Royal Canin Questions

I'm really thinking of leaving this company. Management is a joke. 40% urinary incentive (or 56% if your WK) is laughable. Why make your entire sales force unhappy? Do the powers that be not know anything about motivating sales people? The bonus structure is terrible. I was flat out lied to during the interview process about it.

Anyone know if we get paid for our accrued vacation time if we don't take it or should I plan on using it all before I leave?

I'm really thinking of leaving this company. Management is a joke. 40% urinary incentive (or 56% if your WK) is laughable. Why make your entire sales force unhappy? Do the powers that be not know anything about motivating sales people? The bonus structure is terrible. I was flat out lied to during the interview process about it.

Anyone know if we get paid for our accrued vacation time if we don't take it or should I plan on using it all before I leave?

56%? Does the east coast have higher goals?

I'm really thinking of leaving this company. Management is a joke. 40% urinary incentive (or 56% if your WK) is laughable. Why make your entire sales force unhappy? Do the powers that be not know anything about motivating sales people? The bonus structure is terrible. I was flat out lied to during the interview process about it.

Anyone know if we get paid for our accrued vacation time if we don't take it or should I plan on using it all before I leave?

Yes, you get your unused accrued vacation when you leave, also, make sure to formally give a two week notice. They have to pay you for the two weeks, but you do not have to work, you are finished with this crazy place the moment you give notice! I have a friend from training who just left and this is what she told me. Good luck!

Well, it's no different than the VCN goal of 50%! How many made that goal? I think 3!
And, if many of you didn't know....3/4 of the way thru 2012, our total sales growth goal mysteriously dropped from 17% to 15%....did anyone else catch that during their heartfelt review?

I recently left the company and wanted to share what the process was like for those thinking of leaving.
1. You will be paid out on any vacation time that you have accrued but not used
2. If you give a two weeks notice you will be expected to work those two weeks. No immediate checkout.
3. If you finish a quarter and quite before the payout, you WILL still receive the payout.
4. You will get to do an exit interview survey(with the ability to type in your own thoughts), as well as talk with HR.

to #113
Just wondering why you decided to leave? I think many of us will be following you out the door. I have my resume out there so I hope to be gone by summer, at the latest.
I wonder if HR even listens to what is said in the exit interviews.
I know I can't last much longer in this atmosphere. I feel that I want to walk out and know that is not a good thing for my financial state as well as my resume.

to #113
Just wondering why you decided to leave? I think many of us will be following you out the door. I have my resume out there so I hope to be gone by summer, at the latest.
I wonder if HR even listens to what is said in the exit interviews.
I know I can't last much longer in this atmosphere. I feel that I want to walk out and know that is not a good thing for my financial state as well as my resume.

Just hang in there....I feel the same way. Find a way to seperate yourself emotionally from your job..that's how I am surviving. Think about how absurd and really FUNNY the whole thing really is! I mean come on folks....we sell pet food for heaven's sake! When your idiot manager rides with mental games...dumb it down, way down, pretend it is your first day ever in an outside sales job and ask for coaching on how to do the simplest things..all the while YOU are in control and not them!

Yeah it's pretty bad. I came here from human Rx and can't believe some of the douchebags and skanky reps here. Met a guy at sales meeting - mike Fagstock from Ohio and he thought he was the shit. He told me he went to school to be a PE teacher. Fucking douche! And he looks stupid!

And what about the sales director? He's marrying some chick who was his secretary??? WTF!
I came here to find something outside of pharma but this shit sucks!!!!!!!

Mike Fagstock. Haha there was an old rep here that used to call him Mike Douche-stock. Said he was a girl trapped in a man's body. Ha ha ha. I think the guy is pretty much useless. Should still be on the retail side because he has no telent. Said he should ride with the new not rep because he thinks he's hell on wheels. What a loser. Your new name douche-stock is Stanley. Because your such a tool.

PS how many time do you text your wife (boss) everyday? Loser

Mike Fagstock. Haha there was an old rep here that used to call him Mike Douche-stock. Said he was a girl trapped in a man's body. Ha ha ha. I think the guy is pretty much useless. Should still be on the retail side because he has no telent. Said he should ride with the new not rep because he thinks he's hell on wheels. What a loser. Your new name douche-stock is Stanley. Because your such a tool.

PS how many time do you text your wife (boss) everyday? Loser

I agree! They should pass out a pack of crackers wherever mike Woodstock shows up because he's so cheesy!!!

Just hang in there....I feel the same way. Find a way to seperate yourself emotionally from your job..that's how I am surviving. Think about how absurd and really FUNNY the whole thing really is! I mean come on folks....we sell pet food for heaven's sake! When your idiot manager rides with mental games...dumb it down, way down, pretend it is your first day ever in an outside sales job and ask for coaching on how to do the simplest things..all the while YOU are in control and not them!

I hope you get out soon. I think it's pathetic that anyone should have to sink so low as what is described above to "separate yourself" from your job to "survive". Playing mental games, dumbing yourself down, etc. High quality people feeling the need to do this to earn a paycheck is seriously sick and wrong. Especially the RC paycheck!!
This company has turned into a nutty cult. I don't miss one day of this job. I'm now surrounded by creative and independent professionals, and paid twice as much.
Like I said: I hope you get out soon.