
I wasn't offered the job after my third interview. I know that the other person applying for the same territory didn't get to meet the RM, so I'm sure it's a good thing that I got to. I'm currently a Quintiles employee, but there is no preference. I'm positive that it was left up to the Salix people.

Thank you for answering

True. Both DM's Salix. No Quintles. You would be a quintles employee. Base is 50- low 60. 650 for car and gas card. Start date is Jan . 9 th home study. Then territory warming. No selling. And then 2 weeks in Vegas one for training and the next is national sales training. ( That's a long time to be in Vegas) Some of the questions were what would you do if you saw someone get the test during training?How would you respond? What kind of manager would you be? How would you run your own business? And of course STAR. Situation, tactics, Action and Results. Territory was huge.

How did you respond to the what if saw someone get the test question?

my concern is how many non Quintiles people made it to the third interview? If none or few I would like to know if this trip is a waste? I know they said there is no preference but I have yet to interview w Quintiles and be chosen over a former Quintiles employee. If this time is no different I am done being the extra.

my concern is how many non Quintiles people made it to the third interview? If none or few I would like to know if this trip is a waste? I know they said there is no preference but I have yet to interview w Quintiles and be chosen over a former Quintiles employee. If this time is no different I am done being the extra.

It didn't seem like the Salix managers cared who was a Quintiles rep or not- maybe you were just not the best candidate in previous interviews? If you have history of never beating out a former Quintiles rep you might want to try another avenue, I'm guessing there's an issue somewhere...but who am I to say?

Form what people are saying, no one is being offered the job on the spot, Salix makes the recommendation, Quintiles makes the offer since they are who you would work for. Did they say when you might hear back?

I interviewed today. Way too many red flags... Not even 10 days ago the WSJ reports Salix is being shopped around. Now they have a contract (that the managers aren't at liberty to discuss) with quintiles to get a bunch of temp workers to give those brands a pulse in the pcp arena.

Looks like most of the people who got interviews were quintiles burnouts looking for a contract to replace the ones they've lost months ago. One would have to be very desperate to work for the $ they were offering. I wasn't nearly desperate enough to make that leap of faith.

I interviewed today. Way too many red flags... Not even 10 days ago the WSJ reports Salix is being shopped around. Now they have a contract (that the managers aren't at liberty to discuss) with quintiles to get a bunch of temp workers to give those brands a pulse in the pcp arena.

Looks like most of the people who got interviews were quintiles burnouts looking for a contract to replace the ones they've lost months ago. One would have to be very desperate to work for the $ they were offering. I wasn't nearly desperate enough to make that leap of faith.

So you didn't get a second interview right?
I think it's human nature to feel the way that you do.

The protocol that you mentioned is what is required during contract employment interviews- the can not even be called interviews they have to be called meetings. We will be hired by Quintiles- not Salix - so they can not discuss benefits etc. Those hired will also have a Quintiles manager that will discuss most things not product specific.
These are all well known facts for most contract jobs.

The WSJ article that you mentioned is old news and this contract was put in hold during those negotiations. Any contact job has risks- this one has a ton of potential upside and an incredible product to see. Good luck to all!

my concern is how many non Quintiles people made it to the third interview? If none or few I would like to know if this trip is a waste? I know they said there is no preference but I have yet to interview w Quintiles and be chosen over a former Quintiles employee. If this time is no different I am done being the extra.

yes going on the 21st & yes up against 1 ex Quintiles rep looking for next position per email with instructions! Not sure if worth the effort fighting Christmas travelers next week.

I interviewed in Dallas on Monday. I made it to the 3rd interview with the RM and they did not offer positions on the spot. They said they would contact by the end of the week. I have heard nothing at this point on Wednesday. The interview was very pleasant. Both DMs asked 3 typical situational/behavioral questions that they each chose from a preprinted chart of the same 6 questions- tell me a time you made a bad decision. Tell me a time you made a great decision. Tell me a time you worked within a group. Tell me a time you went above and beyond. All STAR format so have the resolution for each and a positive outcome. No company/product questions asked. We just talked shop about new indication giving huge advantage in PC arena. All of the DMs and RMs are new external hires. So, because they have just been hired within the last week they too are trying to get their feet under them and do not have answers to some specifics..but def not being shady as insinuated above. They didn't even have business cards yet! The interview w RM was all conversational and very laid back. Don't forget to ASK FOR THE JOB at the end of each interview. When I did they all 3 acted as if it were a relief that someone finally did. The start/training dates listed above are accurate. Also, i asked the DM to see a territory map and he was more than happy to provide it. All of the territories in that District were surprisingly small which I was happy to see. Also, I am not prior Quintiles employee. For the person stating that only a desperate person would take this position, i respectfully disagree. Im definitely not desperate:) I am looking for an opportunity where I have a great product and not a long-term prior rep to have to come in and spend months cleaning up after. Everyone starts off on the same playing field launching a proven product in a brand new facet. Sounds like a dream! There was a sharp group of people interviewing on my day with a nice mixture of age, ethnicities and gender. I have previously sold in the GI division along side these two drugs and they are very reputable and necessary. there is tons of potential with this expansion into PC arena. 75% of its potential usage will be PCPs. All of this, just my opinion but if it helps....

