Sales culture

We could fire every RVP/AVP/VP
And still not clean house effectively. Most management are totally fucking useless here at Olympus. Especially in the Urology division!

Nils has to go!!!!

Nice Surveymonkey Ethan!!!
Wondering why Urology Videoscope sales are off by 58% YOY? Have you ever heard that you get what you fucking pay for? You guys don't pay the reps shit, so why should we sell your shit? Fuck You! That's how it going to go from now on. Fuck Olympus! Oh, and Fuck Nils, Fleming, and Sheatsley too.

Japan, when will you fire these losers?

These fucks have destroyed careers here at Olympus!
It's time to terminate:

Richard Reynolds
Nils Ericson
Michael Fleming
Frank Flamisch
Barrett Johnston

Plus any useless AVP & RVP's

Get rid of these motherfuckers!

This company is full of useless mules. The urology sales reps are the lifeblood of surgical and are treated very poorly by management. Urology should get a bump in comp in 149P.
We have been screwed over ever since Olympus took over Gyrus/ACMI. No rep should ever get paid 6% commission.
That is a fucking insult and should never have been allowed by Nils Fucking Ericson!

Hey Nils why are you penalizing your reps and not paying them because you are too fucking stupid to develop contracts for disposables like BSC & Cook are everyday? Why does Japan allow such a jackass to lead Urology? It speaks volumes. Probably the same reason Peter Crowley is leading Urology.