Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare deal

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Isn't it true that the MAIN thing the pharma companies wanted to be insulated from was the birth of a "Government Formulary"; in which companies would compete and bid for best price?

I for one, just think it's dirty, dirty business for a company who makes a bloody fortune off the Taxpayers to get what they want from handing over PAC money for, "back door" deals.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Isn't it true that the MAIN thing the pharma companies wanted to be insulated from was the birth of a "Government Formulary"; in which companies would compete and bid for best price?

I for one, just think it's dirty, dirty business for a company who makes a bloody fortune off the Taxpayers to get what they want from handing over PAC money for, "back door" deals.

I agree, all while pretenting to not understand why the public does not trust the industry and especially Pfizer...

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I think the Republican Congress is looking into this regardless. Good reason why companies need to give 50-50 to each party. Then you add the alledged Pfizer, Back Room deals regarding Obamacare, and it's enough to send the Republicans on a hunt.

Perfect example of why our Political System is corrupt.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I am concerns this is going to lead to Pfizer's next big fine and more legal good can come from the company employing people like Susman who have other agenda's that are much more important to them than the welfare of the company

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Back Room Dealing at it's worse. And yes, looks like SS was involved as well.

We, the American People, need to make our voices heard. We can no longer accept companies like this, to be so closely aligned with politicians.

This BS is getting way out of hand.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

"Abusive" is the Pfizer way. Colleagues treat people that way all the time here. It's like Pfizer High, Class of 2012.

Just look at the way King & Wyeth people were on boarded with the company, much of it expressed on CP.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Put pressure on your republican congress to probe. Captialistic cronism at it's best is rotten, especially companies who make most of their profits off the taxpayers.

No wonder why our country is so broke. All of these EARMARKS are detrimental.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

when the Republicans take over the White House, she will be most likely, leave Pfizer on her own or will be asked to resign (with a great severance package, I'm sure) She will have served her four year purpose.

It wouldn't surprise me, if she's already looking. I'm sure her daddy can help get her a job in Great Britain.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

It most likely will not happen, but I hope it catches up with her and she ends up in a nice public scandal with her name dragged through the mud...what she deserves

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Susman is the poster child for what is wrong with this company and and why the public does not trust the industry. Would you, knowing that the person the company chose as their public face is a pseudo lobbyist and fundraising bundler for the current admin.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

was it this lady who made a statement to the Wall Street Occupiers when they came to the Pfizer building?