I interviewed in Dallas on Monday. I made it to the 3rd interview with the RM and they did not offer positions on the spot. They said they would contact by the end of the week. I have heard nothing at this point on Wednesday. The interview was very pleasant. Both DMs asked 3 typical situational/behavioral questions that they each chose from a preprinted chart of the same 6 questions- tell me a time you made a bad decision. Tell me a time you made a great decision. Tell me a time you worked within a group. Tell me a time you went above and beyond. All STAR format so have the resolution for each and a positive outcome. No company/product questions asked. We just talked shop about new indication giving huge advantage in PC arena. All of the DMs and RMs are new external hires. So, because they have just been hired within the last week they too are trying to get their feet under them and do not have answers to some specifics..but def not being shady as insinuated above. They didn't even have business cards yet! The interview w RM was all conversational and very laid back. Don't forget to ASK FOR THE JOB at the end of each interview. When I did they all 3 acted as if it were a relief that someone finally did. The start/training dates listed above are accurate. Also, i asked the DM to see a territory map and he was more than happy to provide it. All of the territories in that District were surprisingly small which I was happy to see. Also, I am not prior Quintiles employee. For the person stating that only a desperate person would take this position, i respectfully disagree. Im definitely not desperate:) I am looking for an opportunity where I have a great product and not a long-term prior rep to have to come in and spend months cleaning up after. Everyone starts off on the same playing field launching a proven product in a brand new facet. Sounds like a dream! There was a sharp group of people interviewing on my day with a nice mixture of age, ethnicities and gender. I have previously sold in the GI division along side these two drugs and they are very reputable and necessary. there is tons of potential with this expansion into PC arena. 75% of its potential usage will be PCPs. All of this, just my opinion but if it helps....

Did you know if you were going up against an x quintiles rep?

I interviewed in Dallas on Monday. I made it to the 3rd interview with the RM and they did not offer positions on the spot. They said they would contact by the end of the week. I have heard nothing at this point on Wednesday. The interview was very pleasant. Both DMs asked 3 typical situational/behavioral questions that they each chose from a preprinted chart of the same 6 questions- tell me a time you made a bad decision. Tell me a time you made a great decision. Tell me a time you worked within a group. Tell me a time you went above and beyond. All STAR format so have the resolution for each and a positive outcome. No company/product questions asked. We just talked shop about new indication giving huge advantage in PC arena. All of the DMs and RMs are new external hires. So, because they have just been hired within the last week they too are trying to get their feet under them and do not have answers to some specifics..but def not being shady as insinuated above. They didn't even have business cards yet! The interview w RM was all conversational and very laid back. Don't forget to ASK FOR THE JOB at the end of each interview. When I did they all 3 acted as if it were a relief that someone finally did. The start/training dates listed above are accurate. Also, i asked the DM to see a territory map and he was more than happy to provide it. All of the territories in that District were surprisingly small which I was happy to see. Also, I am not prior Quintiles employee. For the person stating that only a desperate person would take this position, i respectfully disagree. Im definitely not desperate:) I am looking for an opportunity where I have a great product and not a long-term prior rep to have to come in and spend months cleaning up after. Everyone starts off on the same playing field launching a proven product in a brand new facet. Sounds like a dream! There was a sharp group of people interviewing on my day with a nice mixture of age, ethnicities and gender. I have previously sold in the GI division along side these two drugs and they are very reputable and necessary. there is tons of potential with this expansion into PC arena. 75% of its potential usage will be PCPs. All of this, just my opinion but if it helps....

Thanks for this info! 2 quick questions......when you say "new indication", what do you mean? I thought we were just selling on the IBS-D indication. 2nd....when you say you sold in GI along side these 2 drugs....what 2 drugs? I thought it was just Xifaxan. Help?

It truly doesn't matter if you were a Quint Iles rep or not.....they give no preference, just looking for the 'right' fit. I interviewed today and made it to the RM. the recruiter is reaching out next to update you on if you receive the position or do not find out the day of the interview

It truly doesn't matter if you were a Quint Iles rep or not.....they give no preference, just looking for the 'right' fit. I interviewed today and made it to the RM. the recruiter is reaching out next to update you on if you receive the position or do not find out the day of the interview