RVL Pharmaceuticals

Both. Every year there are firings/layoffs and people quit because it is a horrible culture. They change products and the company name- was Vertical then Osmotica and now Revitalid. Started with generic drugs and failed so bought an R&D plant in GA but failed with both Meth and arbaclofen at that too. Finally decided to revive Visine as a script and named the company Revitalid to avoid bad historical press. You can sell the product but executive management is so inept the company will be out of business in the next 2 years


Both. Every year there are firings/layoffs and people quit because it is a horrible culture. They change products and the company name- was Vertical then Osmotica and now Revitalid. Started with generic drugs and failed so bought an R&D plant in GA but failed with both Meth and arbaclofen at that too. Finally decided to revive Visine as a script and named the company Revitalid to avoid bad historical press. You can sell the product but executive management is so inept the company will be out of business in the next 2 years
Is there any chance I can fly around in a jet fighter and parade around like a jackass or am I stuck to selling visine with 80 year olds?

Both. Every year there are firings/layoffs and people quit because it is a horrible culture. They change products and the company name- was Vertical then Osmotica and now Revitalid. Started with generic drugs and failed so bought an R&D plant in GA but failed with both Meth and arbaclofen at that too. Finally decided to revive Visine as a script and named the company Revitalid to avoid bad historical press. You can sell the product but executive management is so inept the company will be out of business in the next 2 years

This is fact. They have changed names they have changed names and gotten rid of so many good people. Most of the the rest resigned because they knew what a hot mess this place was. Human resources here turns the cheek. The only thing they're good for is reading scripts and making calls to cut people. I've never seen anything like it in my entire career. Most of you will read these boards and say that it cannot all be true but it is! Look at the people that have left. There is a reason for at people!

And who are these “good” people you refer to? Bunch of self centered Assholes work here.
Completely incompetent people work here.. There is no one decent at this place anymore. Look at how many people in the salesforce and at HQ left/resigned. Why would you be stupid enough to stay in this place when they have wanted to sell this place forever and no one wants it!

Completely incompetent people work here.. There is no one decent at this place anymore. Look at how many people in the salesforce and at HQ left/resigned. Why would you be stupid enough to stay in this place when they have wanted to sell this place forever and no one wants it!

Most of the people that I have met at HQ are decent… nothing brilliant .... I did meet a pissyfaced lady with the chicken neck. What's up with her? Was rude to me!!!

There are only 5 people left at HQ
Are they all in their 70’s like the sales force?
Next NSM tag line “Fire and Metamucil” or “Strice to Achieve not breaking a hip” or my all time favorite “One Team, One Mission, One take home sack from Inservice for Dinner”

pack of assholes here. Love working with my grandparents.

Are they all in their 70’s like the sales force?
Next NSM tag line “Fire and Metamucil” or “Strice to Achieve not breaking a hip” or my all time favorite “One Team, One Mission, One take home sack from Inservice for Dinner”

pack of assholes here. Love working with my grandparents.
The leader of the pack Bobo Markison and his sidekick air brain JD Schaub are the biggest assholes around.
Not a business brain in either of their empty heads

Completely incompetent people work here.. There is no one decent at this place anymore. Look at how many people in the salesforce and at HQ left/resigned. Why would you be stupid enough to stay in this place when they have wanted to sell this place forever and no one wants it!
There’s a novel post. Thanks for chiming in mid-west female rep. Time to gloss your lips and pluck the gray pubes.

They could get rid of him today but its too late. BM is an inept CEO, allowed series of layoffs year after year but with the 2 of them at the helm things just went from bad to worse. The core business was supposed to provide the cash to launch new products, that crashed and burned, arbaclofen was supposed to clear the FDA and be a new product success and got a CRL= the kiss of death, finally absolutely no market research or DTC was done on RVL prior and they decide to do it after approval with only 30 salespeople- then when it fails they try to cover it up by doing a mass hire of Sun sales to get to the established eye docs but its the PATIENT not the doc that triggers the Revenue and there is still no spend on DTC because they don't have the cash to advertise. Why did KP and all the others leave? all of the above. People work in business to make money
Its hard to believe this place will still be in business in 2023!

Its hard to believe this place will still be in business in 2023!
It will. There’s no reason it can’t be successful. It depends on the elderly reps using their “magic” and tossing in some white diamonds perfume, hiking up their girdles and enticing doctors with their sun spotted cleavage hanging down to their waist. Thus the girdle.
It’ll all work out. The southern bumpkins and Midwest hillbillies will prevail in the end!

It will. There’s no reason it can’t be successful. It depends on the elderly reps using their “magic” and tossing in some white diamonds perfume, hiking up their girdles and enticing doctors with their sun spotted cleavage hanging down to their waist. Thus the girdle.
It’ll all work out. The southern bumpkins and Midwest hillbillies will prevail in the end!
Unfortunately this is simply not the case. Going under in '23