Salesforce is Stable

Q1 to Q2 to Q3 2012 sales were $82M to $80M to $78M
or 882, 861, 840 patients were treated during those quarters.
We're only talking about a 21 patient decline each quarter and then sales were $81.6M in Q4.

Sales didn't decline, they were basically held flat (rofl).

And the sales force is finally stabilizing after a long period of being unstable.
You both crack me up.
Both of u lovebirds, plz keep up with your paid posting ventures

Hey and I even know how to spell "Salesforce". Fact is that the salesforce turnover has been modest and normal for at least the last 6 months. Most of the positions listed below have been on Dendreon's website for several months. The only new position listed for several weels prior to 3/28 is Ft. Myers. If Dendreon were to show average rep turnover of 2 per month or 24 per year, with 120 reps in total this would imply that the average rep would work for Dendreon for 5 years (120 reps/24 turnover per year). The factual data below indicates that turnover is below this rate. Dendreon always posts all rep openings quickly to its website so as to rapidly fill vacancies and abide to labor and anti-discrimination laws. I have been a rep at Dendreon for over 1.5 years and have worked in the industry for 17 years. Dendreon is one of the best places I have worked for. I encourage prospective reps to apply for jobs with our sales team as we are paid well and I think you will find it highly fulfilling helping cancer patients live meaningfully longer. Good luck.

Listing from 3/28/13:
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Champaign, IL) 2607
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Chicago, IL) 2658
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Denver North) 2643
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Des Moines, IA) 2540
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Detroit) 2590
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (East Atlanta, GA) 2645
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (FT Meyers, FL)2664
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Grand Rapids) 2652
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Irvine, CA) 2601
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Minneapolis) 2651
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Philadelphia - West) 2627
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (San Jose, CA) 2648

The following is the rep listing as of 4/16/13. Not a single rep opening since this thread began on 3/28/13. All rep openings are quickly listed by the company as a rep opening hurts sales. This can be confirmed by Dendreon Human Resources at (206) 256-4545. This is exactly why the other thread was created - to create a false sense of instability to scare away prospective reps. Lower sales and hedgefunds short the stock profit.

Listing from 4/16/13:

Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Champaign, IL) 2607
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Chicago, IL) 2658
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Denver North) 2643
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Detroit) 2590
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (East Atlanta, GA) 2645
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (FT Meyers, FL)2664
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Grand Rapids) 2652
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Irvine, CA) 2601
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Minneapolis) 2651
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Philadelphia - West) 2627
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (San Jose, CA) 2648

Q1 to Q2 to Q3 2012 sales were $82M to $80M to $78M
or 882, 861, 840 patients were treated during those quarters.
We're only talking about a 21 patient decline each quarter and then sales were $81.6M in Q4.

Sales didn't decline, they were basically held flat (rofl).

And the sales force is finally stabilizing after a long period of being unstable.
You both crack me up.
Both of u lovebirds, plz keep up with your paid posting ventures

Damn, you are right, they just went down, they didn't decline!

The following is the rep listing as of 4/16/13. Not a single rep opening since this thread began on 3/28/13. All rep openings are quickly listed by the company as a rep opening hurts sales. This can be confirmed by Dendreon Human Resources at (206) 256-4545. This is exactly why the other thread was created - to create a false sense of instability to scare away prospective reps. Lower sales and hedgefunds short the stock profit.

Listing from 4/16/13:

Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Champaign, IL) 2607
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Chicago, IL) 2658
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Denver North) 2643
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Detroit) 2590
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (East Atlanta, GA) 2645
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (FT Meyers, FL)2664
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Grand Rapids) 2652
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Irvine, CA) 2601
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Minneapolis) 2651
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Philadelphia - West) 2627
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (San Jose, CA) 2648

Is there a reason that these positions never get filled?

They filled Des Moines, Iowa in the past couple weeks. The company only hires reps with strong backgrounds and a good sales track record. Sales & marketing total headcount increased by 30 from 150 to 180 during 2012.

