has truly made a huge difference in my life and I hate to give it up, but I dont qualify for the free meds anymore. I am willing to try the generic version of Advair as well, but upon posting was accused of being in marketing and not getting any real answers. If this seroflo is indeed a true generic version of Advair, then I will take it and my chances as well. My family has already agreed to make sure Im not alone when I make the switch, but I simply cant afford it. I called Liberty as recommended on the website and my doc is going to try to find a pharmacy that can get it close to me as well. I dont trust giving my credit card information over the phone either. Talk to you doctor and see if he can call a pharmacy to get seroflo stocked. Its worth a shot, just make sure you have someone on standby while trying it.

"You arer a lying idiot from marketing, duh....go put a pillow over your head-that is what it feels like if you take Advair for an acute attack - which is what GSK recommended in the past and killed people. Ventolin isn't as long acting, so what ? Killers. Thieves. Monsters."

GSK has never recommended that Advair be taken for acute attacks. Marketing materials since launch have always said that it does not replace fast-acting inhalers. If reps were recommending otherwise, they weren't paying attention. Advair has been a life-saving medicine for a lot of people -- ask the woman who made it out of the Twin Towers on 9/11.

This is about the most gay post flame session I have ever seen. If you have no insurance, stop your bellyaching and go buy the drug from India, it's better than being with nothing.

Those who accuse people of dying on Advair are the typical uneducated public that reads a snipet of news and "become an expert". Go read up on asthma and death rates. I hate to tell you people die every day even with medications from asthma and it will not stop happening. Compliance, severity and just "bad luck" happen to society..... it's just the way it goes. Last I heard, asthma related deaths were down..... not sure how you can argue drugs are causing death. Not taking asthma meds causes death..... compliance is the devil.

When you pull your head out of your asses and stop flaming, it's great to hear people are trying to get medicine outside of the USA because to me..... IT DOESN'T GET TRACKED so who gives a FLYING F#$$??? I'd rather have those "cash pay" people go to India pharmacies because then it doesn't get back to the doctor that a drug is so expensive.

If those who use it find Seroflo works, great. At least they can thank the Indians who made the generic drug for them to use. They have taken enough of our jobs, they deserve to provide us with some cheap medications too.

I am in the same position. Advair has truly made a huge difference in my life and I hate to give it up, but I dont qualify for the free meds anymore. I am willing to try the generic version of Advair as well, but upon posting was accused of being in marketing and not getting any real answers. If this seroflo is indeed a true generic version of Advair, then I will take it and my chances as well. My family has already agreed to make sure Im not alone when I make the switch, but I simply cant afford it. I called Liberty as recommended on the website and my doc is going to try to find a pharmacy that can get it close to me as well. I dont trust giving my credit card information over the phone either. Talk to you doctor and see if he can call a pharmacy to get seroflo stocked. Its worth a shot, just make sure you have someone on standby while trying it.

Like others that came to this site to find an alternative to ADVAIR, I have been going to the emergency room via an ambulance, once a year for three years since I was officially diagnosed with asthma. Now, is SEREFLO the product to try since I also don't have insurance? And, I have been using 250/50 ADVAIR plus, depending on the allergy forecast, use a nebulizer and seldom need my emergency inhaler. I just can't afford the $167.00/month for the aDVAIR so I'd like to know the alternatives..........

Thank you and wow, I sure had to go through a lot of BS just to get to the purpose of this site.

Those defending GSK make me sick. Thank the company that developed it and is now gouging us to stay healthy? The companies that have a tight grip on our healthcare system in bed with the insurance companies?

My father worked for Wyeth for several years developing drugs for renal failure and thats the closest I want to get to these people.

People cannot breathe - I cannot believe you are being so selfish and stubborn.

Thank god the generic is coming out/out already.

Yeah GSK is going to go under.. they're really struggling in this economy.... Jesus - open your eyes.