RPD 24

How many more leadership programs do I need to go through? I've been with AZ for 8 yrs. When I discuss my promotional aspirations with my manager all I get is so called leadership program which does nothing for me. They've been telling me I've gr8 potential but need one more role before I take up sr leadership role. Do they know as a diverse person how I feel when I see my colleagues moving into other roles with no 'one more role'! Do they even care? I'm losing faith in AZ's leadership & what they can do for us. It's sheer favoritism.

How many more leadership programs do I need to go through? I've been with AZ for 8 yrs. When I discuss my promotional aspirations with my manager all I get is so called leadership program which does nothing for me. They've been telling me I've gr8 potential but need one more role before I take up sr leadership role. Do they know as a diverse person how I feel when I see my colleagues moving into other roles with no 'one more role'! Do they even care? I'm losing faith in AZ's leadership & what they can do for us. It's sheer favoritism.
Do you know how it feels, as a non diverse person, to see your career upended because you’re not in a protected class? Suck it up buttercup and do what everyone else at AZ is doing to get promoted: become the favored pet of a DEI enabled hiring manager. Go to HR and use your protected status and threaten them. HR is full of DEI enablers who will be glad to champion you.

How many more leadership programs do I need to go through? I've been with AZ for 8 yrs. When I discuss my promotional aspirations with my manager all I get is so called leadership program which does nothing for me. They've been telling me I've gr8 potential but need one more role before I take up sr leadership role. Do they know as a diverse person how I feel when I see my colleagues moving into other roles with no 'one more role'! Do they even care? I'm losing faith in AZ's leadership & what they can do for us. It's sheer favoritism.
HR is doing nothing to bring fairness to the process. They pretend to support people, aspirations & potential. But in reality they do nothing. You've to be manager's pet to get another role. It doesn't depend on your potential, it depends on what manager think you're! Where's the fairness then?

How many more leadership programs do I need to go through? I've been with AZ for 8 yrs. When I discuss my promotional aspirations with my manager all I get is so called leadership program which does nothing for me. They've been telling me I've gr8 potential but need one more role before I take up sr leadership role. Do they know as a diverse person how I feel when I see my colleagues moving into other roles with no 'one more role'! Do they even care? I'm losing faith in AZ's leadership & what they can do for us. It's sheer favoritism.
That's true. I went to my leaders and hr to discuss. They showed sympathy and put me through a leadership program! It's been constantly happening. They'll promote only those who they like while all you get is another leadership program. My coworker went through the aimless AIM program and said it was a waste of time! Only big hype!

Do you know how it feels, as a non diverse person, to see your career upended because you’re not in a protected class? Suck it up buttercup and do what everyone else at AZ is doing to get promoted: become the favored pet of a DEI enabled hiring manager. Go to HR and use your protected status and threaten them. HR is full of DEI enablers who will be glad to champion you.
No one is “upending” your careers. Both of you losers are mediocre and are using race, as an excuse and a crutch, rather than admitting that you have no marketable talent.

How many more leadership programs do I need to go through? I've been with AZ for 8 yrs. When I discuss my promotional aspirations with my manager all I get is so called leadership program which does nothing for me. They've been telling me I've gr8 potential but need one more role before I take up sr leadership role. Do they know as a diverse person how I feel when I see my colleagues moving into other roles with no 'one more role'! Do they even care? I'm losing faith in AZ's leadership & what they can do for us. It's sheer favoritism.
Be thankful they haven't fired you. Given your track record, you must be at best a mediocre employee. Look for another career. 8 years may mar your CV.

How many more leadership programs do I need to go through? I've been with AZ for 8 yrs. When I discuss my promotional aspirations with my manager all I get is so called leadership program which does nothing for me. They've been telling me I've gr8 potential but need one more role before I take up sr leadership role. Do they know as a diverse person how I feel when I see my colleagues moving into other roles with no 'one more role'! Do they even care? I'm losing faith in AZ's leadership & what they can do for us. It's sheer favoritism.

That's true. I went to my leaders and hr to discuss. They showed sympathy and put me through a leadership program! It's been constantly happening. They'll promote only those who they like while all you get is another leadership program. My coworker went through the aimless AIM program and said it was a waste of time! Only big hype!
The shameless Aim program did nothing for me. It was a show put up by some inexperienced HR generalist who didn't know anything about what goes into making a successful marketing career. Plus who wants to move to Wilmington!! What a waste of time and money!

Wilmington HRVP bolsters toxic culture, creates false urgencies & brings drama to the table! She's all about office politics. Someone needs to ask her peers and team what she does