RVL Pharmaceuticals

Not a moron, cool to just throw that out there. Money is sick, good culture coming over (sun people) that I have worked with at a previous company.
So back to my questions..... do you have an answer for any of them?
You must be a moron if you think it's a "good culture." Ask how they're gonna spin their financials this week. Go with God my child

Interviewing, real question here to try to understand what is hard about this compared to other pharma gigs.
Don’t all pharmaceutical products require pull through? No managed care sounds like a dream. Why is this one so much different with the fall out being at the pharmacy level bc the patient doesn’t pick it up? What were all the existing reps selling before that didn’t require pull through? And was there a time that the RVL reps were making money just based on the script going to the pharmacy not being filled? And it’s an eye drop, so with the exception of an acute condition or glaucoma, there aren’t many eye drops that are saving your sight. So just waiting to hear from the existing team....... no sun people please.
Its purely a cosmetic drop. The more severe ptosis requires surgery and is covered by insurance. These drops are optional not necessary and the patients are not feeling a burning need for them vs OTC.
I guess some are willing to use Afrin as an eyedrop for a much cheaper price.

Interviewing, real question here to try to understand what is hard about this compared to other pharma gigs.
Don’t all pharmaceutical products require pull through? No managed care sounds like a dream. Why is this one so much different with the fall out being at the pharmacy level bc the patient doesn’t pick it up? What were all the existing reps selling before that didn’t require pull through? And was there a time that the RVL reps were making money just based on the script going to the pharmacy not being filled? And it’s an eye drop, so with the exception of an acute condition or glaucoma, there aren’t many eye drops that are saving your sight. So just waiting to hear from the existing team....... no sun people please.
The existing reps are brand new or moved over from selling generic. OSM really had no business in ophthalmology and they only launched in third quarter w 65 offices. It was a crap shoot because they had no market research on Customers price point or need.They just "believed" Upneeq would meet an unmet need,
They totally overestimated the need and now they are just trying to sell the company as soon as possible.
Its a OTC product with a script (Visine LR)for people who don't even know what ptosis is and there isn't anything driving the younger less severe cases to the Dr

Not a moron, cool to just throw that out there. Money is sick, good culture coming over (sun people) that I have worked with at a previous company.
So back to my questions..... do you have an answer for any of them?

I’ll make this as simple as possible. If you have a job, do NOT leave to take a job here. If you are out of work and looking for a paycheck, I would say go for it. Neither the culture or financials are healthy so I wouldn’t plan on this being more than a stop off. Just my advice. Good luck!

I’ll make this as simple as possible. If you have a job, do NOT leave to take a job here. If you are out of work and looking for a paycheck, I would say go for it. Neither the culture or financials are healthy so I wouldn’t plan on this being more than a stop off. Just my advice. Good luck!
Agree, if you can, find something with promise

Is anyone NOT hating on this company? how are they managing to recruit ANYONE?
They lie to desperate people who then come on board and discover what a shitshow this place is. Zero room for advancement, zero market research, bottom of the barrel leaders, and absolute lack of ethics. A cursory look at financials and the track record of upper management should weed out all but the most desperate

They lie to desperate people who then come on board and discover what a shitshow this place is. Zero room for advancement, zero market research, bottom of the barrel leaders, and absolute lack of ethics. A cursory look at financials and the track record of upper management should weed out all but the most desperate
No wonder they are taking all those with lawsuits

They lie to desperate people who then come on board and discover what a shitshow this place is. Zero room for advancement, zero market research, bottom of the barrel leaders, and absolute lack of ethics. A cursory look at financials and the track record of upper management should weed out all but the most desperate
This place is still in business????

Time is ticking. Heard 6 months until someone closes a deal and all the higher ups take off with what $$ they could hold on to. Patients are responsible for the revenue here, and it should never be that way. This is a buy and bill product. Period. Fill rates are all over the place, week to week. Not consistent at all , with exception of maybe 1 or 2 territories. That right there is a red flag. Fill rate is less than 50% average, and they want us at 100% fill rate every week! Again, up to the patients. Not much we can do after we do our job with script being sent in. The rest is in the patients hands. Should we tell the Dr.'s to tell patients, 'fill or else!'
no deals because the product sucks and no one is foolish enough to buy this shithole

Are people getting fired or leaving? What’s the culture like and how hard is it to sell the product?
Both. Every year there are firings/layoffs and people quit because it is a horrible culture. They change products and the company name- was Vertical then Osmotica and now Revitalid. Started with generic drugs and failed so bought an R&D plant in GA but failed with both Meth and arbaclofen at that too. Finally decided to revive Visine as a script and named the company Revitalid to avoid bad historical press. You can sell the product but executive management is so inept the company will be out of business in the next 2 years