Salesforce is Stable

Thanks for tracking this. That "salesfoce imploding" thread that was pulled has been proven to be a outright fraud. Just one in a 2 year series of frauds created by the same individual out to hurt us.

Hmmm. Spin this

Only 16 percent of employees would recommend the company to a friend. This isn’t only dismal, it’s the worst that has ever been seen while researching for this column

Very funny from a year ago, still rings true today...

Great idea, with Gold gone and a spin doctor on the board, we could really go somewhere!

Today, Dendreon responded to shareholder objections that it wasn't properly characterizing its future. In the past, Dendreon has been overexuberant, making up future earnings and pretending that it will be profitable someday, at times even claiming "next week".

Today, Dendreon announced that henceforth it will rename its quarterly shareholder communications "Losses Calls". Calling them "Earnings Calls" clearly set high false expectations causing the stock to plummet more than 30% after each one. By renaming them "Losses calls", the company hopes to set clearer expectations as they lose money until none is left.

Dendreon is a one drug wonder (or wonder why they won't) with headquarters in Seattle WA. To maximize the cost of a current restructuring, the headquarters is moving to Bridgewater NJ as slowly as they can so that nobody would catch on. The first "Losses Call" will be from Seattle, but it's expected that they will reach $100M/qtr in 2012 and the move to Bridgewater will commemorate this achievement. With the latest restructuring and the HQ move, the company has celebrated the milestone of $2B in retained losses. Net shareholder equity hovers above zero.

The stock was up pre-market with this announcement. Shareholders were enthusiastic about the idea of terminating "Earnings Calls" that were constantly undermining the stock price. An anonymous member of the sales force is quoted: "This is fantastic, I wish we could come up with something similar for our internal sales reports."

There are only 12 rep openings as of today, just the same as there has been for months. Most are for newly created territories. There have just a small handful of vacancies over the past several months. Nothing unusual for a company with a 100 company salesforce. There has been no "mass exodus" early in the year. That is exactly why that entire fraudulent thread was completely removed.

There are only 12 rep openings as of today, just the same as there has been for months. Most are for newly created territories. There have just a small handful of vacancies over the past several months. Nothing unusual for a company with a 100 company salesforce. There has been no "mass exodus" early in the year. That is exactly why that entire fraudulent thread was completely removed.

You are just wrong. Wrong.

There are only 12 rep openings as of today, just the same as there has been for months. Most are for newly created territories. There have just a small handful of vacancies over the past several months. Nothing unusual for a company with a 100 company salesforce. There has been no "mass exodus" early in the year. That is exactly why that entire fraudulent thread was completely removed.

Down to only 6 sales rep openings. The positions are being filled quick with top notch talent. I have met a few of the new hires and am thrilled they joined us.

Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Boise, ID) 2696
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Boston, MA) 2693
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Riverside, CA) 2695
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Salt Lake City, UT) 2687
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (San Diego, CA) 2681
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Santa Barbara, CA) 2694

Down to only 6 sales rep openings. The positions are being filled quick with top notch talent. I have met a few of the new hires and am thrilled they joined us.

Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Boise, ID) 2696
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Boston, MA) 2693
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Riverside, CA) 2695
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Salt Lake City, UT) 2687
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (San Diego, CA) 2681
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Santa Barbara, CA) 2694

Top notch talent is not exactly the correct description. They are thrilled, that is correct. Who are you that has met a few of the new hires? You don't write as though you are a rep so you are not, nor has the average rep "met a FEW of the new hires" unless they are in a division that has completely turned over.

Down to only 6 sales rep openings. The positions are being filled quick with top notch talent. I have met a few of the new hires and am thrilled they joined us.

Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Boise, ID) 2696
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Boston, MA) 2693
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Riverside, CA) 2695
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Salt Lake City, UT) 2687
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (San Diego, CA) 2681
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Santa Barbara, CA) 2694

I gave met a couple of the new rep hires as well. Strong addition to our sales team with excellent oncology/urology backgrounds.

 account spec in SanFran.

I live out of the area and would consider a relo. Do they provide any assistance w this?

Contact Human Resources at (206) 256-4545 and they will fill you in on relocation expenses. Also do not pay any attention to the negative commentary on this board. Almost all of it is from someone that has never worked at Dendreon. Honestly, Dendreon is a good company to work for and the vast majority of the reps and sales management are nice to work with and are very good at their jobs. Good luck account spec in SanFran.

I live out of the area and would consider a relo. Do they provide any assistance w this?

Actually, call that number that the guy provided but don't listen to any commentary here because he has paranoid conspiracy theories about some of the posters here while he engages in a multi year propaganda campaign. He is factually guilty of lies on the propaganda side (claiming there is NO investigation of Dendreon among others) while I'm sure there have also been lies on the negative side. This is a board for entertainment. Don't get career advice here. One guy has turned this into a propaganda blog and doesn't even work for the company. Guess what his motive is?

Contact Human Resources at (206) 256-4545 and they will fill you in on relocation expenses. Also do not pay any attention to the negative commentary on this board. Almost all of it is from someone that has never worked at Dendreon. Honestly, Dendreon is a good company to work for and the vast majority of the reps and sales management are nice to work with and are very good at their jobs. Good luck

Actually Dendreon, as of 2010-2011 was a horrible company to work for. I was in the quality unit and it was completely toxic. My manager JV was/is an alcoholic that I ended up reporting to HR. I was backed up by my co workers and director who investigated the problem and put my manager on a PIP. I left before the lay offs for Roche and never looked back. Dendreon is a horror to work for. Run, do not walk, from this dysfunctional mess that will only end in criminal and civil charges. It will be a miracle if this company doesn't implode before 2015. Seriously, its not worth it to work for DNDN.

The vast majority of people I talk to are happy at Dendreon and like the people they work with. Best advice would be to ask around yourself. The above two posts are a case in point. Every other post for the past 2 years brings up a completely irrelevant and completely misleading "investigation". This is a non-event for the company and involves a prior employee who long ago left the company. Regardless, the company faces no liability as it is fully insured. Also, ask yourself why someone supposedly from a "Quality Unit" in 2011 would be posting on this board for sales reps 2 years after he claims he left the company.

Even if all the talk of criminal activity investigations and civil liability lawsuits never materialize or are settled, it doesn't hide the fact that Provenge is quickly becoming an irrelevant treatment. Less and less new prescribers are jumping on board and those initial loyalists are also beginning to either reducing treatments or stop all together. This is fact.

To say that the sales force s stable is an utter lie. People are looking for jobs elsewhere at a frenetic pace. Let's be honest, John Johnson and Joe DePinto's non-regrettable employee inquisition has failed miserably. All that's left is themselves and their posse of inbred cronies. Time to start turning on themselves.

This, is fact.

A strong increase in Provenge sales will be reported for Q2 in a few weeks. Both John Johnson and Joe Di Pinto are tremendous leaders and I admire them both. Sales rep openings at Dendreon are at their lowest level in 2 years, just check career openings on our company website. I am very happy working at Dendreon and so are the vast majority of my co-workers.