Seasonal Contract Position

There is no vacation. Actually they want to verify you have nothing planned for the next 6 months. For heavens sake you are. going to get 6 months off why the hell do you need vacation?
Uh yeah, 6 months UNPAID. If it’s a 6 month deal than the industry standard should be a minimum of 1 week vacation. Of course I’m sure everyone will just fake calls around the holidays. No one will be actually working

Still waiting here. Nobody has responded yet saying they were offered so I’m assuming that’s the case for everyone. I’ve heard we should know something by Friday. Anyone heard differently?

It's unfortunate what the industry has come to.

We all want to work. That being said it may be a blessing if you are not selected for this contract.

Think about it...

Assfield wanting to impress Roche/Genetech at all cost to keep contract (do not believe the 3 year BS) you do not matter you are fodder to Assfield.

Majority of new managers (At Assfield learning new system) do not know which way is up... Many fire drills...
Managers wanting reps to make 14 to 21 target calls per day and make calls on Saturday
6 Month contract, not good for healthcare and other benefits

I hope we all can move forward to other opportunities. Good luck to all

It's unfortunate what the industry has come to.

We all want to work. That being said it may be a blessing if you are not selected for this contract.

Think about it...

Assfield wanting to impress Roche/Genetech at all cost to keep contract (do not believe the 3 year BS) you do not matter you are fodder to Assfield.

Majority of new managers (At Assfield learning new system) do not know which way is up... Many fire drills...
Managers wanting reps to make 14 to 21 target calls per day and make calls on Saturday
6 Month contract, not good for healthcare and other benefits

I hope we all can move forward to other opportunities. Good luck to all

They don't seriously want Reps to make 14-21 calls per day and on Saturday too? This is just some exaggeration correct?

If some goofy manager even tried to test me w/ this hyperbole I would just say No thanks and end the interview. It's only going to go downhill from there or worse they will try all kinds of ridiculous things once you have the job.

Yes you do have a drug that you can take 1 time verses their older compound.

However you will be competing with the following forces:

Major health systems pay for performance with generic utilization...
No idea of the price of the product or what managed care will reimburse

If Roche/Genetech though this drug was a blockbuster (I'm sure analysts ran numbers in San Fran and Bazel) why did they use Assfield for promotion???

Do not have any aspirations that Roche or Genetech will hire you...

Do not forget about all of the fire drills from your company while you are expected to make 14 to 16 calls per day and maybe make calls on Saturday.

Good luck.

I worked in big pharma for over 10 years...the company I worked for got a lawsuit against them for making us work more than 40 hours. I received a check for 22,000 b/c of this. The price point is very inexpensive. I do not need to work, but my husband is physician and agrees ...this will be a fun drug to sell. Plus, it is seasonal
Could not be more perfect . Great Luck to all.

Yes you do have a drug that you can take 1 time verses their older compound.

However you will be competing with the following forces:

Major health systems pay for performance with generic utilization...
No idea of the price of the product or what managed care will reimburse

If Roche/Genetech though this drug was a blockbuster (I'm sure analysts ran numbers in San Fran and Bazel) why did they use Assfield for promotion???

Do not have any aspirations that Roche or Genetech will hire you...

Do not forget about all of the fire drills from your company while you are expected to make 14 to 16 calls per day and maybe make calls on Saturday.

Good luck.

So basically they are going to try to push 1 years worth of work into 6 months? This does not sound like s good deal at all .