The following is the rep listing as of 4/16/13. Not a single rep opening since this thread began on 3/28/13. All rep openings are quickly listed by the company as a rep opening hurts sales. This can be confirmed by Dendreon Human Resources at (206) 256-4545. This is exactly why the other thread was created - to create a false sense of instability to scare away prospective reps. Lower sales and hedgefunds short the stock profit.

Listing from 4/16/13:

Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Champaign, IL) 2607
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Chicago, IL) 2658
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Denver North) 2643
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Detroit) 2590
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (East Atlanta, GA) 2645
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (FT Meyers, FL)2664
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Grand Rapids) 2652
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Irvine, CA) 2601
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Minneapolis) 2651
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Philadelphia - West) 2627 ]
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (San Jose, CA) 2648

Since March 28, 2013 one new split territory has opened up Phoenix - North and the Chicago opening has been filled.

4/30/13 Total Rep listings:

Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Champaign, IL) 2607
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Denver North) 2643
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Detroit) 2590
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (East Atlanta, GA) 2645
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (FT Meyers, FL)2664
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Grand Rapids) 2652
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Irvine, CA) 2601
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Minneapolis) 2651
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Philadelphia - West) 2627
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Phoenix - North) 2690
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (San Jose, CA) 2648

If only sales were as stable as the sales force...

You are the liar that stated for months on the pulled thread that the "salefoce imploding". That was proven to be an outright lie. Sales will grow nicely later this year with new sales & marketing strategies in place, TV advertising, and an improved salesforce.

You are the liar that stated for months on the pulled thread that the "salefoce imploding". That was proven to be an outright lie. Sales will grow nicely later this year with new sales & marketing strategies in place, TV advertising, and an improved salesforce.

I'm confused, is the sales force not stable? are sales not declining? what is your issue here?

Remember Whippie? "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today!".

This non sense that sales will grow later because of new sales and marketing is foolishness. If that were true, why are reps being let go for non performance? (The answer is because reps drive sales, not commercials.)

It seems to me that if sales were somehow going magically grow because of new marketing then we would just Keep reps because we are getting nice comments about the TV ads. Duuhh

Remember Whippie? "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today!".

This non sense that sales will grow later because of new sales and marketing is foolishness. If that were true, why are reps being let go for non performance? (The answer is because reps drive sales, not commercials.)

It seems to me that if sales were somehow going magically grow because of new marketing then we would just Keep reps because we are getting nice comments about the TV ads. Duuhh

Appreciate the old school cartoon character reference. No new marketing programs or tv ads are likely to turn around sales. That is true. But I say keep up the appearances and momentum of 'we're busting our balls to turn this around' until someone buys us out.

It's good to know just how good management is. They are really gettting in there with TV
and are going to increase sales.

This last year, they've wanted sales to decline to lower expectations for the big surprise. The short sellers are all lulled into place as well.

They've been so good at getting sales to decline of a new product with not competition that
it seems clear that they can make phase 2 happen.

They are geniuses.

Since March 28, 2013 one new split territory has opened up Phoenix - North and the Chicago opening has been filled.

4/30/13 Total Rep listings:

Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Champaign, IL) 2607
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Denver North) 2643
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Detroit) 2590
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (East Atlanta, GA) 2645
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (FT Meyers, FL)2664
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Grand Rapids) 2652
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Irvine, CA) 2601
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Minneapolis) 2651
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Philadelphia - West) 2627
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (Phoenix - North) 2690
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist (San Jose, CA) 2648

Thanks for tracking this. That "salesfoce imploding" thread that was pulled has been proven to be a outright fraud. Just one in a 2 year series of frauds created by the same individual out to hurt us.

Poster 33 to 34: okay... That's a different way of looking at things and it makes a lot of sense. To the post about shorts being lured in place... You give these clowns way too much credit. I I'm wrong, I will come back a kiss your ass on CF.