Royal Canin Questions

This is the truth. Once you see the dumbed down approach to selling and look at the simplistic facets of the job, product and organization you will go nowhere but down. Go into another line of sales- like consumer products, capital equipment or distribution. Stay away from this organization good sales people!!!!

And it's interesting to see company dipshits act like royalty and act like they are better than one another. Take Mike Fagstock for instance. Could you see a dipshit like him selling software or pacemakers? Never. He'd be better at selling shoelaces or puppy chow.

I Im wondering how long the hiring process typically takes? I sent the regional manager my resume as requested and applied online about 4 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago I checked back with her to make sure she received it but no answer. The position has been open for about 6 months and they still havnt filled it. I am a vet tech with previous sales experience so im hoping to get an interview. I understand the comments from RC employees who were previously at a higher paying job but in my case this would be a huge improvement for me.

I Im wondering how long the hiring process typically takes? I sent the regional manager my resume as requested and applied online about 4 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago I checked back with her to make sure she received it but no answer. The position has been open for about 6 months and they still havnt filled it. I am a vet tech with previous sales experience so im hoping to get an interview. I understand the comments from RC employees who were previously at a higher paying job but in my case this would be a huge improvement for me.

That's how it usually works with vet techs. In my opinion they should hire more vet techs and teach them how to sell since you have a lower income and would love the salary increase and two you understand the industry. The job is so simple they don't need people with gobs of experience and the experienced people leave with a chip on their shoulder after getting negative reinforcement by grossly subpar professionals. Most of these experienced people leave when they understand the mismatch in expectations, salary and culture. For a vet tech it's a great stepping stone for you to get sales experience then quickly move on to a better profession. Good luck. I consider myself one of the experienced people looking to get out. Place isn't bad - just not a place to move up if you are used to something better.

Who told you that? Are you proud to admit who you work for and what you do for a living at a cocktail party? I'm mortified.

I hear you on that. I took this position over 2 years ago thinking I would get out pretty quick. When I tell people what I do, they assume I sell pharmaceuticals or diagnostics or capital equipment. I remember when I told one colleague I was selling dog and cat food there was this ten second uncomfortable silence. I could hear the static on the line between our call. I am extremely embarrassed about what I do and not a day goes by where I wish I was doing something better.

Lots of people interviewing to get out. Wonder how long it will take for all the tenured people to leave, the ones who helped get this company off the ground. They are being stepped on and made to feel worthless. Some company.

Lots of people interviewing to get out. Wonder how long it will take for all the tenured people to leave, the ones who helped get this company off the ground. They are being stepped on and made to feel worthless. Some company.

I had just had a creepy vision of Walt Kras singing hit the road jack and his backup lady singers were Lisa, Anne and Julie. Creepy!