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Salary range and bonus for expansion?

I had 3 offers out and had to rescind on each one and just started the process all over. I have 1 individual hired and don’t expect to have my team hired due to the fact we had to start afresh with extremely stringent and specific experience, thus the enormous increase in Base for all those hired. Minimum base is now 170, with a ceiling of 185 based on exp. Start date is now estimated May 15, not yet 100% confirmed. Folks this is the straight up deal, take it or leave it. Desperately trying to help those in the process, but am not permitted to leak a word.

I had 3 offers out and had to rescind on each one and just started the process all over. I have 1 individual hired and don’t expect to have my team hired due to the fact we had to start afresh with extremely stringent and specific experience, thus the enormous increase in Base for all those hired. Minimum base is now 170, with a ceiling of 185 based on exp. Start date is now estimated May 15, not yet 100% confirmed. Folks this is the straight up deal, take it or leave it. Desperately trying to help those in the process, but am not permitted to leak a word.

Thank you for the info it is greatly appreciated. I am one of MANY that was Ghosted as well. I’m an RN, have phenomenal experience. Fuck you Lexicon.

I had 3 offers out and had to rescind on each one and just started the process all over. I have 1 individual hired and don’t expect to have my team hired due to the fact we had to start afresh with extremely stringent and specific experience, thus the enormous increase in Base for all those hired. Minimum base is now 170, with a ceiling of 185 based on exp. Start date is now estimated May 15, not yet 100% confirmed. Folks this is the straight up deal, take it or leave it. Desperately trying to help those in the process, but am not permitted to leak a word.

I had 3 offers out and had to rescind on each one and just started the process all over. I have 1 individual hired and don’t expect to have my team hired due to the fact we had to start afresh with extremely stringent and specific experience, thus the enormous increase in Base for all those hired. Minimum base is now 170, with a ceiling of 185 based on exp. Start date is now estimated May 15, not yet 100% confirmed. Folks this is the straight up deal, take it or leave it. Desperately trying to help those in the process, but am not permitted to leak a word.

I too have had very little progress staffing. The CV specific experience put a bump in the road. Been a CSL here only a short time but interviewing to exit. I dont see managment knowing how to prepare.

I too have had very little progress staffing. The CV specific experience put a bump in the road. Been a CSL here only a short time but interviewing to exit. I dont see managment knowing how to prepare.
Same, I’m out as well. I can’t work for an organization that completely goes against who I am as a person, and a manager. The way countless people have been treated horrifies me. I just hope somehow each individual that got treated horribly by this company will know there is not a single manager that agrees or is ok with it.

I never made it to Texas in the process.

But it only makes sense to rescind offers if Lexicon doesn't expect FDA approval this spring.

Why else would a CFO be deeply involved in hiring a salesforce unless he's trying to prevent a cash crunch?

Does he actually control the company or something?

This won't be the last hiring delay, I'd bet.

I never made it to Texas in the process.

But it only makes sense to rescind offers if Lexicon doesn't expect FDA approval this spring.

Why else would a CFO be deeply involved in hiring a salesforce unless he's trying to prevent a cash crunch?

Does he actually control the company or something?

This won't be the last hiring delay, I'd bet.

But if he's trying to prevent a cash crunch why are they raising salaries to 170???
This is makes no sense.