Seroflo= Generic Advair

Everyone is shaking in their shoes- it doesn’t matter how many samples you leave. If Trelogy is a flop many will be standing in line at the unemployment office.

If the way this product has been launched since FDA approval is any indication,,,,,. Hard to imagine why we need a Resp Sales Force. Direct to phys to consumer is the future. Expensive sample/lunch droppers going away.

List your Mom's drugs and her cost. Part D works people just want everything to be free.
Part D does not work for people until they are 65 years old what about the 60 to 65 year old age group that maybe had to stop work due to health reasons and is paying out-of-pocket for all of their medications or they're paying their rent and buying some food. I don't need to list my meds to tell you I have been asthmatic since I was a year old and I'm 63 and a half so for the next year-and-a-half I have to figure out how to buy my medications and still be able to pay my bills. So yes I am buying some of these medications including generic Advair out of Canada as its the only way I can survive