Rut Row

Here's a thought. Perhaps if you were out selling instead of using your time to post on this board in the middle of the morning your could make some money and along with that help the company.
Nah, it's more fun to gripe.

Lets see here.....based on current quotas, I'm guessing 3/4 of sales force is doing nothing until the new year. At this point, it doesn't benefit anyone below 50% tier to go out and bust their ass off. Lets face it, where else can you work having roughly 10-12 weeks of PTA a year? I can assure you, nobody goes out in the field more than 2/3 days a week.

Heres the difference between you and everyone else, this is not a plan but plain reality. Ask around and you'll find those in your district only work 2/3 days. I'm thrilled your making some making some $$$ for the year. Enjoy what you have. Just take a look at the monthly ratings and you will see many past PC winners well below the 75% tier. Ask yourself why. Its not because of motivation but a FUCKED up comp plan. You really think these individuals hit the bricks 5 days a week????

P.S. - Im guessing your one of those individuals that adds either 1-2 cups sizes or inches into your everyday conversation with friends. Bank some of that money and invest in some implants. That way, you can now be like everyone else and not in your current fairyland

P.S. - Im guessing your one of those individuals that adds either 1-2 cups sizes or inches into your everyday conversation with friends. Bank some of that money and invest in some implants. That way, you can now be like everyone else and not in your current fairyland

not a bad plan in case things don't work out where you are those implants (go big!) can land you a job in the mednet hanky panky division

Luckily you can have an intelligent conversation and not resort to name calling.

Based on your response, Im guessing you tout the extra cup size. I'm also visualizing one of those who has to be heard during every cc and emails KN about the months accomplishments based on all the $$ your making. Don't forget to pack those knee pads for PC trip

Now that was some funny shit! If you actually talked to Barbie's man sober then you must be telling the truth! So it takes an extra cup size to join the Mednet party train? Count me in!

Let's look at this list. I don't even know some of these yahoos! But you listed Tony, Thelma and Bill? Wow. The company is better off without those three. Anna was a loss. But be real she didn't bend over backwards to help us in the field. I would suggest customer service uppers, barbie's hubby in sales and some senior execs go next.

lol, the fact that you don't even know some of "these yahoos" speaks volumes about why you are failing. Keep crawling up the right asses and you will be just fine. At least until the axe comes down, then you will be scrambling like the lowly cockroach you truly are!

If you don't know Tony then you are too much of a newbie to have any clue. Not knowing Thelma and Bill means you didn't dig in very deep to your job and most likely just do the bare minimum to get by. Thelma is a much bigger loss than Anna and Bill wasn't given enough resources to do his job the right way. I hear the entire IT dept is looking so be ready for some shit to hit the fan.

Maybe you know the people on the inside so well because you don't know you job very well and they have to bail you out all the time. You are the kind of jerk that makes the people on the inside think we are all stupid. Do us all favor and learn how to do your job.

Maybe you know the people on the inside so well because you don't know you job very well and they have to bail you out all the time. You are the kind of jerk that makes the people on the inside think we are all stupid. Do us all favor and learn how to do your job.

And if you don't do your job the correct way, I'm going to tell your mommy

And the list goes on - upper management who have left in the last 12 months:

Anna M
Tony S
Phil L
Paul G
Thelma C
Russ P
Fred B
Bill S

Why don't any of the customer service uppers join them? PLEASE!!!!!!

Is she really coming back? Been 2 years but heard a rumor she is coming back. I hope this is true.

Maybe you know the people on the inside so well because you don't know you job very well and they have to bail you out all the time. You are the kind of jerk that makes the people on the inside think we are all stupid. Do us all favor and learn how to do your job.

Doing this job the right way means understanding what customer requests can and can't be handled. Every time you ask some mid level person on the inside a question, you get a different answer, so I have found it best to go right to the top. Too bad all the top shelf people are leaving and their replacements haven't yet discovered the mess they have gotten themselves into.

Doing this job the right way means understanding what customer requests can and can't be handled. Every time you ask some mid level person on the inside a question, you get a different answer, so I have found it best to go right to the top. Too bad all the top shelf people are leaving and their replacements haven't yet discovered the mess they have gotten themselves into.

So what does that tell you about our customer service. They've had the same girl running that department and NOTHING has changed. Yet she continues to tout the same ole spew year after year. She's great when it comes time to present at the NSM but think about it, how many practices have complained over their attitudes? That department is like bad mold. Its becomes more deadly over time

She is like a cancer - not one RSD or AE respects her or her minions. She never returns emails or phone calls unless they give her the opportunity to make someone on the sales side of the equation look bad. She must think she's the Wizard of Oz hiding behind that curtain.

She is like a cancer - not one RSD or AE respects her or her minions. She never returns emails or phone calls unless they give her the opportunity to make someone on the sales side of the equation look bad. She must think she's the Wizard of Oz hiding behind that curtain.

The cancer has already taken firm hold, I fear we shall all die a slow agonizing death! You are spot on about the absence of any respect for this smooth taking devil... Proof positive that respect must be EARNED, not taken (or in this case gifted). Let's all hope for miracle cure from the Board, because it ain't coming from JC.

She is like a cancer - not one RSD or AE respects her or her minions. She never returns emails or phone calls unless they give her the opportunity to make someone on the sales side of the equation look bad. She must think she's the Wizard of Oz hiding behind that curtain.

That my friend is spot on but I think your giving her to much credit as the Wizard.