Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare deal

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

This whole thing with Susman smells to high heaven, no wonder Pfizer is viewed so poorly by industry and the public. But yet, the brilliant Ian chooses her to be the voice of the company to rebuild the public trust. We are all probably just not smart enough to see the genius behind this move...

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Here's the thing about Ian: he's extremely clever. He has survived all his peers to rise to the top via astute political manuvering, includuing working the Board back-channel to do in Jeff Kindler and eliminate Steere's influence. He's clearly using Susman to both be the lightening rod for his bidding and to give her enough rope to hang herself. That way she gets all the blame for the problems/backlash and then she gets herself eliminated. I'm serious, that just how clever Ian is. Watch out Sally!

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Who here is looking out for the shareholder? If half of what is said here is true, we're all in a lot of trouble!

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Who here is looking out for the shareholder? If half of what is said here is true, we're all in a lot of trouble![/QUOT

The leadership of this company are under the misguided perception that they are looking out for the shareholders by bringing in people like Susman, supporting Obama programs like healthcare, and improving the bottom like through ruthless cost-cutting. What they get is a demoralized workforce focused on self-preservation. A workforice who has zero confidence in their leadership and does not trust their motives. Sound like the foundation for rebuilding the company and increasing shareholder value?

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

And to think some reps got Pfired for letting a few docs order dinners for their families. Look at what the execs do!!

I wonder how many Dinners Sally has bought for Government Officials. We are not suppose to "feed" or "gift" government officials. I am confused.....

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I wonder how many Dinners Sally has bought for Government Officials. We are not suppose to "feed" or "gift" government officials. I am confused.....

What is there to be confused about?? The rules that apply to the masses do not apply to Susman...pretty simple

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

The word on the street is that Sally has acepted a position with another company, rumoured to be Pepsi, and will be leaving Pfizer within the month.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

The word on the street is that Sally has acepted a position with another company, rumoured to be Pepsi, and will be leaving Pfizer within the month.
Tell me this aint so!!
What what will become of the "getting older" campaign.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

The word on the street is that Sally has acepted a position with another company, rumoured to be Pepsi, and will be leaving Pfizer within the month.

BS. but if it were true, would the investigation stick with pfizer only or follow her too, as it should.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

The word on the street is that Sally has acepted a position with another company, rumoured to be Pepsi, and will be leaving Pfizer within the month.

First, Sally will destroy her own organization and leave it in shambles. Then she can take her criminal ways to another company where she will spread her poison and vile.

OWN IT. What bullshit. She should GET OLD in a federal penitentiary.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Ahhh, such is life at Pfizer. Hostile and people scheming and creating division, only to reward Executives with Megabucks from being ousted or upon retirement. Sicko.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

The word on the street is that Sally has acepted a position with another company, rumoured to be Pepsi, and will be leaving Pfizer within the month.

We should be so lucky. Don't know if this is true, but certainly hope it is. Although she just did a town hall with Ian in CV a couple of weeks ago, when they were begging for PAC money. Why would Ian put her out there like that if she were really leaving?

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

The word on the street is that Sally has acepted a position with another company, rumoured to be Pepsi, and will be leaving Pfizer within the month.

I question the validity of this. You may have this confused with somebody else a few years ago. Sounds like she may be a better fit in a Consumer Products Company that is not as reliant on taxpayer money.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I question the validity of this. You may have this confused with somebody else a few years ago. Sounds like she may be a better fit in a Consumer Products Company that is not as reliant on taxpayer money.

or an ambassador for the Obama administration, like her father...

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

She should be called to testify before congress. They all should!!! I hope the shareholders dont let it die. I am an employee and afriad to ask questions. I would be fired tomorrow.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

She should be called to testify before congress. They all should!!! I hope the shareholders dont let it die. I am an employee and afriad to ask questions. I would be fired tomorrow.

Trust me. You don't want to ask any questions or discuss this with your boss or counterparts. Pfizer has a sneaky way of elliminating what they precieve to be trouble makers. I think the Republican Congress will handle this one, since they were alledgedly jilted.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Good question, "What kinda deals did THEY cut?"

According to media reports, Pfizer and other companies made an $80 billion deal with the Obama administration. In return for support of ObamaCare, the companies received (broken) promises of a guarantee of customers and insulation from certain kinds of competition. This kind of back-room dealing corrupts the political process, generates public outrage, and is inappropriate for an institution like Pfizer that pledges itself to responsible corporate citizenship.